![]() ![]() Deep Sea Diving ![]() Experience the Thrill and Excitement of Deep Sea Diving The underwater world is a unique place where there is a lot of colorful marine life to be seen. If you've seen documentaries about the marine world, then you know how beautiful it is. From the different species of marine life to the lush and colorful coral reefs, you will definitely enjoy visiting it. If you want to know more about the underwater world, then you might want to experience the thrill and excitement that deep sea diving has to offer. Deep sea diving is considered to be a different specialty in the world of scuba diving. Unlike your average recreational diving, deep sea diving requires a special kind of training and also special kind of equipments. If you are already an advanced open water diver, then you will see that you will be able to qualify for deep sea diving. First of all, you need to remember that in deep sea diving, different gases are used for breathing unlike in your average recreational diving where nitrox and air is used you will see that deep sea diving will require a different gas mixture, which is called trimix. The equipments here are also different. You have to remember that the deeper you go underwater, the colder it will be. Your regular neoprene wetsuit is not enough for you to survive deep sea diving. For this, you will be needed a dry suit. Deep sea diving also requires extreme discipline and concentration. The fact that narcosis can disorient you whenever you go diving, you have to memorize every movement by heart in order for you to avoid making a mistake that can injure you or mistakes that can be fatal. It takes a lot of training to master deep sea diving. Also, it takes a lot of discipline. You will also handle state-of-the-art scuba diving equipments that are specially designed for deep sea diving or technical diving. In the world of deep sea diving, you will see marine life that you will never normally see in your average recreational diving. Here, you will see large fishes and unique marine life that you might not even know existed. If you wish to learn how to go deep sea diving, then you have to contact your nearest dive center. Whatever your diving agency is, whether it is PADI, NAUI, SSI, or other certified scuba diving agency, you can be sure that they will be able to offer you high quality training that can help you become a technical diver. In deep sea diving, you will be able to experience being in an environment that few people have been in. You will encounter an alien world where everything will be full of thrill and excitement. So, contact your nearest dive center and start learning about deep sea diving. After getting certified, you can start diving and enjoy the wonders of deep sea diving can offer. Remember these things, and you can be sure that you will be able to become one of the few deep sea divers and enjoy the wonderful things that only deep sea diving can offer. So, the next time you plan on going on a scuba diving vacation, why not consider getting certified as a technical diver? With this, you can be sure that you will be able to have more enjoyable and more thrilling dives that you will remember for the rest of your life. Deep Sea Diving: Commercial Diving Courses That You Can Take Deep sea diving or commercial diving is a profession that is not for all people. In this profession, you should be in a good physical condition, and you also need to have a sharp mind. Being a commercial diver is not just about knowing how to weld pipes underwater as well as handle explosives, but there are a lot more specialty courses that you can concentrate on in commercial diving. Today, you will see special schools for commercial diving. Here, you will be able to get a chance to become a certified commercial diver as well as take specialty courses that appeals to you the most. Basically, most commercial divers take welding classes. By taking the underwater welding specialist course, you will learn about the skills necessary to produce high quality fillet welds. Here, you will be introduced to theories regarding the welding process as well as safe work practices while welding underwater. In this course, each topic will be covered with a lecture and you can also expect actual examinations where you will be taken underwater for a simulated welding situation. Normally, you will be learning 9 different subjects under this course. The first will cover safe underwater welding procedures, the second is about welding plant and equipment, the third will be the techniques, the fourth is the preparation on weld, the fifth is about weld terminology and electrodes, the sixth is the basic weldability and common weld defects, the seventh will be monitor and control welding operations, the eight is quality assurance and control and lastly, the ninth will be joining steel plates using the three standard welding techniques. Taking an underwater welding course can give you a lot of job opportunities in a commercial diving career. By being a certified underwater welder, you will be in demand for shipping, construction, and in the oil and gas industries. The air mixed gas commercial diver specialist is also another course in the commercial diving industry. Here, you will be taught about the different gas mixes that divers breathe. From regular air, to nitrox, to trimix, you will be able to learn how to mix it. Also, pressure tolerance test is included in this particular course. You will also learn about the effects of certain gases to the body when diving. For example, you will be taught about