![]() ![]() Dedicated Servers ![]() Dedicated Servers What are dedicated servers? A dedicated server is not someone who is attentive to you in a restaurant. When you hear the term "dedicated servers" online it usually refers to the type of web hosting provider for a website. If you have started an internet website, you are probably aware that you need a host. There are several different types of web hosting available. You can get hosting through a free server. This is usually used by people who want to have a personal web page for friends and family. A free server will most likely put their own ads on your web page so that they can generate income. There are also shared servers. A shared server is the logical choice of most businesses starting out on the website. Because internet hosting can cost hundreds of dollars per month, most small businesses choose a shared server so they do not have to invest so much money at the onset of their business. A shared server can be a good option for a small internet business or a personal website. There is no reason for a personal website owner to have a dedicated server. A small business or personal website can keep costs down if they share the cost of hosting with other businesses. However, if your business suddenly begins to take off, or you find that you want a lot more space for forums and shopping carts that your current shared server cannot give you, it may be time to look into getting a dedicated server. Dedicated servers host only your website. This means that all of the space and bandwidth on the server is yours and yours alone. You do not have to share hosting with other businesses. You can generally make your website as large as you want and include databases such as shopping carts as well as forums, that normally take up quite a bit of space. This also means that you have total control over the safety of your server and your website. You can add additional features that can make your site even more secure, to the benefit of both your customers as well as yourself. Dedicated servers usually cost a lot more each month to maintain, but there are different sizes as well as services available for this type of web hosting. When perusing the different options when it comes to dedicated servers online, you can generally find everything from larger servers to budget dedicated servers. Nothing can be worse for an internet business than the following: - Customers not being able to access the website because there is not enough bandwidth, leading the customer to believe the website no longer exists. - Customers not trusting the security of the website because last month their credit card information was lifted because the website was not secure. - A severe limit on the website with regard to space that eventually costs you customers. All of the above scenarios can be avoided by using dedicated servers instead of shared servers. Dedicated servers add space, bandwidth and security for internet business websites. How To Find A Dedicated Server So your business has grown leaps and bounds and you have outgrown your shared server. It is time that you had your own dedicated server that will take care of only your website. You need this because of the substantial traffic on your internet website. So how to find a dedicated server? What should you do? Where should you got? And what is more important, who can you trust? There are hundreds of different ads all over the internet. The trust question can be cleared up by visiting the different websites of the businesses that are offering dedicated servers and asking them questions. By doing basic research and checking out the websites, you can usually find a many different reliable and honest dedicated servers online. Before committing to a dedicated server that will host your website, make sure you check out all your different options. There are hundreds of advertisements on the internet for dedicated servers. Some of them seem very inexpensive and others seem way out of your price range. How do you know which ones are honest and will do the best job for your internet business? By the time you reach the point of seeking a dedicated server, you are probably making substantial income on your website. It is important this is continued, without interruption. It is also important that you do not go through a new dedicated server every month. Do your homework and find the best server for you. One of the things you will have to decide is how much more space and bandwidth you want. The price of your dedicated server will depend upon the services that you will be getting. If you are planning on a lot more bandwidth and space, it will naturally cost more. Service also comes into the picture. How much handholding are you going to need to get your server going and your website uploaded to the new server. Those who are more tech savvy may be able to get away with a package for a dedicated server that costs less but offers less personal service. You also need to know if your current program is going to be able to be uploaded into the server. You will want to make sure the server is compatible, not only with your computer, but with the language in which your website is written. When you have decided exactly what type of space, bandwidth and service you are seeking, you can shop around online for different dedicated servers that will be ideal for your needs as well as your internet website business. There are many different directories and ads online for dedicated servers. Before you begin looking, make a list of what you are going to need and then begin shopping. Consider it as if you are shopping for a car. When you shop for a car, you generally know what you are looking for* This should be the same case as when seeking a dedicated server. Know what you want and get to know the prices and you will be able to find the ideal dedicated server online that will offer you everything that you need for your online website business. Dedicated Server Web Host What is a dedicated server? A dedicated server is a web host that only serves your website. Unlike a shared server, a dedicated server is entirely your own. Although the equipment for the server is usually leased from the provider, the dedicated server is entirely yours. It serves only your website. This means that all of the space and bandwidth afforded by the dedicated server belong to you. You are hosting your own website. You can use all of the space and bandwidth on your dedicated server for your one website, or create affiliate websites that can generate ads and revenue to your product or service website. There are two ways to make money on the internet. You can either sell products or service to individuals or businesses, or you can make money off of ads and affiliates. You can also combine these to do both. Suppose, for example, you have a website that sells curtains. You have a fine site where customers can shop for many different styles of curtains. When they have chosen what they want, they can put it in the shopping cart and check out. This may work well for you. Perhaps you would like to make more money with your curtains. Maybe you would like to have more customers and sell more curtains. But you are using as much space as you can on your shared server and it cannot handle a lot more traffic. You choose to spend extra money to get a dedicated server. Now that you have a dedicated server, you have a lot more space. Although you may be content with your curtains website the way it is, you do have unused space on your dedicated server. How can you get that to work for you? One way to do this is to create little websites that have the sole purpose of generating revenue and directing people to your website. You can do the history of curtains for one, and write about home improvements in window treatments for another and so on. Get some cheap content loaded with keywords that will drive traffic to your site. You can advertise on your own sites for free and also use links that customers can click on that will bring them to your curtain site. In addition, you can have as many ads as you want on your little sites. You can even sell affiliate products. If your business is curtains, affiliate products can be other home improvement products or soft domestic goods, such as pillows or bedspreads. With your own web host, there is no limit to how much money you can make on the internet. While you may have started out just wanting to sell curtains, you can generate revenue in many other different ways. This can end up paying for your web hosting while driving more traffic to your business. Think outside the box, if you have an internet business website, and think of ways that you can generate more revenue by incorporating ads and affiliate products into your websites by using a dedicated server as a web site host. Checking out Dedicated Servers? If you have been checking out dedicated servers online, you have probably noticed that there are many different choices. You can choose from budget dedicated servers or dedicated servers that have more bandwidth. The type of dedicated server that you choose depends upon the following: 1. How much traffic do you get on your website? If you get a lot of traffic, or plan to get a lot of traffic on your website, you will want to make sure that you get the most bandwidth. Bandwidth is what enables the server to funnel the visitors to your website. 