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Weight Lifting

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Weight Lifting

Is a sport to test the strength and resistance. Weight lifting involves the
application of various equipment to improve the targeted muscle groups and the
type of equipment normally used are dumbbells, weighted bars, weight stacks and

Although, the weight lifting is totally different from body building and weight
training thus it form a vital component of any well rounded fitness routine.

Since it offer a continuum of benefits such as enhanced muscle tone, increased
muscle strength, prevention of muscle and joint injury and also minimize the
risk of osteoporosis with better flexibility as well as flamboyant balance and
decreased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Above all, weight lifting has been
established to be very effective in increasing endurance.

Weight lifting has a long history although, in olden times it was to test
manhood. Weight lifting gained the popularity in the 6th century, lifting heavy
stones, Later, this period came to be known as the "age of strength."   Weight
lifting competition was first seen as a sport and athletics in 1896; however,
it was not included in the 1900 games of olympics. Again, the art of weight
lifting was noticed in 1904, albeit it was still not accepted as a olympic
sport, until 1920, when it was finally given the olympic status.

In those early periods, the olympics introduced some very strange weight
lifting programs such as, one and two handed lift with no weight division
however, rules where changed in 1932 and five sub division has been established
and form three discipline, snatch, press and clean and jerk.

In snatch, the lifter lifted the weight above the head in one fast
uninterrupted movement however, in the second movement the weight is brought to
the shoulders, then the weight is jerked out above the head.

Later in 1972, the press division was abolished and only snatch and clean jerk
where accepted as sports to teh olympic discipline.

Weight Lifting Tips

Weight lifting tips is very necessary for getting the most benefit from your
workout. Moreover; it will also reduce the chances of sustaining a serious
debilitating injury. The primary weight lifting tip is to warm up before
starting your workout. Do warm up at least for five to ten minute before
getting started because it is very necessary for cardio vascular vessel to get
the blood flowing.

One more weight lifting tip, which is very much important before weight
lifting, is to stretch all your muscles. It is always better to start with
weight that you can handle at least ten to twelve repetitions, to build
strength. Then as you progress and add more weight, with six to eight
repetitions while always remembering to keep good form.

Before moving up to higher weights make your comfortable with the increase
because if you go over the top with heavy weights, it may tear and damage the

A spotter is advised when you progress to very heavy weights, it not only helps
minimize any possible injuries. A spotter can help you get those extra one or
two reps which can really help make a difference. Perhaps, if you're unable to
complete the full six to eight reps, lower the weight. Similarly, do not lift
more weight than your limit especially if you do not have any spotter because
it can end with any accident.

Remember never hold you breath when completing a rep, as it can lead to broken
blood vessels or worse. It is very important to breathe freely through out the
exercise. When doing a unilateral exercise, always start with your weakest side
first and after that complete only as many repetitions on your stronger side.
Never overwork your strong side, just because you can complete more reps.

You need to continue doing exactly the same reps on both sides, another thing
sometimes due to our skeletal structure we're not 100% symmetrical. So one side
looks bigger and more developed then the other side, don't worry, just keep
doing the same amount of reps on both the left and the right side. As you gain
size and muscle, it should even out and you won't notice any difference.

Work on all of your major muscles and muscle groups especially legs,
abdominals, chest, back, shoulders and arms. It is important to exercise
muscles in a balanced way. Don't just workout the top half of you body and not
your legs, it will look out of proportion!

Weight Routines

Is a set of exercises, how many repetitions you do as well as how many sets you
complete. There are certain weight routine to be followed such as three
repetition of flat bench press, two repetition of bench dumbbell and three
repetition of inclined bench press is a set of weight routine for chest
similarly there are other exercise programs for the body.

The routine is a term given how you manage the weight program, It is something
to managing a schedule of a weight lifting program. Routines are made to split
the workout in such a way, that you are not overtraining the same muscle groups.

Don't lift more weights than your limit especially if you don't have any
spotter because it can end your lifting career.