nitrogen and its hallucinogenic effects on the brain when breathed under pressure, and you will also be taught about oxygen toxicity and why helium is a preferred gas for breathing when diving in very deep waters. You will also be taught about decompression and dive medicine as well as hyperbaric medicine. Safety operations planning are another crucial part of the course as well as the commercial applications of scuba. Underwater construction will also be covered under this course as well as inland diving and equipment maintenance, particularly the gas systems. The diver medic specialist is also another specialty course in commercial diving. Here, you will become a dive medical technician who will be responsible in making safer and more prepared dives. You will be taught about the effects of prolonged diving on the body and also about the different ailments that divers can experience, such as decompression sickness and extreme fatigue. You will also be taught how to care for divers who experienced accidents during dives as well as the hyperbaric medicine and treatment. These are some of the specialty courses that you can take in commercial diving. As you can see, there are a lot of career opportunities in the world of deep sea diving. By choosing the specialty course you want to learn about, you can be sure that you will have an enjoyable and much brighter future in the world of commercial diving. Deep Sea Diving: Careers in Diving Have you ever considered a unique career? If you have, then you may have a lot of types of careers in your mind that you can think of. If you love scuba diving, then you may ask yourself what kind of career that can point you to scuba diving aside from being a dive master or a scuba diving instructor. Aside from being able to explore the ocean, you will see that there is a career that you can get from deep sea diving. There are a lot of careers that points to deep sea diving. One career that you may want to try is by being a commercial diver. This kind of diving requires a lot of guts and the qualifications are quite strict. In deep sea diving, you will see that divers here are involved in a lot of objectives. One is to do salvage operations on sunken ships, while others are to clean the hulls of ships. Deep sea divers are also needed in ocean oil rigs to weld pipes underwater as well as clean steel. There is a wide scope of objectives in commercial diving. The training is very rigorous as you will need to handle hazardous materials underwater, such as high explosives and be in dangerous situations. In commercial diving, you will see that divers here are different from your average recreational divers. They are well-trained in the aspects of diving safety to the point that everything they do underwater should be perfect. So, how does one become a commercial diver? First of all, you have to remember that commercial diving is different from recreational diving. Having an open water qualification is not enough for you to become qualified as commercial diver. You still need to go to school for this kind of job. In commercial diving schools, you will learn all about dive tables and how to use them, and you will also be taught about underwater welding and how to handle high explosives underwater. Safety is the most important aspect of commercial diving. You will also be taught underwater communications and emergency safety procedures in case something wrong happens. In commercial diving, you will also learn about the hazards of working underwater, especially in deep diving, wherein nitrogen narcosis is very common. You will also be taught about the symptoms of nitrogen sickness or bends and how to detect if a fellow diver is suffering from nitrogen narcosis. Also, you will be taught about the different air mixes in diving, such as air, nitrox, and trimix. This is important as you will be breathing it underwater. Using the wrong mix when you go deep sea diving can be lethal. Commercial diving is a promising career that is full of adventure. The pay is one of the best in the world and you will also be able to use hi-tech scuba diving equipments, such as rebreathers, state-of-the-art underwater scooters, underwater radio communications, as well as hi-tech industrial equipments. Deep sea diving careers, such as commercial diving is a rewarding career. If you have the guts for it and you want a career that is full of adventure, then commercial diving is for you. Just remember that in deep sea diving, safety should always come first. Remember these things and you can be sure that you will be able to have a wonderful and fulfilling career as a commercial diver. Deep Sea Diving: A Great Career for People Who Love Diving If you love to go scuba diving but you're tired of diving in the usual places, then you might want to go for something more adventurous. Deep sea diving. Deep sea diving is considered to be the best form of scuba diving there is. Whether you are a recreational diver or you want to start a career in scuba diving, deep sea diving can be a challenging branch of exploring the underwater world. Like scuba diving, you will be using some of the standard equipments, such as regulators, scuba tanks, lead weights, BCD, wetsuit or dry suit, fins, mask, and others. However, you have to remember that there are quite a lot more equipments and special skills that you will need to master in order to become a deep sea diver or what is often called a technical diver in the recreational diving world. In professional diving, deep sea diving is often referred to as commercial diving. If you love diving