![]() ![]() Fishing ![]() Learn To Fish: It's Fun! Fishing is a fun and tranquil sport that lets you spend quiet time with your friends, family and with Mother Nature. Fresh water fishing is a sport involving the catching of fish in lakes, rivers and streams. It involves a lot of patience, challenge and a lot of acquired skill over time. Anyone can participate in this fun activity, including the kids. To start, you have to check your State's fishing requirements and make sure if a license is needed for you to fish. If it is required, you must acquire one by checking with a sporting goods store. They will help you how to get it, and some will even provide it for you. During the time that you are in your favorite sporting goods store, you can look around and buy the right fishing equipment that you will be need for your trip. Considering that you are a beginner, make sure that you budget well the cost and your spending on the equipment, not deciding on expensive equipments; buy only the basic things you will need. When in doubt as to what is needed, ask the help of the store keeper, but do keep in mind that you need to stick to a budget. Take your time and don't hesitate to ask how to use each piece of equipment that is offered to you. Artificial lures for bait can be used or you can simply look for worms from your back yard. An inexpensive fishing rod and reel will be enough along with a fishing line, hooks, weights, a bobber (this keeps your line afloat), fishing lures and net. A polarized sunglass is also essential, as it will help to see clearly through the water and lessen the glare. Then if you don't know the good locations to fish, ask about local "hot" spots, or check your State's fishing regulations for information about fishing locations around your State. The time will surely come when you will be a better fisherman; then you may decide on upgrading your equipment. In the meantime, keep things simple. It is always advised that you avoid fishing alone. Always be with a friend, as when emergency strikes, there can be someone who can call for help. It is wise to start fishing in shallow waters. Aim your cast in shady or rocky areas where the water is deep, as this is where the fish is expected to be found. Keep in mind that this is all practice first. As your skill level develops and increases, you can then attempt into deeper waters. But before going, take the time to practice casting to familiarize yourself with your rod and your reel. What better place to practice than your back yard. To do so, mark off an area using a rope and use this as your guide in aiming your cast. Rehearse and study your movements to discover a method that will work for you. Bear in mind, cast with your wrist, and not with your arm. Fishing hooks are very sharp and needed to be handled with care to avoid injury. Before casting, it is important that you should look around you and stay unobstructed to avoid hurting other people with your hook. When the right time has come and you go fishing for real, keep in mind to cast your line always ahead of the fish, making your bait land slowly, with as little splash as possible. The fish will see well at a close point, but cannot see behind. If your casts are going in a disorganized manner, move closer to the water so you can gain better accuracy. Watch the bobber closely for any movement. If and when a fish grabs the bait, the bobber will be pulled under water. This signals that you got a fish on the line. Don't get too excited. Remain calm. Keeping your line tight, slowly reel in your catch. Place the net near and use it to bring the fish out. Remove the hook from the fish with great care. If you got an undersized fish (as noted in the state's regulation book), quickly return it to the water. Likewise, if you have no intention in eating your catch, do not waste it and return it to the water. Releasing the fish will supply the water with more fish, giving future fishermen the thrill to experience a catch. Lastly, look around you and feel the calm, restful and serene view of the river. Have fun! What Lures, What Fish? Spoons Considered the most simple of all other lures, they got their name because they look like the head of a spoon. They act for the bait fish by doing a flickering and wobbling movement or action. Spoons are excellent for starters in lure fishing; easy to use and very affordable. Spinners The spinner is basically a blade wherein it does a rotating action on a spindle when being retrieved or taken back through the water as well as it gives off a flash as light is being reflected on the revolving blade, characterizing the bait fish's scales and movements. This is a lure that is flexible because only can one verify and know the retrieve depth by the period or time frame one leaves before one starts a retrieve, one can also alter the speed of the revolving blade around the spindle, by either speeding up or slowing down one's retrieve. For the Trout and Mullet, a smaller size is recommended, and a larger spinner with the pike liking, along with the treble hook in a red wool. Surface lures These lures are used on the water surface and considered to be the most explosively thrilling of all lures as one could actually see the fish taking the lure, and the anticipation and the expectation of one looking forward of the take is an exciting experience. The fish can be completely seen exiting the water when they send off at a surface lure. Since these lures are being retrieved on the surface of the water, they can be a good choice in areas that have a lot of weed. Suspending plugs Having neutral buoyancy and resistance, when the plug has dived or dropped to the required depth and left alone, it will continue on being suspended to that depth. For this reason, this type is perfect for pursuing your prey hidden near the weed beds, rocks or banks. When yanked in order to imitate life to the plug, it causes some crashing attack from your target. Floating drivers A necessity for all lure anglers, they cover a wide scope in diving depths; beginning from just beneath the surface up to fifteen feet or more. The diving depth is established on the point of view of the vane or fin to the body of the lure. The lesser the angle to the body of the lure the deeper it can dive. The shape as well as the size of the vane and the lures body