The technique mainly used for developing biceps is to hold and grip up close to
the inside of the dumbbell plates. There will be a space of several inches
between your pinky and the side plates. Chest exercises, including the bench
press, Incline bench press, Flat dumbbell flyes and inclined dumbbell flyes.

For developing the back muscle exercise like deadlift, lat pulldown, seated
cable row, bent over ball row and bent over one-arm dumbbells. Bicep can be
worked by doing standing barbell curls, preacher curl with dumbbell, seated or
standing dumbbell curls. And for triceps, there are tricep press down, dips and
French press.

Squats and clave raises exercises are for legs. The important part of our body,
for weight lifting is the shoulders, which you can develop by seated or standing
militarty press, lateral raises and by shrugs.

One thing that people are always confused about are the abs and how to get a
six pack. The answer is very simple, the only way to get your abs is to lower
your body fat. For men the mid drifted is a common place for fat to build up,
and unfortunately it's the last place to loose excess fat!

Doing push-ups is not going to burn the fat, it will only tone the stomach
muscles underneath. Lower your overall body fat and your abs will be visible.

Weight Lifting Programs

Weight lifting is a sport to test the strength and resistance apart this it is
a method to improve the resistance and size of the muscles. Weight lifting
involve the application of various equipment to improve the targeted muscle
groups and the type of equipment used are dumbbells, weighted bars, weight
stacks and kettle bells although, the weight lifting is totally different from
body building and weight training thus it form a vital component of any well
rounded fitness routine.

Weight lifting is not a easy task that once you it is done. Weight lifting
requires lots of patience and power along with proper rest and diet to become a
professional. To be a weight one should follow a weight lifting programs.

Start your weight lifting program with the exercise of chest, shoulder and
triceps such that all the exercise should be completed on the same day. It will
be good for the body if you can complete the scheduled task on the same day and
if not, the alternate method is to chest exercise on Monday and do the
remaining other two exercise on the next day. This is a common weight lifting
program practiced by lot of professional.

Many professional like to do their weight lifting on alternate day, which means
they workout on Monday and take rest on Tuesday and so on. This type of program
gives a proper rest, the weight lifter regains the strength to workout more
with complete energy.

There are many books available in market about weight lifting program so one
can refer to those books to help plan a program to suit your needs.

Nothing is too difficult for a person who is interested and dedicated, the only
thing to remember is to be patience because results don't happen over night.

Weight Lifting Straps

Weight lifting straps come in wide range of quality. Usually, they are made
with basic canvas type that is to loop around in wrist and the bar. Some of the
weight lifting straps have a Velcro closure that is wrapped around the wrist
with a hook which goes around the barbell.

The purpose of this weight lifting strap is to increase gripping strength. They
alternate method to increase the grip if someone does not have weight lifting
straps then gloves or chalk have a similar affect.

The main purpose of using weight lifting strap is to increase grip while doing
pulling and back exercises. It is essential to have the proper grip. There are
some experts that say these grip straps reduces the strength and the
development of forearm.

Before purchasing weight lifting straps, you must read the instructions on how
to tie the straps correctly. After that, it will be clear in your mind how to
avoid injury or misuse of the straps. If the straps are not fitted properly
then there is a chance of weights slipping from your hand.

It is advised to also follow the advice of the expert who uses straps. One
thing, which always should keep in mind, is never tie the strap to tightly as
it can stop the blood circulation of hands and wrists.

Number of website and books provide the information regarding weight lifting
straps, it is better to go through available services to get the maximum
knowledge regarding the usage of weight lifting straps.

Hence, these weight lifting straps has proven to very beneficial for weight
lifter in gaining grip while weight lifting.

Weight Lifting Shoes

Are very much important for the game as the clothes. There will be an
uneasiness if you are doing workout with out a comfortable weight lifting
shoes. It is necessary for weight lifting to find the right pair of shoes,
which is comfortable along with grip.

It is wrong practice to wear a big shoes because one can fall from his feet
while doing work out and similarly small shoes can hurt your feet and end with
a sore feet.