so much and you want to make a living out of it, one of the best career choices is by being a commercial diver. But, before you don your scuba diving gears and apply as a commercial diver, you have to consider that commercial diving is a different type of diving. There are high tech equipments involved and you will also need to use special tools. Commercial diving is often used in underwater construction and underwater salvage operations to name two. Here, you will have to handle hazardous materials and operate special tools to get the job done. For example, there will be times where you will need to attach high explosives underwater to blow off sunken ships that can be hazardous to other ships, and you will also deal with underwater welding for underwater construction. Cleaning the hulls of ships is also part of the job as a commercial diver. In oil rigs, you will be required to fix problems with the oil rig underwater, or you will also be required to construct or weld pipelines. Because of the dangers of commercial diving, you will need to go to a special commercial diving school first. Here, you will be taught how to handle special equipments used in commercial diving. Also, you will be taught about underwater pressure, as well as the different gears used in commercial diving, such as the full face mask, the helmet, lead boots and others. Commercial diving is very different from recreational diving. In the school, deep sea diving is often the subject. Here, you will also be taught about the different types of air mixes, particularly the trimix, that is used for breathing underwater. Also, you will also tackle diving medicine subjects, such as how to treat decompression sickness and nitrogen narcosis. Although there are dangers in commercial diving, accidents here are rare. This just proves that commercial divers are well-trained to get the job done. In commercial diving, there is basically no room for error. This is why commercial divers train very hard for their profession. If you want to become a deep sea diver, then becoming a commercial diver is the right career choice for you. Here, you will not only be able to earn a lot of money, but you will also have a job that is full of excitement and adventure. Deep Sea Diving: What You Should Know About Commercial Diving In today's world, people are now tapping one of the most valuable natural resources on the planet today in the ocean: Oil. Although you will see offshore oil rigs equipped with huge cranes, helicopters, boats, and other state-of-the-art equipments, there will always be people who will always be needed in operations like this. These people are deep sea divers or most commonly referred to as commercial divers. In this industry, deep sea diving is very much needed. Deep sea divers function as underwater repairman, underwater welders, and also as part of search and recovery projects and salvage operations. Commercial diving is a one of a kind job with extraordinary people. They risk their lives in order to get the job done. In fact, in deep sea diving or commercial diving, fatalities have been recorded as a result of the job themselves. However, thanks to today's training for commercial diving, accidents and fatalities are in fact rare. Dangerous as this job may be, you will see that the divers here are well trained. They just don't know how to dive deep underwater, but they also know how to handle hazardous equipments and materials whenever they go deep underwater, such as explosives, cutting tools, and welding tools. Also, they know how to deal with the dangers of diving deep underwater. For example, they are always cautious and attentive when it comes to detecting dangerous conditions, such as nitrogen narcosis and decompression sickness. Another thing about commercial divers is that they are taught on how to deal with fatigue and other stressful situations. You have to remember that aside from the already dangerous conditions they work in, they still do need to concentrate on the job they have to do underwater. For example, in offshore oil rigs, they will be required to weld pipelines underwater no matter what the conditions are. Even if the water is murky, they still need to work under these conditions. Also, they will need to deal with underwater current which can be quite strong in some parts of the world. However, dangerous as commercial diving may sound, the divers here are well-trained. They go to special schools to learn all about the aspects of commercial diving, and here they train rigorously. This is one of the main reasons why accidents nowadays are rare in commercial diving. The great thing about commercial diving is the huge salary that div ers here receive. In fact, you can earn as much as a hundred thousand dollars a year depending on your experience, work attitude and the quality of your jobs. Also, commercial divers only work 9 to 10 months in a year. This is because commercial divers are subjected to intense environments which can encourage the build up of nitrogen bubbles in the body. The three months are used to get the body to get rid of the nitrogen bubbles which can cause decompression sickness. However, the most fulfilling part about this job is not the pay, but the adventure. In deep sea diving, you will have a chance to dive and get paid to do so, as well as travel the world. Also, the thrill and excitement here can never be experienced anywhere else in the world. So, the next time you think about deep sea diving and you are considering a great and adventurous career in it, you might want to consider commercial