2. How much space do you need? If you plan on having databases on your website, such as forums where people can all discuss different ideas, or a shopping cart where customers can choose products from your website and deposit them into their carts, and return at a later date to order the items. These databases take up a lot of space. 3. How about security? If you gather information from customers such as their credit card numbers, name or address, you will want to protect that information by making sure that your server is secure. If you have a business website that is only for employees, you want to make certain that only employees can access the site, otherwise some of your confidential information can leak to the public. The above illustrates the reasons why most business website owners choose to get a dedicated server. Unlike shared servers, a dedicated server only hosts your website and no other. This tends to be a bit more expensive than sharing a server with other websites, but can be quite beneficial in the end. If you have a lot of traffic on your website or expect to gather more traffic, you will want to make sure that you have accurate bandwidth. This is what allows the traffic to flow to your website. If you are sharing a server with other websites, they are naturally taking some of the bandwidth. This can interfere with your website traffic. If you want to have a shopping cart on your website, or a forum, it takes quite a bit of space. You can add to your space with a shared server, but in some cases, you cannot get all the space you need to run your website properly. In addition, all that space is bound to stir up more traffic, or so you hope. You are better off having a dedicated server. Security is always an issue when it comes to business. By using a dedicated server, you can have complete control over the security of the server as well as your website. This can be invaluable when you are dealing with customers, clients or confidential information. If you have a large business, a growing business or a business that depends on utmost security, such as a law firm, you will want to have a dedicated server instead of sharing a server with other businesses. With a dedicated server, you can have more space, more bandwidth and better security than you can with a shared server. Budget Dedicated Servers There are thousands of dedicated servers available on the market today. If you are considering a dedicated server for your internet business website, you are probably overwhelmed at the selection as well as the difference in price. You will find that some dedicated servers seem to cost a lot more money than others. You may be tempted to opt for one of the budget dedicated servers. Budget dedicated servers are all over the internet and offer low, if any, start up costs as well as low monthly fees. Some budget dedicated servers cost a fraction of what larger dedicated servers cost in fees each month. It is a normal rule of thumb that you get what you pay for. Chances are, if you are paying a lot less for a dedicated server, you are getting less space as well as bandwidth. You may also be sacrificing customer service. This can be okay, if your business is big enough to require a dedicated server, but not that big. When choosing among budget dedicated servers, you need to make sure about the space allowed for your websites, the bandwidth as well as the type of customer service offered by the provider. You do not want to sign with a company, no matter how inexpensive, that will not give you decent customer service. Imagine your server going down at a peak time and not being able to get in touch with your provider. This can cause a huge loss in revenue. Not all budget dedicated servers offer poor customer service, space and bandwidth. There are some bargains out there if you look hard enough. Many of the budget dedicated servers that are started by those just beginning a web hosting business can be quite a bargain. The service provider may be offering attractive rates in order to procure customers. Make sure you understand what type of bandwidth you are seeking as well as space. Then check out the different online directories that offer budget dedicated servers. Phone several of them and speak to someone about what type of service they provide. Explain to them what you are looking for and the type of service that you need. You can tell a lot about a company from calling them over the phone. While it is a good idea to get the best selection of budget dedicated servers from the various online directories, you need to actually speak with people on the phone to really get a feel for their customer service skills. Once you find a provider that is helpful, knowledgeable an offers the services that you need at the right price, you can sign up. Many businesses are moving to budget dedicated servers as a smart alternative to a shared server that hosts many different websites. By having your own server, you allow your website much more space, easier traffic flow and an opportunity for growth. Some budget dedicated servers cost a little bit more than some popular shared servers. This can be well worth the extra money if you want to expand your website and increase your traffic flow. Budget Dedicated Server Perhaps your business has grown to a point where you no longer want to use a shared server. It may be time for you to seek out a dedicated server, but you do not want to end up costing you a lot of money. You can find a budget dedicated server by perusing some of the dedicated server directories online. Finding a web site host on the internet can be a bit overwhelming. When you first began your internet business, you most likely used a shared server to host your business website. Shared servers have their advantages. They are generally inexpensive and many even offer templates to build your own website. When you first got started on your internet business, you probably chose the most inexpensive and easy to use shared server that you could find to host your website. You may even have allowed them to place ads on your website. Not all shared websites have mandatory ads. Some of them even allow you to place your own ads. If you have incorporated ads into your website, such as with Adsense, you may even have earned extra revenue from your website, in addition to selling your products. One of the drawbacks of a shared server, however, is that you are limited when it comes to both space and bandwidth. The server can only handle a certain amount of traffic at one time. If you are sharing the server with a bunch of other businesses getting substantial traffic to their websites, your customers may be having a difficult time getting to your website. You could actually be losing sales without even knowing it, simply because you are using the wrong server. A dedicated server can cost quite a bit more money per month, but it is your server. You have control over it and you no longer have to worry about sharing it with other websites. Your customers will be able to access your site with ease. Years ago, people used to have party lines on telephones. Four families would often share a phone line. Only one family could be on the phone at a time and each family would have a certain distinctive ring when the phone was for them. There was very little privacy as anyone could listen into a call and it was frustrating if you wanted to make a call and someone else was on the party line. Shared servers are similar to those party lines of long ago. The same way we do not want to share our telephone line with others, if we have a large business and substantial traffic, we do not want our customers being turned away because someone else is on the "party line." A dedicated server does not have to cost a fortune. You can find a budget dedicated server in a variety of places on the internet. You can find a budget dedicated server that will offer no start up costs for as low as $100 per month. The difference in web hosting cost may be a bit more money, but may save you money in the long run by allowing increased traffic to your website. Best Dedicated Servers If you have been looking for web hosting on the internet, you have probably observed the abundance of ads for dedicated servers. If you are a novice when it comes to computers and website hosting, you may not understand what a dedicated server is. A dedicated server hosts only your website. You are, in essence, hosting your own website. You have total control of the bandwidth, space and security of the server. In most cases, the provider will give you the equipment that you need as long as long as you continue to use their service. You can usually get a better deal with a dedicated server if you pay annually for the service instead of monthly. Most service providers ask for a