Weight lifting shoes need good traction with grip, although the grip is needed
while lifting weights. If the shoes are slippery then there are some chances of
accident. It is general thing that an athletes clothes varies according to the
game. This is very true for shoes, as the good synchronization between the
function of weight lifting shoes is necessary important in sport.

There are different shoes for different sports such spiked shoe, cricket shoes,
football shoes and many of these shoes are designed according to sport thus
there are some special weight lifting shoes purposely designed for the weight

The first designed weight lifting shoes was having two features, first it
raises the ankle mobility and secondly it supports the ankle joint.

The modern weight lifting shoes are designed in such a manner without any
leather soles and with a heavy grip. Thus it provides a lot of protection to
the ankle, joint. Rather than, going for a designer shoe one must particularly
follow the scientifically designed shoes for weight lifting.

A Weight Lifting Schedule is Vital

A weight lifting schedule is very much important for a weight lifter. To plan
his workout routine and to get the best results. The schedule should begin with
fat burning, strength gaining and finally building strong muscle through heavy
weight lifting.

For a weight lifting schedule, there must be concrete plan to achieve success
so far weight lifting is concern strong plan should be implemented to get the
desire result. The program should be split so that the body gets proper rest.
It will be a great idea to divide the week in three part and make three weight
lifting program according to your wish.

The weight lifting is a unique and different kind of sport because of the
dynamic movement by lifting the weight under a full squat and with the
lightening speed, moving the weight overhead with a fast movement of legs and
hips to generate a large amount of force upon a loaded barbell. Weight lifters
are not only strong but sometimes it boosts your energy as well.

It is better to start with a weight that you can easily handle at least ten to
twelve repetitions. And for the first set, it is better to do the routine wih
minimal weight, before starting the proper workout. If you were start with
heavy weights, it may tear the muscle easily and result in injury.

Weight lifting should be split in such a manner that if you are doing the
exercise for back and biceps on Monday, then you must do chest and triceps on
Wednesday and shoulders and legs on Friday. By splitting the workout, it gives
plenty of time for each group to recover.

There are many exercises for the body. The lifting technique helps to have a
spotter while lifting heavy weights as it helps to get extra one or two reps
which helps make difference in results.

Perhaps, it helps to put a weight back as if it is unable to complete a rep.
Similarly, don't lift more weight than your limit especially if you don't have
any spotter because it can end your lifting career. It will be wise decision to
stick with the same weight and trying to do at least eight to ten reps without
hurting yourself.

As though, it would give the better results. Hence, weight lifting schedule is
very important to achieve your goal.

Weight Lifting Routines

If you want to be a successful weight lifter then it is necessary to strictly
follow a weight lifting routine. A right weight lifting routine can help you to
build muscles. If you are interested in developing power and strength then these
weight lifting routines are a must. Building big arms is possible only through
weight lifting routines. Although these routines are challenging they are
extremely beneficial to your health.

You can also use the internet in case you want more information about weight
lifting routines. There are many websites that help you to find the best weight
lifting routines. If you are interested to start a weight lifting routine but
have no idea about how to begin then you can always refer these sites. There
are several books written on weight lifting routines as well, but online
research is the quickest way to finding information.

Many use weight bearing equipment that includes dumbbells, barbells and
machines that require pulleys and cables to lift the weight. Dips is a common
body weight bearing exercise that is performed by many. Dumbbells are often
called free weight exercises

There are a number of weight lifting routines for beginners as well as for the
advanced weight lifter. Generally experienced weight lifters adopt a
specialized weight lifting routine.

Here are some of the following weight lifting routines:

The Dumbbell Arm Weightlifting routine: This routine does not require lot of
space. You can conveniently do this routine in your house. There is absolutely
no need to join a gym.

This weight lifting routine does not require any kind of fancy equipment. Hence
is preferred by many. This routine is also not costly and has immense benefits.
Biceps exercises such as incline dumbbell curl or standing dumbbell curl are
extremely useful for building the muscles

Mass shoulder workout is another weight lifting routine that is used to gain
strong shoulders. If you want wide hulking shoulders that shows off your true
power then this routine is designed for people like you. Huge, sculpted,
massive, hard shoulders look impressive.