diving. ![]() Deep Sea Diving: The Importance of Trimix If you think that scuba diving is all about attaching an oxygen tank in your back and breathing through it with the use of a regulator, then you are wrong. There's a lot more to scuba diving than that. In fact, pure oxygen is never used in scuba diving, especially on deep sea diving. In recreational diving, air is commonly used and not pure oxygen as most people assume. Air is basically composed of 70 percent nitrogen and 30 percent oxygen. However, nitrox mixes are now being used a lot more in recreational diving as it decreases the chances of nitrogen sickness. Although nitrox is still composed of nitrogen and oxygen, the oxygen concentration is a lot higher than air. This will reduce the risk of nitrogen sickness or bends, but it trades off depth. The more oxygen there is in your scuba diving tank, the shallower you are allowed to dive. So, just why is pure oxygen not used in deep sea diving? This is because of oxygen toxicity. As you go deeper underwater, the pressure increases and oxygen toxicity becomes a factor. So, by reducing oxygen in the air you breathe, you will be able to go deeper. However, by doing so, you will also increase the amount of nitrogen in the air you are breathing which can result in nitrogen narcosis when you go deeper as well as nitrogen sickness or the bends. You may wonder how deep sea divers go deep underwater. The answer to this question is trimix. Trimix is a special air mix designed for deep sea diving. Trimix is composed of oxygen, nitrogen and helium hence the term trimix. Helium is used because it reduces the proportions of nitrogen and oxygen. This means that because the oxygen is reduced, it will enable the diver to dive deeper. And, because nitrogen is reduced, the diver will not experience nitrogen sickness or nitrogen narcosis. The great thing about helium is that it can be breathable under pressure and it has very little narcotic effect. Because of helium's low density, it reduces breathing resistance at depth or at pressure. Also, helium does not enter slow tissues as readily as nitrogen, which causes the bends. The only disadvantage of helium is that it conducts heat 5 times faster. Also, during descent, deep sea divers suffer from a condition called hyperbaric arthralgia. If you become a deep sea diver, you will learn about the different variations of trimix. Some will be named trimix 10/70 and etc. If you come across with trimix 10/70, it will mean that the gas inside the scuba diving tank will be composed of 10 percent oxygen, 70 percent helium and 20 percent nitrogen. This kind of mix is suitable for dives up to a hundred meters or 330 feet. These are the things that you have to remember about trimix. As you can see, deep sea diving is not as simple as it may seem. There are so many aspects in deep sea diving that you have to be aware of and one of them is the gas used for breathing. So, before you don your scuba diving gears and you plan on going very deep, keep in mind that deep sea diving is a specialty course that one needs to take before they undertake dives like this. Deep sea diving is different from recreational diving. It takes years of training and a lot of discipline. The Career Opportunities in Deep Sea Diving If you are a recreational diver, and that you've fallen in love with the sport, then you might be thinking of becoming a professional diver. Sure you can become an instructor and teach scuba diving to other people, but it would be a lot more fulfilling if you try professional deep sea diving or what is commonly referred to as commercial diving. Commercial diving is not just about knowing how to dive in very deep waters, but it will also require you to become familiar with special tools that are used in commercial diving. Also, there are a lot of specialty courses in deep sea diving which means that there will be a lot of career opportunities in this field. Commercial diving is very different from recreational diving. Here, you will be able to use your skills on diving to do all sorts of things underwater. For example, if the hull of a boat needs to be cleaned, commercial divers are usually hired. They are cheaper than dry docking a ship and they also tend to get the job done. Another great career in commercial diving is by becoming an underwater welder specialist. Commercial divers with this kind of specialization are very much in demand, especially companies that requires underwater construction, such as offshore oil rig platforms. Also, salvaging operation projects need welders to cut through metal. Shipping companies are also in need of such commercial divers with welding specialization. They will need them to make repairs on the ship, such as the propeller and the hull. Another specialty that is highly in demand is the rigging specialist. You have to remember that commercial diving is not just about diving but it's also about knowing how to work the key components in the industry. A rigging specialist is responsible for crane operations and also for advanced rigging procedures. Although most people see rigging on topside, you have to remember that there are also riggings underwater that needs to be done by commercial divers. By taking the rigging specialty course, you will be able to learn about the techniques on rigging topside as well as underwater. Also, underwater burning specialists are very much in demand in the world of commercial diving. Here, you will be required for underwater burning and cutting. Commercial diving schools offer this kind of specialty course to their students