monthly fee. Monthly fees for a dedicated server usually run a couple of hundred dollars. If you pay annually, you may be able to save a bit of money. There is a risk of paying annually, however. If the provider goes out of business and the equipment becomes obsolete, you may be out of luck. If you become unhappy with your service provider and their customer service, or the actual server, you may find yourself stuck with them for a year. To get the best dedicated server, you need to shop around. Make sure that you find a service provider that will give you quality service. If your server goes down, it will be imperative that you can contact someone for help immediately. The longer your service remains down, the more money you lose. A budget dedicated server provider may offer such attractive incentives such as no start up costs. In order to get your website going, you will have to upload it onto the server. Most server providers will charge a fee for this. The fee to get your server going and your website up and running may be substantial. This sometimes puts some people off, but it is a one time fee. Once your business is up and running, you only need to only pay the monthly fee to the service provider. Although it may be seem prudent to reduce costs as much as possible when starting up your website on a dedicated server, this is one area where you do not want to sacrifice service for cost. The best dedicated servers are reliable, offer excellent customer service and have large bandwidth and space. While you may find some budget servers that offer a low monthly rate, take a look at the bandwidth and space that they are offering. In some cases, it may not even be as much as what you can get on a shared server. To find the best quality dedicated servers, shop around on the internet. It may also help to talk to other website owners that you know to find out if they can recommend a provider. Remember that good customer service is as crucial to the maintenance of your business as is the expanded bandwidth and space afforded by a dedicated server. Windows Dedicated Servers If you are operating on a Windows system, there is a large choice in Windows dedicated servers available today. Years ago, dedicated servers were not as prevalent as they are now. Because there are so many dedicated servers available on the market, the price of getting Windows dedicated servers has dropped in the past few years. In choosing Windows dedicated servers, you may want to ask yourself just what type of space you need as well as bandwidth. This will determine what type of server is right for you. Windows dedicated servers come with different options, as well as services. The type that you need depends on the type of business that you have. There are many different budget dedicated servers on the internet than ever before. Some of these budget servers actually split the main server into several different dedicated servers. A true dedicated server only caters to your business. Your website is the only website that the server hosts, which frees up your website and allows it to expand and have abundant traffic flow. Windows dedicated servers that are on the market today range in price, depending on the type of service that you are seeking as well as size and bandwidth. Naturally, the more space and bandwidth you need, the larger the server and the more it will cost. You also need to pay attention to the services offered by the dedicated server provider. If the server crashes, for example, what sort of guarantee do they have that they will get it up and running? When you have your own internet business that relies on customer traffic, you cannot afford to be offline for days. You need a dedicated server that is reliable as well as the company that maintains it. Unless you have a very large business with your own IT crew, chances are that you will have to rely on the maintenance of the service provider for whichever of the Windows dedicated servers that you choose. It cannot be overstated how important this service is to you and your business. You never, ever want to lose business because your server is down for days and the provider is unavailable. One way to find the best Windows dedicated servers is by going on the internet and discovering different companies that are willing to provide you with this service. Many of them have their telephone numbers listed in online directories. This is the best option as you can actually speak to someone and explain to them what you are seeking in a dedicated server. This will also give you an opportunity to test out their knowledge as well as their customer relation skills. Expect to pay much more for Windows dedicated servers than Windows shared servers. However, the extra space, attention and bandwidth will be worth it if you have a growing business. There is no reason to lose customers that you try so hard to attract to you website if you choose one of the reliable Windows dedicated servers that are on the market today. Windows Dedicated Server If you are thinking about switching to a dedicated server from a shared server, be sure to research the different types of dedicated servers that are on the market. There are hundreds of dedicated servers that work for Windows. You will want to, obviously, make sure that the dedicated server you choose is compatible with your computer type. There are many different ways to choose a web host. You can look for a free server that will host your personal web page. These free servers often put their own ads on your personal web page, but offer you a free opportunity to share photos and other information with friends and family. If you have an internet based business, you may have several different needs. When your business first started, you probably opted for a shared server to host your website. You were given a certain amount of space and the server provided your with specified bandwidth. The bandwidth is the speed in which traffic can be directed to your site. Now your business is growing. Your shared server may have trouble accommodating the traffic flow to your website. You may have customers complaining that they are not able to access your website at any given time. You may be experiencing problems with your database. It may be time to get a Windows dedicated server. A Windows dedicated server can offer you more bandwidth which will enable more traffic to flow to your website. In addition, it will give you more space on your website. This can be especially important if you have a growing forum or a shopping cart. This allows customers and visitors to leave comments on your forums as well as adding merchandise to their shopping cart and being able to return at a later date and pick up the merchandise. There are many different options for getting a Windows dedicated server. If you operate using Windows, you need to make sure that the server is compatible with windows. There are different types of dedicated servers. A Windows dedicated server is just one. In addition, there are servers for MAC users as well as for gamers. Once you have established your Windows dedicated server, you will find you have much more space to add even more related websites to your server. Your dedicated server will be "dedicated" so to speak only to you, hence the name. You do not have to worry about another website taking up the bandwidth and driving your customers away. A Windows dedicated server is really the only choice for any large internet based business that operates using Windows. It not only gives you room to grow and continue growing, but it increases the speed that customers can access your website and gives you total control of the server. A Windows dedicated server is the ultimate way to host your burgeoning internet business. To find the best Windows dedicated server, take a look at some of the server directories that are on the internet. Prices vary depending on what type of service that you want. Although they cost more than a shared server, a dedicated server is the only choice for a growing online business. Why Use A Dedicated Server? Why use a dedicated server? There are many reasons why you should choose to use a dedicated server. The most important reason is that you have full control of the server and no longer have to share space and bandwidth with other websites. There are so many options to start an internet based business. According to a study done by UCLA, nearly 90 percent of Americans have access to the internet. In addition to business websites, people are using free internet servers to make their own internet pages. There is a vast difference between an internet website and a web page. Most sites offer customers a free internet page. You can post photos of yourself and your family members and keep in touch with your friends across the internet. These pages are hosted by a server that may or may not put mandatory ads on your web page. You can also find a web host server that will give you space for a free website. This can also be a good idea for a small website that is mostly used for social purposes. Some people use such websites