If you have just decided to start a weight lifting routine then initially you
perform dumbbells as well as some other weight bearing exercises. As time
progresses, you can include some more weight exercises that promote compound
movement. By adding free weight exercises in your routine, your body becomes
stronger and you can work harder.

Weight lifting routines are a nice way to strengthen your body. There are many
examples where people were skinny before starting a weight lifting routine but
have become strong and muscular after 3 months of weight lifting.

You can also take the help of gym instructor to choose a good weight lifting
routine to suit your needs.

Using A Weight Lifting Chart

The history of weight lifting in ancient period of prehistoric tribes has major
importance, in that period the testing of manhood was done by weight lifting.
But today for many it's a sport and for some it's just a way to keep in shape.

Using a weight lifting program chart, it helps with a weekly routine. Which can
begin with fat burning, strength gaining and finally building strong muscle
through heavy weight lifting. For every program, there must be concrete plan to
achieve success so a solid plan should be honestly implemented to get the
desired results.

The program should be split so that the body gets proper rest. It will be a
great idea to divide the week in three parts and make three weight lifting
programs according to which parts of the body you want to target.

Weight lifting program chart start with the exercise of chest, shoulder and
tricep should be completed on the same day. It will be good for the body if you
can complete the scheduled task on the same day.

This is a common weight lifting program practiced by lot of professionals. Many
like to do their exercise on alternate day means they do workout on Monday and
take rest on Tuesday and on the same routine they practice it for other
weekdays. This type of program gives a proper rest, your body regains the
strength to workout more with complete energy. This is another common weight
lifting program practiced.

Weight lifting benefits can achieved faster with a proper weight lifting
program; it will also reduce the chances of sustaining a serious accident
during workouts. Weight lifting is not easy doing it by youself, it requires
technique to get effective results. So if you have someone to workout with,
that will help to get the correct technique and form. Another thing which is
vital before weight lifting, is warm up before starting your workout.

Try between ten to twenty minutes before getting started with weights. One more
thing, which is very much important before weight lifting, is to stretch your
muscles, that's in the workout routine.

It is better to start with a weight that you can easily handle at least ten to
twelve repetitions, if you struggle the weight is too heavy and you probably
lose some form, which will not help and could cause damage.

Weight Lifting Gloves

If weight lifting is your hobby and you want to lift heavier weights then it's
essential to use weight lifting gloves. Necessary precautions should be taken
in weightlifting. Without weight lifting gloves, lifting heavier weights
becomes a difficult job. Professional weight lifters know the benefits of using

You will experience severe wrist ache if you perform weight lifting without
gloves. Other problems include calluses and sore hands. Thus without gloves
weightlifting can be a harmful to your hands.

Online shopping is a convenient way to buy weight lifting gloves. There are
various websites that provide a list of leading manufacturers of weight lifting
gloves. The product will be delivered in your door.

Another problem, you may suffer from tendonitis as a lot of pressure is put on
your hands, forearms and wrists when you are performing weight lifting. Gloves
reduces this pressure and relieves you from tendonitis.

Weight lifting gloves absorb pressure. Hence your hands do not feel as much
pressure when you lift heavier weights. They provide cushioning to your tendons
and nerves. If you have forearm problems due to weightlifting, then these gloves
are sure to help solve your problem. If you use gloves you won't face any
discomfort during lifting.

These gloves give a nice grip and you will feel more confident in lifting
weights. The padding provided by these gloves is superb. If you want an
enjoyable weightlifting experience then gloves are a must.

Weight lifting gloves are usually made of leather. But also today, new
materials such as neoprene are also used in making weight lifting gloves. So if
you are really serious in protecting your hands then buy some gloves today.