contributes to the movement of the plug in the water. Sinking plugs These are excellent for deep water fishing, wherein the retrieve can start soon as the preferred depth is reached. This is accomplished by counting down before one starts the retrieval process. Therefore, the same depth will be reached whenever one casts. The distance that the lure has sunk down in a particular time, will give a suggestion of how deep or how far down the fish are situated when they strike; thus this is called the sink rate of the lure. Soft baits This is soft rubber bait that comes in various shapes and forms, with matching sizes and colors. These are commonly used for sea and fresh water fishing, which can be used on a weighted jig head handled in the same manner as the jerk bait, being managed as a plug is used. Jerk baits Having no movement of its own when in the water, the angler gives life to this lure; whenever the rod trembles or shakes or jerks, this lure can appear to have life. This lure for the most part, mimics an injured or wounded fish that the prey fish find tempting, and be compelled to thrust or lunge at. Vacation tips in fishing When summer time comes and salmon are starting to run, many people who like fishing visit Alaska. Tourists tend to know when the salmon run starts. This may not be on purpose but they do know the best place to catch salmon is in Alaska. Alaska's waters make their tourists get the Alaska fishing guide and provide the tourists the best spots in Alaska for fishing. First, you have to know what kind of fish you want to catch. You can choose from different varieties of fishes like silver salmon, arctic char, steelhead, Alaska king salmon, rainbow trout, or any other fish. The Arctic, Southwest, South central, Southeast and the interior are the five known geographical places in Alaska. These are the sites where you can maximize your fishing expedition. You have to hire a fishing guide since you do not know the area. They may give the best spots for you and accompany you to your fishing. Here Are Some Things You May Want To Ask From Your Guide 1. You have to know how long they have been doing their work in Alaska. It is good if they have been staying there for a long time already. The reason is that they have much knowledge about the different yearly cycles of Alaska. 2. Be aware of the time you will spend during the trip. Also, make note of the time that you will need during the actual fishing. The amount that you will pay your guide might only be consumed on the time of the boat ride rather than the fishing itself. 3. Ask how much a particular guide would cost, because they have different rates depending on their skills, experiences and length of stay in their job. A guide that would cost cheaper than the average rate of the other guides might not have enough experience and skills. 4. It is recommended that you have your references. This will help you narrow down your choices in selecting a fishing guide. Most people who have been there are willing to share about how satisfied they were during the fishing vacation. They can also give you some advice on what you need to do during the adventure. 5. Remember, this is a chance for you to ask about particular issues that concern you. Do not hesitate to gather information from your guide. By this time, you should be able to have your final choice for your Alaska fishing guide that will be perfect for your plans and make the most out of your trip in Alaska. Using a Fishing Rod Rods are basically made from carbon. Plastic, composite carbon combined with Kevlar, which is a kind of material that is bullet proof, or just high carbon. Since the carbon's force and strength in connection to its mass is light, making it strong material that can allow thinner fabrication but still is able to keep the span and length. A rod that is lighter evidently handling will be easier, controlling it would be less tiring on ones arms and reduces resistance to air giving one an easier time accurately casting it, particularly on windy ways. Rods come in silicon carbide, hard chrome or ceramic rings having a function of letting the line pass through. These are precisely used because of their smoothness having the function to minimize friction when passing through the line and keep the maximum strength. Silicon materials are a fact costly, so an alternative is bring into play ceramic rings like Zircon which when taken in to account, it is not as tough or as light, but is much cost effective. Rings made of chrome are better, although every season they require replacement, they do deliver excellent job of line running. At least thirteen rings are needed from the handle all through the tip, lesser near the handle, needing more close to the tip. The line can fasten itself to the rod, if you don't have enough rings. When determining length of the rod, you want to take into account exactly what kind of fishing you want. If you want far out fishing, in that case choose a larger rod as this will offer you better control when you are playing the fish. If you are planning to go fishing in an area that is enclosed, you will need a shorter rod. Normally, the safe rod size to choose is13ft (3.9m). This is lengthy enough for a waggler but does not cast out too far. Handles Handles are made from either cork or foam. Whichever you choose, this is a matter of preference. Just try handling both materials so you can have a good "feel" before buying it. Action Action is the term used in describing how the rod will bend when it is placed under the lot of strain and effort of a fighting fish. There are two types of tip on a rod, the hollow and spliced tips. Hollow tips are good in catching carp, tench and chub which have a progressive or developing action making it sharp for quick bites, yet proficient enough to manage long distance strikes. Spliced tips normally are normally spliced to the end with two feet solid carbon. This rod is sharper so it is a good pick for fast acting fish. When choosing a rod, these questions will help you pick the right one: 1. How frequent and where do you fish? Are you a beginner, a weekend warrior, or a tournament pro? If you are just starting out, you may need to budget and spend less money on your first rod. Once you learn the techniques and once you have decided that fishing is for you, that is the time to spend on more specific rods. 2. Freshwater or Saltwater fish? While there are a few rods that can be used for both fresh and saltwater fish, most rods are made for a specific purpose and application. 