as an online resume of sorts. Online businesses, however usually want to have a lot of perks such as databases that allow forums and shopping carts so that customers can keep coming back. Databases take a lot of space. A free server will not be able to handle such a request; there would not be enough space. These businesses often, when they start out, seek a paid internet server to host their site. They pay a monthly or yearly fee and get assistance with the server operator when needed. This can work well for small businesses. However, if a business really starts to grow, it makes more sense for it to host their own website. In essence, a dedicated website is a way to host your own website and your website only. The server is dedicated only to you and your online business. How does this help you? For one thing, since you no longer have to share space with other users on the shared server, you have more space for your own website. You can add more pages and options for your customers. You will also be able to use as much bandwidth as needed without sharing with other websites. The bandwidth of a server is what allows the traffic to the website. If too many people are trying to access several websites at once and the server cannot handle it, they may be turned away. No one with a serious internet business wants to turn away customers. Although dedicated servers cost substantially more money than shared servers, they are a wise choice for growing internet business. In most cases you can save money by not only improving the options on your website, but allowing easier access for your customers so that they will not be turned away, therefore, making you more profits in your internet website business. A dedicated server is the only way a large internet business can grow. Where To Find A Dedicated Server Perhaps it is time that you moved your website to a dedicated server. While using a shared server to host your website may seem like a good idea when you begin your business, due to the low costs, after your business is well established, you may need to find a dedicated server. A dedicated server is the gateway to the internet for your website. A server can host one website or many different websites. Many larger servers host hundreds of different websites. This can be fine if you have a small business and do not have a lot of traffic flowing to your website. If, however, you are beginning to see an increase in traffic to your website and are finding that the server you have now can no longer accommodate your business, you should probably consider getting a dedicated server. A dedicated server will only serve your website. This insures that customers will not be stopped from visiting your website by lack of bandwidth. Bandwidth is what directs the flow to your website. When you are sharing your server with other businesses, you are also sharing bandwidth. Where can you find a dedicated server? There are thousands of them on the internet. You need only know what type of service you are looking for and what amount of space that you will need, as well as the amount of bandwidth. The larger the dedicated server, the more expensive. There are budget dedicated servers available on the internet that offer rates as low as $99 per month. Most budget dedicated servers, however, offer little by way of service. If you have a problem with your server, you will want to make sure that you can get good customer service. If you server goes down for some reason, this could end up costing you money in lost revenue for your business. Before you decided on a dedicated server, take a look at the website of the company offering the service. See if it appears professional and legitimate. If possible, talk with others who have also used the same company for their dedicated server. Shopping around on the internet is the best way to find a dedicated server. There are so many different options available on the internet and, depending upon the size of your business, there is one that is right for you. In addition to different services available by the vast array of dedicated servers on the internet, there are also different payment options. In some cases, you can get a discount if you pay an annual fee instead of a monthly fee for the dedicated server. Do your homework and decide just exactly what you are looking for when shopping for a dedicated server. Write down the problems that you or your customers are having now with your website with regard to traffic flow or the computer freezing up when they go on your site. Find a site that offers a directory of dedicated servers and then call the company. You can then discuss the different options that are available with a knowledgeable individual. Use the internet to find the best choice in dedicated servers, and call the company to screen your choices once you have found several of interest. When To Choose A Dedicated Server If your business is growing and you are still operating on a shared server, perhaps it is time that you thought about switching to a dedicated server. A dedicated server can offer you advantages that a shared server cannot. When you first begin your internet web site, you can start up on a shared server. This limits bandwidth as well as space, but is usually the most economical option. With a shared server, you can save money as you share the server with other websites. This can work out well if you have a small internet business. As your business begins to prosper and perhaps you develop other websites that relate to your business, it may be time to think about switching to a dedicated server. Although a dedicated server is a costly initial investment, in the long run, it can actually end up saving your money. Nothing is more frustrating to your customers than being unable to access your website. This can happen if you do not have enough bandwidth but have quite a bit of traffic to your website. Just like anything else, the more traffic you have going through, the quicker you have to move the customers in and out. An increase in bandwidth and space can offer you the following advantages when it is time to choose a dedicated server: - More space - More room for forums and shopping carts with a data base - More bandwidth to accommodate more customers and allow easier access If your business is growing, or if you have several websites that you have developed as money websites where you reap revenue from internet ads, a dedicated server may be your best option. Yes, the initial set up cost is high, but because you usually lease the equipment from the service company, you will continue to get updated computer whenever they update their system. This insures that your equipment does not become obsolete. In addition to the above mentioned benefits of having a dedicated server, there is also the idea that you are the only one with access to the server. This means that you can set up your own security and keep others from getting on the server. Unlike a shared server, where you are liable for everything that everyone else does, the dedicated server is yours and yours alone. No one else has access to the server but you. There are many options when it comes to choosing a dedicated server. Most dedicated servers cost about $100 per month and some with more individualized service can cost more. The dedicated server that you choose will depend upon your computer expertise, your budget as well as how you wish to use your website. There are hundreds of reliable dedicated servers available on the internet today. When it is time to choose a dedicated server, take a look at the different services available and compare prices. Decide what type of services and additions you would like to make to your internet website before choosing the right dedicated server for you. What to Look For In A Dedicated Server If you have made the decision to switch from a shared server to a dedicated server to host your website, you may be a bit overwhelmed at the thousands of dedicated server providers advertising on the internet. When choosing a dedicated server, you will want to make sure that the provider is reliable, continues to update equipment and has excellent customer service. Nothing is more frustrating to a business website owner than the server being down. This happens occasionally, but if you cannot get in touch with the server provider, it can prove to be disastrous.. Imagine not being able to have customers reach your website for days! The revenue that you lose could be astronomical. One of the most important things to look for in a dedicated server is good customer service from the provider. You will notice that there are many providers online that offer dedicated servers. Some of them seem to be very inexpensive. While an offer for a cheap dedicated server may be tempting, you certainly do not want to sacrifice quality for price. If something goes wrong with the server, you will want to know that someone will be on call to help you with any problems. By having a dedicated server, you are, in fact, hosting your own website. Unless you are a computer whiz, or have an IT team on