and they will teach you all about equipment setup and repair, the techniques for cutting and burning underwater, as well as the use of exothermic and tubular rods. Of course, anywhere where commercial diving exists, accidents are very much possible. Although diving accidents are rare, it is still important to have dive medical technicians as part of the crew. Dive medical technicians are knowledgeable about the effects of prolonged deep dives, such as decompression sickness, extreme fatigue, and also nitrogen narcosis. Dive medical technicians specialize in diving related incidents and ailments. They will know what to do in case you experience decompression sickness and they have the skills to operate hyperbaric chambers. You also need to consider that commercial divers are required to work underwater everyday. In fact, they often stay under water for up to 30 days and can even dive up to 1,200 feet. Also, they are called upon on emergencies, such as broken underwater pipelines and will be required to work under extreme weather conditions. And, because they often work with heavy equipments, it is inevitable that injuries may occur. With dive medical technicians, you can be sure that dives will be a lot safer and more prepared. As you can see, there are so many careers in the world of deep sea diving or commercial diving. By choosing the field that appeals to you most, you can be sure that you will have a fulfilling career in the wor ld of commercial diving. Deep Sea Diving: Jobs as a Commercial Diver Whenever people hear the words scuba diving, they will often think about tourists on some exotic tropical country having a lot of fun exploring the underwater world. However, you have to consider the fact that scuba diving is not just a recreational activity. In fact, in deep sea diving or commercial diving, you will see that there are a lot of career opportunities that one can enter. For example, because oil companies are now tackling oil reserves in the ocean, they will need deep sea divers or commercial divers to help out when it comes to getting the job done. Commercial divers are very important in oil rigs. If something goes wrong with the rig underwater, they will call on commercial divers to fix the problem. Commercial divers are a special breed of divers. First of all, they have special training and attending a special kind of scuba diving school. Here, they are taught how to handle state of the art scuba diving equipments as well as other underwater tools that are needed to get the job done. They are also trained to weld underwater, handle high explosives and also taught how to handle dangerous situations, such as nitrogen narcosis and decompression sickness. Commercial divers should also be in a very good physical condition. Besides, working in an underwater environment is a lot more stressful than working on surface. You will be plagued with strong underwater currents that can easily drain ones strength, and commercial divers will also need to deal with working in poor visibility. The dangers are also there. Decompression sickness, nitrogen narcosis and underwater predators will also be a danger in this kind of work. Also, accidents can happen if commercial divers are not careful enough. This is why extensive training is required before you can become a commercial diver. In fact, commercial divers are even taught about diving medicine and how to treat different ailments associated with diving on very deep waters. Also, because you will handle and operate machineries and handle hazardous materials, you will be open to very dangerous situations. Although there are dangers in deep sea diving or commercial diving, you will see that the rewards in this kind of job is very much worth it. First of all, in commercial diving with oil companies, you can expect to get a great pay. In fact, even when you are new, you will be able to have a chance to earn 60 to 100 thousand dollars in a year. And, you will only be working 8 to 9 months every year. Aside from the pay, you will also be able to travel the world. Wherever there is an oil rig owned by the company you work for, you can be sure that you will be able to go there. Just imagine, from the coast of the United States to the waters of Asia, you will be able to dive there. If you love scuba diving, there is no better job than commercial diving. You get to travel for free, and you get paid to dive. As you can see, deep sea diving has its perks. Although the dangers are there, you will see that accidents are rare. This is because commercial divers are highly skilled professionals that are trained to do their job perfectly. So, if you love scuba diving and you want to make a living out of it, being a commercial diver for oil companies is the job for you. Deep Sea Diving: Facts about the Commercial Diving Career Deep sea diving or commercial diving is a type of career chosen by only people with the guts to do it and also people who loves adventure. Deep sea diving is basically a career that involves manmade underwater equipment. Basically, commercial divers work on dams, underwater pipeline systems, ships, offshore oil rigs, and on search and recovery projects, such as salvage operations. Whenever you see water, commercial divers will be able to dive it whether it is as shallow as 60 feet or as deep as a few hundred feet. If you are an adventurous type of person and loves the ocean, then being a commercial diver is the career that you may want to tackle. However, you have to remember that this kind of job is not a job that you can just go out and do. You will need a