If you are frequently lifting weights, some experience wrist ache or sore hands
after lifting weights. This pain can be considerably reduced with the help of
weight lifting gloves. So if you are weight lifter and want to take care of
your hands then you should buy these gloves.

Exercising with Weight Lifting

The weight lifting exercise is very unique and different type of technique is
used because of the dynamic movement by lifting the weight under a full squat
and with the lightening speed, moving the weight overhead with a fast movement
of legs and hips to generate a large amount of force upon a loaded barbell.

Weight lifters are not only strong but possess with a strong shoulder and hip
flexibility. A proper gear gives a confidence. Sometime it boosts your energy
and gives a high level of assurance to face the vigorous challenge of weight

Weight lifting exercise is not only necessary for getting the most benefit from
your workout however; it will also reduce the chances of sustaining a serious
accident while doing exercise. Weight lifting exercise is not an easy task that
you can do by your own rather it require technique to lift weight to get
effective result.

The primary thing, which is necessary before weight lifting, is warm up before
starting your workout. Do warm up at least for 15 to 25 minutes before getting
started. One more thing, which is very much important before weight lifting, is
to stretch all your muscles, that will be used in the routine.

It is very important to follow the weight lifting plan in order to get the
desired goal. Moreover, to take full advantage always do some change in your
grip, start the curl with your palms facing in to your thighs, otherwise known
as a neutral or hammer grip. As you curl up, rotate your forearm so that your
palm is facing up at the top of the movement. You should feel a strong
tightening in your bicep.

The principle work behind this weight lifting technique is the resistance which
translates into more efficient work for the bicep and, ultimately, provides with
the best results in developing size.

Weight Lifting Equipment

There are different kinds of weight lifting equipment available in the market.
However, it is sometimes better to start with free weights such as, dumbbell
and barbell before lifting heavy weights. Weight lifting material are
classified in two different forms free weights and machines. Free weights are
the light weight lifting equipment, normally used to pump the muscle.

There are various kind of free weight equipment available for different part of
body such as, dumbbell, barbell, tricep bars, ez curl bar, Weight Plates,
benches, hyper extension bench, preacher bench ,the arm blaster, abdominal
bench, stability ball (swiss ball), dipping bars, chin up bar and racks.

Dumbell appears like a short size of barbell it is commonly used for pumping
bicep, Dumbell come in different size and weight normally dumbbell are fifteen
inches and weight of the dumbbell start from five lbs and goes on increasing
according the requirement. Another, commonly used equipment is barbell, it is
used to do different exercise for shoulder and other body parts.

The second category of weight lifting equipment is machines thus, with the help
machine weight lifter can do various lifting without a spotter which is not
possible with free weights, when you start to go above a certain weight.
Machines are commonly preferred because of the fact of being very safe to use.

There are all kinds of different and sophisticated machines, Leg Press Machine,
Hack Squat Machine, Leg Extension Machine, Leg Curl Machine, Calf Machines, Leg
Adduction / Abduction Machine, Lat Pull Down Machine, Cables and Pulleys and
Pec Deck Machine all these types are necessary for a professional weight lifter
to hit all the different muscle groups.

There are certain accessories for weight lifting, which can help such as
gloves, straps and elbow sleeves..

Online shopping has become so easy, that if you're thinking of buying any
weight lifting equipment for home use. It's quick and easy to do research and
find the right equipment for what you need.

The important thing that should be noted when buying online, is check reviews
from other customers. For not just the quality buy also service and refund

Weight Lifting Elbow Sleeves

Weight lifting is a sport to test the strength and resistance. Weight lifting
involves the application of various equipment to improve the targeted muscle
groups and the type of equipment used are dumbbells, weighted bars, weight
stacks and kettlebells although, the weight lifting is totally different from
body building and weight training thus it form a vital component of any well
rounded fitness routine.

Weight lifting elbow sleeves are used to protect the elbow from damage, they
are made with a stretchable material made with breath o prene to reduce the
skin irritation and to drive out moisture.

Elbow pain should not be neglected at all, and using a elbow sleeve will reduce
the pressure.