hand, chances are that you will need help from time to time. This is why it is so important for a dedicated server provider to have good customer service. You will also want to check out the space available on the dedicated server as well as the space allotted for your website. One of the reasons why most businesses choose to have a dedicated server is to increase bandwidth. Bandwidth is what allows customers to visit your site. When you have a dedicated server, you do not have to share bandwidth with other websites. Space is also an important consideration. Even if the space that you have now is sufficient, you may want to expand your website at one point in time. You can also use the additional site to host websites that are affiliates of your website that can earn revenue by receiving advertisements. There are many different ways to earn money with websites on the internet. By hosting your own site the sky is the limit when it comes to internet income. In addition to good customer service, bandwidth and space, you will also want to find a dedicated server that you can secure. One of the best aspects of having a dedicated server is that you have control over the security of the server as well as your website. This enables your website to be more secure than if you were using a shared server. Price may be a consideration when choosing a dedicated server, but it should not be the only consideration. A dedicated server is no good unless it can actually help your business. If run properly, you can make even more money by hosting your own website. What Are The Advantages of a Dedicated Server? The advantages of a dedicated server can best be described by the following analogy: Suppose you wanted an automobile. You could not afford to buy one for yourself, so you decided to go in with four friends and everyone would own a piece of the automobile. This meant that although it was cheaper for everyone, they all had to share the car. A schedule would be worked out and everyone would abide by the schedule of when they could use the car. Now suppose, all of a sudden, you got a job where you needed the automobile a lot more often. But you only had access to the car on certain days at certain times and the job would not wait. Because the car is just as much of your friends car as yours, they are also entitled to use it. You end up losing the job opportunity because you cannot use the car all of the time. The above is similar to the difference between a business using a dedicated server and a shared server. A dedicated server, just as the name implies, is "dedicated" to serving only your business. This means that you do not have to share space and bandwidth with other online business websites. While a small business or personal website can do well with a shared server, a large or growing business would find a shared server just as much of a disaster as the car analogy illustrated earlier in this article. There is only a certain amount of bandwidth in a server. It can only allow a certain amount of traffic through at a certain time. Bandwidth can be compared to a toll booth. The toll booth allows a certain amount of traffic through at a time on a scheduled basis. This works out fine, unless everyone decides to leave town at the same time and take the toll road. Then it becomes a disaster as people wait for hours to get through the toll booth. While you may wait for hours to get through a toll booth if you have to leave town and have no other way to do so, your customers will not wait hours to get to your website if you do not have enough bandwidth. Chances are, that if they try your website once and cannot get on, they will move on never to return again. You work so hard trying to attract traffic to your website, it is a shame to throw that hard work out the window by not having enough bandwidth to accommodate all of your customers. This is the advantage of having a dedicated server. No longer do you have to share space or bandwidth with other businesses on the server. The server is dedicated only to your business, enabling traffic to flow quickly and smoothly. Although a dedicated server costs more in monthly fees than a shared server, it may end up saving you money if you are losing customers due to the fact that the cannot get access to your website because your server cannot accommodate the traffic. If you have a large or growing business, a dedicated server is the only way to go. ![]() Ways To Get A Dedicated Server It is not difficult to get a dedicated server. There are many that are available by a large assortment of providers online. You need only decide what type of service you need and then take a look at one of the dedicated server directories online. Many businesses start out their internet business by using a shared server. A shared server can be the ideal host for your personal or small business website. In addition to being inexpensive, a shared server can also be user friendly. There is usually a small start up fee and a monthly maintenance fee. Fees for a shared server can be practical for the small business owner or someone who has a personal website in which to keep in touch with friends or family. If you have a growing business, however, you may do better by having a dedicated server. A dedicated server only hosts your website and no other. This can be quite beneficial if you have a large amount of traffic, hope to have a lot of traffic or need a lot of space. When you use a shared server to host your website, you have to share bandwidth and space with other websites. You will be given an allotted bit of space and bandwidth. In some cases, you can increase your space for additional money. However, without increased bandwidth, you may not be able to draw customers to your website. People may be trying to log on to your website and be told that there is a problem with the server. You may lose potential customers in this manner. By having a dedicated server, you do not have to worry about sharing bandwidth with other websites. Customers will easily be allowed to access your website. In addition, you will have much more space available if you choose to expand your website. Before choosing a dedicated server, think about what you want to do with your business. Do you need more bandwidth, more space? Figure out what you hope to attain by switching to a dedicated server. In most cases, you will want more of both. You can find many different providers on the internet that offer dedicated servers. You will most likely want one that can offer you customer service and be on call in case you have a problem with the server. Nothing could hurt a business like having a server go down. An internet business that depends on revenue from customers and needs to allow them access to the website depends on their server. Because your business will depend upon your dedicated server, you will want to make sure that you choose the best service provider that you can find. While there are some providers that offer budget servers for less than $100 per month, price is only one objective. Do not sacrifice quality service for a low price when it comes to your web server. Once you have found several companies that offer what you are seeking in a web host, call them up and speak to them on the phone. Make sure that customer relations are as important to them as they are to you. Types of Web Hosting There are several types of web hosting available for websites on the internet. Depending on what type of business or website that you have will determine the type of web hosting that you will need. Web hosting choices come as follows: Free Server There are many different websites that offer free web pages or sites for individuals. They generally offer a page or two with an ability to post photographs. Some are free or close to free. They are also very user friendly. You do not have to be a computer genius to use one of these servers. Think about a website like MySpace. You can get a website there that is totally free. You can add photographs, blogs, messages, videos and even music. The stipulation is that this is for social purposes only, or is supposed to be. This is a good example of a free website. In the meantime, MySpace uses your webpage to post their own ads. You are limited to space and what type of content you can post. The website does not belong to your, but MySpace. Now suppose you want to sell products online. You can use a cheap shared server that offers you an opportunity to set up your website for free. They may even provide templates. You will have to get a domain name, such as myfavoritecurtains.com You will register the domain name and then be able to upload your website on the shared server. In the case of a free shared server, you will be sharing your website with other websites. You will be limited to space as well as bandwidth. You cannot have thousands of people visit your site in an hour as it will take up too much bandwidth. This can be ideal for small business that sells very little products online. In the meantime, your website will probably have a number of ads that are placed on there by the provider