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"I'll Meet You Halfway"

(As recorded by the Partridge Family)

Will there come a day, when you and I can say
We can fin'lly see each other?
Well there come a time, when we can find the time
To reach out for one another?

We've been trav'lin in circles such a long, long time
Try'n to say hello, oh
And we can just let it ride, but you're someone that I'd
Like to get to know.

I'll meet you halfway, that's better than no way
There must be some way to get it together
And if there's some way, I know that some day
We just might work it out forever.

Will there come a day, when you and I can say
We can fin'lly see each other?
Well there come a time, when we can find the time
To reach out for one another?

We've been trav'lin in circles such a long, long time
Try'n to say hello, oh
And we can just let it ride, but you're someone that I'd
Like to get to know.

I'll meet you halfway, that's better than no way
There must be some way to get it together
And if there's some way, I know that some day
We just might work it out forever.

I'll meet you halfway, that's better than no way.
I'll meet you halfway, that's better than no way.
I'll meet you halfway, that's better than no way.

(c) Copyright 1971 by Screen Gems - Columbia Music, Inc.
711 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022. International Copyright
Secured. All Rights Reserved.

- "The Partridge Family Deluxe" songbook, Screen Gems - Columbia Publications.


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