There are some common problem related to the elbow such as Bursitis, which is
an inflammation of fluid beneath the skin. Another one of the major problems
related is arthritis, it causes narrowing of the joint space and loss of
cartilage in the elbow. Weight lifters should get into the habit of using
wearing elbow sleeves. Especically when you get to the level of lifting really
heavy weights.

Weight lifting is a unique and different kind of sport because of the dynamic
movement by lifting the weight under a full squat and with the lightening
speed, moving the weight overhead with a fast movement of legs and hips to
generate a large amount of force upon a loaded barbell.

Weight lifters are not only building strengh but lifting can boost your
confidence and self-esteem when you see the hard work begins to pay off.

Weight Lifting Compititions

In ancient times, testing of ones manhood was done by weight lifting. They
would lift heavy stones such as Blue stones of old Dailly, Dinnie Stones and
Inver stone to show the power moreover it was the matter of prestige to the
tribal kingdom in ancient times.

Considering the available facts, weight lifting competitions first began in
Europe in the late 1880 and the champion of the competition was crowned in
1891. In those periods, there were no other sub division and the crown went to
the man able to lift the maximum weight.

Weight lifting competition was clubbed as a part of athletics in 1896; however,
weight lifting was excluded in the 1900 games. Again, the art of weight lifting
was notice in 1904, but the game was not included in Olympics however, in 1920,
weight lifting has been accepted as a sport.

In those periods, Olympics introduced some strange weight lifting programs such
as, one and two handed lift with no weight division however, rules where changed
in 1932 and five sub division has been established and form three discipline for
the competition viz. snatch, press and clean and jerk. In snatch, the weight
lifter lift the weight above the head in one fast-uninterrupted movement
however, in the second movement the weight is brought to the shoulders and
after that, the weight is jerked upwards above the head.

Although, in the second movement the weights are lifted in two stages makes it
easier and the lifted weights. Later in 1972, the press division was abolished
and only the snatch and clean jerk where accepted as a sport and added to the
Olympic discipline. As a revolution in 2000, it was introduced for women in
this power event in Sydney.

Above all, weight lifting has been established to be very effective in
increasing endurance. Weight lifting gained popularity in 6th century in this
period athletes lifted heavy stones, Later, this period came to be known as the
"age of strength." during this age, Milo of Crotona, a military hero a
progressive weight lifting exercise.

In Greece, weight lifting was a very popular sport during the reign in the
Olympic Games as well as the Chou dynasty (1122-249 BC), soldiers were required
to undergo a endurance and strength test in order to gain enrollment into the

Now the weight lifting competition is one of the major events in Olympics and
national sport all around the world.

Weight Lifting Belts

The weight lifting belts was first introduced in Olympic power lifting. Weight
lifting belts has two main uses in power lifting. The first purpose, it
diminish the lower back stress while lifting in an upright position and also
prevent back hypertension during lifting the weight above head. Belts also help
to diminish low back stress by compressing the content of the abdominal cavity.

Belts are used to reduce intra abdominal pressure as it gives pressure in front
of the bones of the lower back. Weight lifting belts also reduce the spinal
shrinkage occurs while lifting weights and also avert the twisting and bending
on the lower back.

It is always suggested to wear the belt tightly during lifting weights.
Usually, the belt is normally used in two situations, while doing lifts, such
as the deadlift or squat when back support is necessary for the lifter.

Weight lifting belts are very rigid and normally made from leather material,
however it is also made of nylon because of the durability.

It is always suggested to maintain the safeties during weight lifting thus
beginners are recommended to do all the exercises slowly according to the
instructions provided by the coach or instructor. Beginners in the field of
weight lifting should develop the strength first before doing any heavy workout
other wise it will lead to serious injury.

A sudden start to heavy weight lifting can lead to muscle soreness. Before the
workout you should warm up for 15 to 20 minutes, so that you bring your body
temperature your muscles. Do take the help of a spotter to avoid jerks in the
muscle while lifting weight which is considered to be safer while lifting.