to earn the revenue needed to maintain your site. Shared Server A shared server is just like a free server only you have to pay a little bit each month to maintain your website. You have a bit more freedom when it comes to ads and can even generate revenue by signing up for Google Ads to be put on your site. You will still have to come up with a domain name. Dedicated Server A dedicated server hosts only your website and no others. You have all the space you need to make your website as large as you want. You have enough bandwidth to accommodate all the traffic you can get. You have total control over the ads that you place on your website. You can even have several little affiliate websites to make up for the difference in price. A dedicated server is the ultimate in web hosting. You are actually hosting your own website. You have space, bandwidth and freedom to what you want. A dedicated server, while costing more money to use, may actually end up saving you money, or adding to your revenue, if used correctly. Time For A Dedicated Server If you have been in business awhile on the internet and have seen your business growing by leaps and bounds, perhaps it is time for you to invest in a dedicated server. What is a dedicated server? As the name states, it is a server that will host your website and your website alone. A dedicated server is the ultimate choice in a web hosting for a growing business. If you have a growing business, it is perhaps time for a dedicated server. When you began your online website business, you most likely used a shared server to host your website. A shared server makes more sense when beginning a business because the cost of a shared server is substantially less than a dedicated server. A shared server is an ideal way to start your business on the internet. But if you are like most business owners, you want to grow your business. If you are finding that customers are having increasingly difficulty in accessing your website and you would like to have more space, you may decide that it is tie for a dedicated server. Although it costs substantially more per month to maintain a dedicated server, in the long run, it may end up saving you money when it comes to the added benefits. More space can allow you to expand your forums and also give you shopping carts on your site. Most businesses that sell product on the internet find it useful to have a database, such as a shopping cart. This enables a customer to choose some items that they want to buy, go away from the website for a while, return and still see the items in their cart. Marketing studies show that a customer who returns to the website will often change their mind about buying things they wanted unless they are still lingering in their shopping carts. In addition to the added space, you can also get more bandwidth when you have a dedicated server. The bandwidth amount is what enables the server to direct customers to your website. When sharing bandwidth with other websites, you run the risk of losing potential customers because they are not able to get through the clogged server to your website. The customer will assume the website is out of business and will rarely try again. In these cases, you lose a customer. This is why it may be time for a dedicated server. If your business is growing by leaps and bounds, you do not want to wait until you begin losing customers before you take action. A dedicated server may cost a bit more money per month and may even have start up costs, but the initial investment will more than pay for itself. The dedicated server will be devoted entirely to your business. It is almost like hosting your own website. Depending upon what type of service, bandwidth and space you are seeking on your new server that will accommodate your website, you can find either a budget dedicated server or one that is more top of the line and offers additional services. Shared Web Hosting Shared web hosting is a way to get your website online with a reliable server. It has drawbacks when compared with a dedicated server. Depending on your type of business, or reason for your website, you may be better off using shared web hosting. The following types of websites are much better off using shared web hosting than a dedicated server: - Fan websites that do not sell products but are devoted to a particular celebrity - Personal websites that are used to keep in touch with family members all over the country - Self promotion websites, such as those that post your resume or art - Small business websites that sell a service where the client calls your phone number - Small business websites that sell specialty items and do not generate a lot of traffic These sites will do well with shared service hosting. The way shared web hosting works is that the server hosts many different websites that all share the space and bandwidth. The above websites are typical examples of those that can benefit from a shared service website that costs little money to maintain each month as well as low start up costs. Businesses that need a dedicated server include the following examples: - Dating sites - Large product sale sites - A law firm website for employees - A corporate website for employees only - Large social networking sites that rely on ad revenue The above each need the maximum amount of space for databases, such as dating site forums and shopping carts, as well as bandwidth to accommodate large amounts of traffic. Corporate and legal websites, as well as other websites that contain confidential information, also do better with a dedicated server as it provides additional security. Forums and shopping carts tend to take up quite a bit of space, more than is usually allotted on a shared server. If you are planning on offering such conveniences on your website, you will probably want to have a dedicated server. Law firms must maintain confidentiality for their clients. By having a dedicated server, they can doubly insure their security Because no one else is on the server but the law firm, it heightens security. And the service provider can make it additionally secure so that the confidential information remains confidential. A large social networking site usually generates revenue from ads. In order to accommodate the traffic these site entail, a dedicated server is necessary. Sharing bandwidth with other websites will only slow down traffic to your site and lose ad revenue as people get disgusted with the down time and move on to another social networking site. There are many choices to make when choosing the right web host for your internet site. Whether you choose a shared server to host your site or a dedicated server depends upon the type of website that you have, the revenue you expect to generate and the traffic you hope to attract. Although dedicated servers cost more to maintain each month, they may be well worth the additional cost in the long run and may actually end up saving you money or adding to your revenue. Shared or Dedicated Server? If you have an online business with a sophisticated web site, you are probably deciding what type of server you need for your business. The server is what actually hosts your website online. It provides you space on the internet and routes traffic to your website. There are two types of servers you can use when deciding what type of hosting you want for your internet website. A shared server is most popular with small business websites and individual websites. The other type of server is a dedicated server. The advantages of using a shared server are as follows: - Some of them are free; - Some of them offer templates that allow you to create a website with little computer knowledge; - Shared servers offer a variety of different services; - Even paid shared servers are relatively inexpensive and have a variety of different plans. Shared servers are the best option for small businesses or personal websites on the internet. Some shared servers, especially the free ones, will want to put mandatory ads on your website. This is how they pay for their website. Other services allow you to put your own ads on your website, increasing your revenue. Shared servers, however, are not ideal for large businesses. Because you share the server with other websites, the bandwidth may have a problem with directing your traffic to your website if it becomes too heavy. If you are getting thousands of visitors a day, the bandwidth may not be able to keep up; leaving some of your customers in the dark. In addition, there is a limited amount of space for most shared servers. A dedicated server is the best option for a growing or large internet business. Not only does it free up the bandwidth so that customers are no longer left out in the cold, but it also increases your space size. This is especially important if your business has forums or shopping carts. These are called databases and tend to take up a lot of space. Although a dedicated server costs substantially more to get started than a shared server, for the building businesses there really is no choice. If you want your internet business