lot of time in your hands and it is also not something that you can learn by just reading a book alone. Commercial diving is a science. It will involve nuclear technology and you will also need to be in top physical condition in order for you to get accepted as a commercial diver. In commercial diving, you will see that every dive is unique, full of adventure and also full of excitement. If you want to be a commercial diver, then you have to remember that the starting salary will range between 18 thousand dollars to thirty five thousand dollars a year. Usually, the salary will be determined depending on the work experience, the work attitude, as well as the quality of work that the diver provides. If you have all these qualities, then you will be able to earn as much as a hundred thousand dollars or even more. In order to become a deep sea diver, you need to get a special education and training for it. You will see that there are several schools in the United States that teaches deep sea diving. Usually, training will last four to thirteen months before you become a journeyman. The advantages of this career are endless. First, it is an adventurous career where you will be able to travel the world. It is a kind of job that is exciting, challenging and very unique from other types of job that you are used to seeing at home. Another advantage is that the pay is great and promotions are regular. In this career, you will find satisfaction, respect and pride. However, you have to remember that there are also some disadvantages in a commercial diving career. The first is that there are times where diving can be quite uncomfortable especially when diving in cold water. Also, if you are not careful, commercial diving can be dangerous and it can also be lethal as you will be required to use hazardous materials, such as welding tools and even high explosives. There will never be a shortage in demand for deep sea divers. You have to remember that for as long as there is water and the need to construct underwater structures, deep sea divers will always be in demand. In this career, you will always find work to be done. As you can see, deep sea diving is a very good career choice. Aside from the good pay, being a commercial diver is a lot of fun and will be full of excitement. If you are in to demanding and challenging jobs, then this type of work is for you. Experience the Thrill and Excitement That Only Deep Sea Diving Can Provide Most people that are laid back are those who gets satisfaction in life by simply having a job, family, and simple thrills. However, there are also those who want to make the most out of life. These people are naturally adventurous and want to try out everything that the world can offer. These people try extreme sports, such as skydiving and they also find great thrill in scuba diving. If you are such a person, then you will find that deep sea diving can offer you the thrill, adventure and excitement that you have been looking for. Deep sea diving is a different kind of diving. Commonly referred to as technical diving in recreational diving, this kind of diving requires special skills and training in order to be done properly. Although scuba diving can provide you with a window to look at the wonderful world underwater, deep sea diving can offer you more. Here, you will be able to explore more than just colorful reefs. You will also experience having a first hand look at places where few people have been. From caves located deep underwater to famous shipwrecks, deep sea diving or technical diving can indeed offer you a one of a kind experience. Also, you will be able to look at marine life that can never be seen on shallower parts of the ocean. In technical diving, you will be able to have a chance to be able to be one of the select few to explore the deep parts of the ocean. So, what do you need to do to become qualified for technical diving? First of all, you have to remember that technical diving requires special training. In most scuba diving agencies, such as PADI or NAUI, you will find that technical diving courses are readily available. However, you first need to get certified as an open water diver as well as an advanced open water diver. In advanced open water, you will find a series of sub courses or specialty courses that you can take. Some are for underwater photography, and you will also see technical diving as part of the course. You can take several courses if you want to improve your skills on your chosen field. For example, if you take technical diving, you will be able to learn how to dive deeper underwater. However, you can also take underwater photography courses where you will learn how to take great photographs underwater. By combining these two, you will be able to go deep sea diving and at the same time, immortalize this experience with underwater photography. Deep sea diving or technical diving can be dangerous. This is the reason why training here is rigorous. Here, you will breathe special gas mixture, particularly the trimix, and you will also learn about the ways on how to deal with fatigue, as well as dangerous scuba diving conditions that can affect your body, such as nitrogen narcosis and decompression sickness. Although there are dangers in deep sea diving, you have to consider that few incidents occur thanks to the rigorous training. Technical divers have scuba diving skills that are superior to that of the open water diver. So, if you want to experience an adventure that you can never find anywhere else on the planet, then deep sea diving is for you. ![]() ![]()