Weight Lifting Bars

A weight lifting bar is equipment known as plate hangers, the major role of a
weight lifting bar is to support at right angles or parallel all weights to the
bar at a selected distance. The bar are also use for exercise under some
condition, such as when lifting underneath the bar to be on the floor.

A weight lifting bar is made up of an extended cylindrical bar that is
surrounded by a revolving sleeve with a shorter length than slid bar. The
accessory of bar made up of a sleeve that slides on top of the end, portions
depending on the plate hanger. A bar that supports weight while extending at
right angles is said to be a lifting bar and the lower portion is said as plate

Weights are mounted on each side of plate hanger, given weights that have holes
in the centre for easy sliding engagement and clamping is done to hold it tight.
The weights is slid directly into the end of weight lifting bar to make it into
a straight weight lifting bar.

A weight lifting bar as delivered in claim and each side comes with a sleeve
which slides on end-portion of weight lifting bar. The bar plate hanger
includes an additional hole to enable weight supporting to the bar and
selectively slid into hole to lower the clearance between weight and weight
lifting bar moreover, bar also support the welded plate hanger

There several important tips, which should be followed to safely lift a bar,
off the floor. Certain exercises require you to lift the bar from the floor
just to the front of thigh and some other exercise require to lift the bar up
to the shoulder in two bar movements. Such exercises should be done in the
presence of a trainer.

Always hold the bar using an over hand grip and position the hands outside the
leg then shuffle you feet towards the bar so that your shins are almost
touching it after that closed the weight been lifted to the body without using
effective force.

Although this type of exercise is dangerous and risky, a single wrong step can
cause dangerous accident while lifting the bars. There are many multifunctional
bars available in market, which can be used for different exercise.

Hence weight lifting bar play an important role in the field of weight lifting.

Weight Lifting For Women

Weight lifting is a common way to develop strength and size of skeletal muscle.
For women it's very common now a days although, women are looking forward in
developing stronger muscles. The best part of weight lifting for women is to
develop a stronger heart and stronger immune system. It also helps to control
weight and offers protection against osteoporosis, a major disease which often
occurs after menopause.

The importance of weight lifting for women should not be underestimated. If
done properly they can be a successful athlete or an bodybuilder, apart from
this weight lifting for women is now recognized to be an essential part of any
fitness regimen and now weight lifting has gained incredible popularity over
the last decade or so, and socially it's perfectly acceptable for women to take
up weight lifting as a sport.

The biomechanical system of women and men are different though women has to
work hard to get the similar results as men. The reason behind are
physiological and hormonal. Men are typically stronger than women thus generate
more force and men also produce ten times more testosteron than women.
Testosterone helps in increasing muscle size. Thus, the concept is very clear
that woman who has more testosterone may have a greater of strength and power
development than other women.

For developing the body, women must lift weight around forty five minutes twice
in a week. It is always better to take the advice of doctor before hitting the
gym and similary consult with a fitness expert before starting your exercise

It is better to start with strength development and the important thing is to
learn the proper technique of weight lifting because without proper technique
one can hurt themselves and cause serious damage. Once you got the technique
then you can start with heavy weights.

It is very important to note you should not feel pain while doing exercise
however you have to stress the muscle to build size. There are numerous
different way to get your muscles stronger. Equipment that plays major roles
are dumb bells, calisthenic, free weight, weight machine and stretch bands.

Weight lifting has been proven to benefit everyone, before, women relied on low
calorie diet and cardiovascular activity to enhance physical appearance.

Sadly low calorie diet regimes can be very impractical and plummet the
metabolic activity and, without strengthing the body. But weight lifting has
changed the whole concept. Now everyone knows that weight is absouletly
essential if anyone is to make visual changes to your body although, benefits
of weight lifting is far beyond the visual effects.

Kids And Weight Lifting

Weight lifting is a sport to test the strength and resistance apart this it is
a method to improve the resistance and size of the muscles. Weight lifting is a
sport gives endurance and strength. Now a days weight lifting has become common
every, the boys and girls are looking forward to become the future weight
lifting champion and some of them are just doing it for getting a tone body and
to make them more attractive.