to grow, there is really no option but to choose a dedicated server. Some dedicated servers can cost as little as $100 per month. This tends to be more costly than a shared server, but he difference in cost will soon make up for itself. In addition to virtually hosting your own website, you will also be able to incorporate as many ads and affiliates as you want on your website. This can also bring you in extra revenue. With your own dedicated server, there is no limit as to how you can grow your business. You can even get affiliates on your websites that relate to your business. There are all sorts of ways to make money online and most of them include advertising of some sort. With your own dedicated server, you can put all the ads on that you want and thus earn more profit on your website. Safe Dedicated Server One of the reasons why businesses choose a dedicated server over a shared server to host their website is the safety feature. Because you are not sharing the server with other businesses or websites, you have full control over the security of the website. A safe dedicated server will not only allow your business website more space and bandwidth, it will also insure security. A safe dedicated server is very important for any website that transacts businesses online. Customers will want to know that their personal information, such as their credit card number, is safe. By having a dedicated server hosting your site instead of sharing your web hosting with other websites, you can insure better control over safety features. Security is a great concern to most internet customers. Even today, many people will not purchase anything online because they think that their information will be shared all over the world and their identity stolen. Many people refuse to believe that internet transactions are just as safe, if not safer, than those in the store. More people, however, are discovering the convenience of shopping online. Online shopping reaches a new peak every year. For some people, online shopping is convenient way to do all of their shopping. Some people even shop for their groceries online. As long as your website is secure, you can promise your customers safety. By having a safe dedicated server, you can add security to your internet website that will give both you and your customers a piece of mind. Financial transactions are not the only reason why you want a safe dedicated server. Without proper security, all of your company information that is on your website can be used and abused by the public. By having a dedicated server, you can have total control of the security of your website. The dedicated server only hosts your website and no others. Because of this, you have control over not just your website, but your server as well. A safe dedicated server is the only viable option for a business that is operating in large amounts of monetary transactions with customers or wants to insure the privacy of their company information. A safe dedicated server will cost more to maintain per month than a shared server, but the safety feature alone is well worth it. Nothing is worse for a business than a lack of customer trust. If you value the security of your customers, you will do everything in your power to make sure that your internet website is secure. Even if you do not deal with customers, but have private information on your website, such as company records, it is imperative that you have a safe dedicated server to prevent other people, including competitors, from finding out secrets about your company. Not having a safe dedicated server and putting private information on your website is simply looking for trouble. Having a safe dedicated server is the prudent choice for any business that wants to maintain total control over the security of their website as well as the security of their web host. Need A Dedicated Server? Congratulations on growing your internet business to the point where you have hundreds of visitors to your site each day! It takes a while to build up an online business. In most cases, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication. You do not want to see that go out the window, however, if your customers are unable to access your website. Are your customers finding it difficult to get through to you? Do you need more space for your website? Have you thought about the possibilities of hosting your own website and maybe even other websites relating to your business? Do you need a dedicated server? If any of the above scenario sounds familiar to you, you may very well be asking yourself "do I need a dedicated server?" The answer is "yes" if you plan on expanding your business and are steadily increasing traffic to your website. When you started your internet business, you probably uploaded your website onto a shared server. This is usually the best option for anyone starting out a business. A shared server costs a lot less than a dedicated server and is the prudent option for a small business or personal website. However, when your business starts to grow, you will want to look into obtaining a dedicated server. A dedicated server hosts only your website. This means that you get all of the space on the server to yourself. This can enable you to grow your website even larger. A dedicated server is the best option for a large or growing business. Not only do you get more space for your website, enabling you to incorporate databases such as forums and shopping carts, but you also get more bandwidth. Bandwidth is what allows the server to filter in customers from other servers. On a shared server, you share bandwidth with other websites. This can be fine if there is not enough traffic. If, however, you suddenly begin to get more traffic to your website, you may actually end up losing customers if you do not have enough bandwidth. The amount of bandwidth you have is crucial to the traffic you can handle on your website. If your business is growing, chances are that you devoted a lot of time, effort and money into making your business grow. You do not want to throw it all away now by clinging to a shared server because it is cheap. While a dedicated server will cost more to maintain, it is well worth the extra cost. In addition to allowing more space and traffic to your website, a dedicated server that only hosts your website, can also be more secure. You have security control over both the server and the website, thus doubling your security efforts. This can be important to both you and your customers. When shopping for a dedicated server on the internet, be aware of how much space you have now as well as bandwidth. In most cases, you want to at least double that. Take a look at the different dedicated servers that are on the market today to choose the one that is best for you and your business. Make Money With Dedicated Servers There are thousands of ways to make money on the internet. If you can create a website, you can try to drive customers to your website, either to purchase goods or to click on ads. Ads on websites generate substantial revenue for website owners. Some websites just depend on ad revenue to keep going. All websites need to have a host. A host is a server that is the link between your website and your customers. All websites have a server. Most small business websites use a shared server. This means that they pay a small fee each month to share a server with other businesses. Large businesses, however, use a dedicated server. A dedicated server only hosts your website. Because you are not sharing the space or bandwidth on the server with others, you have a lot more space. You also have the ability to bring a lot more traffic to your website because of the bandwidth. If you switch to a dedicated server, you can use the space to make up affiliate websites. They can generate revenue through ads and also link to your business website. By adding a bit of content to these smaller websites, you can earn revenue through ads as well as affiliate ads. Affiliate ads give you a percentage of profit if a customer purchases a certain product or service after seeing it on your website. By having the freedom of space and bandwidth afforded by a dedicated server, you can earn an unlimited amount of money on the internet. Although a dedicated server costs more than a shared server in monthly fees, the difference in fees can more than be alleviated if you put the additional space to good use. Once you understand the concept of having a dedicated server, the sky is the limit when it comes to making money on the internet. Another way to make money on the internet with dedicated servers is to use them to host other company websites. If you have the ability to create a dedicated server, using a template as well as a quite a bit of computer knowledge, you can either use the dedicated server to provide service to other websites on the internet or you can use it to host your own group of websites. Ads are a great way to generate revenue on your website. If you have your own dedicated server, you can decide which type of ads you can put on your website as well as