It is really good to develop body and to make more attractive. However, there
are some thing which should be noted while toddler hitting the gym. Weight
lifting for kids is also a good option for exersice.

Kids can also do weight lifting, there is no such rule that weight lifting is
only for adults, It is suggested kids should lift heavy weight because some
time it affect their growth, it is been usually found that kids lifting heavy
are shorter in height.

There are many kids practicing weight lifting and have no physical deformity.
The rumor of short sometime made scare parents before letting their kid go
weight lifting and now science has proved that there is no bad effect of weight

Everyone knows kids are very enthusiastic in every they do, whatever it may be.
Nevertheless, the main problem with them is they loose patience so there may be
someone to keep it fun.

It's essential for kids to maintain the decorum while they hit the gym because
a small mistake can lead to a accident. Even with all these complications
weight lifting for kids can be an ideal sport for not only exercise but also to
build confidence.

Weight lifting for kids should be started with first getting the technique
right, then strength developing. Because once they have good technique, they
won't have trouble in the future with injuries once they start lifting heavy

So if later on, they want to take it further as a professional weight lifter
then at that time they will never face problems. All the exercise and weight
lifting should be done with a trainer because sometimes kids become too
careless which normally leads to an accident and it may result in permanent

Weight lifting is a good sporting option for many youngsters. However, this is
not an easy sport and it demands lot of dedication.

The History of Weight Lifting

The history of weight lifting depicts that in ancient period of prehistoric
tribes has major importance, in that period the testing of manhood was done by
weight lifting. They have lifted heavy stones such as Blue stones of old
Dailly, Dinnie Stones and Inver stone to show the power moreover it was the
matter of prestige to the tribal kingdom in ancient age however, it is not
possible to find the exact date of the first weight lifting championship.

Perhaps, the testing of human strength is very old may be older than
civilization of human being. Lifting heavy object images are shown in ancient
Egyptian records, which are in scripted, in Chinese text and Greek carvings.

Weight lifting is a sport in which participant attempt to lift heavy weights
mounted weights on steel and barbell. Precisely, the execution of which is a
combination of flexibility, power, concentration, will power, skills,
discipline, athleticism, fitness, technique, physical and mental strength. As
per the history of weight lifting, weight lifting is informally called as
weight training, weight lifting trains the athlete for functional strength,
utilizing the body's major muscle groups.

Although, Weight lifting plays an important role in the success of many
athletes, however, when not done according to the proper method, it can cause
many problems concerning with health. Technique is the most important part in
lifting the weight, and without proper method, weight lifters will get hurt
before they have the opportunity to receive the benefits from weight lifting.

Considering the available facts, the history of weight lifting first began in
Europe in the late 1880 and the champion of the competition was crowned in
1891. On those periods, there were no other sub division and the crown went to
the man able to lift the maximum weight. Weight lifting competition was clubbed
as a part of athletics in 1896; however, weight lifting was excluded in the 1900
games. Again, the art of weight lifting was notice in 1904, but the game was not
included in Olympics however, in 1920, weight lifting has been accepted as a
game and provided with its own right.

In those periods, Olympic introduce some strange weight lifting programs such
as, one and two handed lift with no weight division however, rules where
changed in 1932 and five sub division has been established and form three
discipline for the competition viz. snatch, press and clean and jerk.

In snatch, the weight lifter lift the weight above the head in one
fast-uninterrupted movement however, in the second movement the weight is
brought to the shoulders and after that weight is jerked out above the head.
Although, in the second movement the weights are lifted in two stages makes it
easier and the lifted weights.Later in 1972, press division was abolished and
only snatch and clean jerk where accepted as the sports to Olympic discipline.

As a revolution in 2000, women also put their feet in this powerful event in
Sydney. Hence, the history of weight lifting show the journey of the powerful
game attain a high level of place in the world Olympic.

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