which affiliate products you wish to sell. You can have a myriad of websites all connected to your dedicated server and have total control of the money making properties of each. Whether you choose to use the dedicated server to host your own websites or to host other websites, you can make money on the internet using a dedicated server. Whether you choose ad revenue, affiliate sales, your own product sales or service to other individuals and businesses, the internet has limitless possibilities for making money. Gamers Dedicated Server Online gaming has become a burgeoning business. No longer are online gamers relegated to just playing simple games online such as arcade games. Today, online gaming is big. In addition to the countless role playing games that many people are pretty much addicted to, there are also casino games. Many gaming websites have found it necessary to get a gamers dedicated server. When the gaming website first began, as is most cases, they may have used a shared server. As the game grew in popularity, it became necessary for the website to get their own dedicated server. As internet gaming is such big business today, those who design an internet website game are wise to switch to a gamers dedicated server in order to grow their business. Gaming websites are not like ordinary business websites. They are selling the idea of playing the game. While some games become big hits on the internet, with thousands of players visiting the sites daily, others are not so popular. Not every gaming website needs a dedicated server. A dedicated server is different than a shared server in that it is "dedicated" to serving only your website. You do not have to share the server with other websites that may impede traffic to your site. There is nothing worse for your customers than the inability to access your website due to lack of bandwidth. A gamers dedicated server is especially important for those who have a website that depends upon daily traffic. Most internet gaming websites charge customers a certain amount of money each month to access the site and play the game. It is imperative, therefore, that the customers be allowed to access the site. If bandwidth, which directs the speed as well as traffic into your website, is not sufficient, you may have customers that are unable to access the website. This can cause quite a bit of problems with customers, particularly in the gaming industry. Internet games can be addictive and people who are paying to access a site every day are bound to be upset if they cannot get to the site when needed. Once your gaming website is well established and you see an increase in customers, start thinking about getting a gamers dedicated server. Although this will cost more money per month than a shared server, it will be well worth it as it will enable you to retain your customers as well as attract more customers. The amount that you will pay for the monthly fee will be determined by the type of service you want as well as the bandwidth and space on the server. Your dedicated service provider will be able to help you with questions as far as maintaining your site and will keep you updated with the latest equipment. By having a gamers dedicated server, you are actually hosting your own website. This is the reasonable option for you if your internet gaming website has become a growing business. You can even add more options to your website with your additional space that will attract even more customers and earn you a greater profit. Gamer Dedicated Servers Millions of people spend hours a day on internet gaming. Internet gaming used to mostly consist of gambling online and casino games. Over the past several years, however, internet gaming has taken on a whole new form as role playing games have become more popular. If you have been fortunate enough to create a role playing game and website where people can enjoy playing the game, you may find the traffic to your website increasing by leaps and bounds on a daily basis. If you are using a shared server, all of your hard work in creating your game and establishing your website may be for naught if customers are unable to access the game. Internet gaming can be very addictive. People who participate in internet gaming are more than willing to pay money to continue playing a game. This does not only apply to casino games, but role playing games as well. Despite the fact that there is no monetary reward in playing these games, people pay a few bucks a month to be able to enjoy the game. This can be quite beneficial to the owner of the website. Anyone with a gaming website should consider gamer dedicated servers when thinking about their internet server. While a shared server may be much cheaper, especially when starting out, when your game takes off, it is time to switch to one of the gamer dedicated servers that are available on the market today. Gamer dedicated servers do not host any other websites but your own. This means that you can have more customers as well as more space. If your gaming site has forums, this takes up quite a bit of space. It makes more sense to have a gamer dedicated server than a shared server if you want your forums to run accurately. Bandwidth is important to any business website. This relates to the number of customers who can visit your site at one time. You naturally never want to limit your traffic flow to your website, but if you are using a gamer shared server, you are probably doing that already. Because the shared server can only accommodate so much traffic, some of your customers may be experiencing trouble logging on to your website. When seeking gamer dedicated servers, be sure to find one that will accommodate all of your space needs as well as provide you with quality service. The internet gaming industry is continuing to boom, with no sign of slowing down. Now is a great time to get into this business, but only if you can accommodate thousands of customers a day. Seeking out gamer dedicated servers on the internet instead of relying on a shared server for your internet gaming website is tantamount to the growth of your business. If you want to have a successful internet gaming site, consider a gamer dedicated server that will be able to provide you with added bandwidth, space as well as quality customer service. It will be well worth the extra money, and necessary in order for you to grow your business. Free Web Hosting Free web hosting sound so tempting. Like everything else that is free, however, there is usually a catch. The catch is usually the fact that the web host will put ads on your website over which you have no control. This is the price you pay for your free website. You cannot blame the host. They have to generate income somehow. What better way than to promote their ads on your content. Every time someone comes on your site to visit you, they are hit with a barrage of ads. In some free websites, they may have a hard time not clicking on the ads. The ads can move all over the page causing you or your friends to accidentally click on them. After someone has clicked on an ad on your free web page, they can then expect to receive quite a bit of e-mail from not only the site that they clicked on, but also any other similar business. Free web hosting is fine if you want to have a social page, a resume page or even a small website devoted to a celebrity. For business revenue, however, it is not the best choice. Although you may have the most wonderful products for sale through your website at bargain prices, you can only sell them if people visit your website. When using free web hosting your are limited. In most cases, you can have one account and cannot post links between accounts. Most free web hosting is for personal purposes only and rarely allows business selling. If you want to make money on the internet, the way to do it is to use a dedicated server. This way, you can not only place any ads that you want on your site that will generate income for you as you are the website host, but you can also use the extra space to make up other websites that can use keywords to draw people to your sales website. The content containing keywords shows up on the search engines and people are directed to your small, content site. Here, they read some information and receive a link to your money making site. Free web hosting is good for those who only want to use the internet sparingly, but not for the purpose of making money. Even a shared server, which is a step up from a free server, and is basically the same thing only gives you more space and bandwidth as well as freedom, is limited. To truly make money on the internet, you have to make use of all aspects, including the ads and affiliate links. Advertising on the internet can be free if you understand how to use the search engines to generate interest in your products as well as use a dedicated server to its maximum abilities. While a free web hosting service is a fine idea for a personal website that can help you keep your family updated about your life, it is not the way to make money on the internet. ![]() ![]()