3. Spinning or Casting? The species you that you choose to chase will determine it. 4. Power, sensitivity, and your technique. The rod should match the way you enjoy fishing. If you like to fish with lures, then you should look for a rod that is comfortable enough to cast frequently all day long. Tips on Lake Fishing for a Great Outdoor Experience For many years, lake fish have been classified under three general heads: game fish, food fish, and forage or bait fish. The bass, trout, pike, pickerel, muskellunge, pike perch, etc., have been generally known as game fish because of their sporting value. On the other hand, carp, suckers, some of the catfish, yellow perch, etc., have been considered as food fish. While this latter group has not been considered as furnishing the sport that the so-called game fish do, nevertheless, it has a real economic and recreational value. Generally speaking, in lake fishing, words are really inadequate when it comes to describing the correct procedure in casting. The best way to learn how to cast is to go down to the beach, watch an expert at work, and try to do likewise. Nevertheless, lake fishing can really be fun and the novice will quickly master the correct form in lake fishing. Therefore, to further harness their craft, here are some tips that could help the anglers on their lake fishing activity. 1. In lake fishing, as with other forms of fishing, a smooth, snappy stroke is required but not as snappy as when snapping a whip. This type of stroke will cause the loss of many flies. 2. Anglers should remember that it is the line that is cast, not the fly. The fly is but a passenger, which is attached to the leader. 3. Proper timing is an important factor on both the backcast and forward cast. 4. Know the fish habitat and the kinds of fish that inhabit the lakes. Some of them are the sunfish, and the small mouth black bass. These kinds of fish can usually be found hiding near some submerged log or stump, or among the plants. 5. When catching big fish in the lake, it is best to use big, sturdy rods. Big fish like the bass usually attain a weight of 12 pounds, which usually inhabits the lake or pond. The reason why they grow really big is that in lakes or ponds, the food is both abundant and very rich. Hence, to handles these sizes, the ideal length and weight of the rod is 8 1/2 feet in length and from 4 to four and three quarters of an ounce in weight. Indeed, the fundamental principles in lake fishing are not difficult to master and with little patience and practice, the novice can become a successful angler in the lake. Bass Fishing Bass fishing is one of the most common types of fishing. Many bass fish are found in bayou water and salt water. They also move through lakes, ponds, reservoirs and streams. If you know the basics regarding conditions and places where bass are likely to be, you will have more success when you fish for them. Many variables change the location of bass, such as water conditions, water levels, weather, and light and food availability. There are three main elements that must be present in a body of water in order for bass to survive: Food, oxygen, and cover. A bass' favorite meal is crawfish, which they prefer over shad. Basically, crawfish are usually more plentiful and they are easy for the Bass to catch. However, a bass will typically eat anything from rats, mice, ducklings, frogs, snakes, salamanders, worms, lizards, grubs, baitfish, insects, and leeches. Their ability to feast on one thing above another is why many people find such enjoyment from fishing bass. Oxygen is another key component in finding bass fish. The basic rule of thumb is that the cooler the water, the more oxygen content. Therefore, if you are fishing in the spring, summer or early fall, you will find that the larger bass will drop down lower to find the cooler and more oxygen-filled water. They will also swim to find areas that are more concentrated in vegetation in order to find a better oxygen source. Trees, stumps, wind-blown banks, and power plants are all good sources of oxygen that will attract bass fish. A bass relies on cover for a means of protection and way of ambush. Cover is part of a bass' survival. The bass is known as a lazy fish, so they will hide and wait for their prey to come to them. The other reason for cover is that bass fish do not have eyelids and the cover is a way to prevent blindness. Some common cover areas to find bass in are around fabricated wood structures such as fencerows, docks, and pilings. They have been known to hide under floating pieces of wood or decaying wood. Weeds are the second best place to hunt for bass. Finally, rocks are the third place that bass will find cover. Rocks are not as reliable as weeds or wood, but sometimes a bass will find decaying pieces of food to feast on within some rocks. Remember that rocks do not produce oxygen, so the source is not as consistent. When it comes to fishing, everyone has a different opinion. You will often find that these opinions range in location and source. However, there are some lures and baits that are recommended for bass fishing that may be useful if you haven't tried them. Tequila colored 7-inch worms with added scent are recommended, as well as Rebel Wee-Rs. Hellgrammites are thought to be the best live bait, and many will say that you don't need big lures to attract big bass. Everyone will tell you to tie up to an embankment, or find a dock to get close to, but it is really an art that could take years to perfect. Bass are notorious for slow moving and lack of distance in their movements. Logically, you could sit 30 feet from the biggest bass of your life, and he is not going to swim to your bait out of pure laziness. Finding the exact spot is difficult and a lot of fishing has to do with luck. The only part that you can control is finding the most likely places that a bass may be and exercise some patience. Weather is important to bass as well. If it is a cloudy day, you might have more luck than on a hot summer day. However, overcast is probably ideal for water temperatures, but then you have to decide what you are willing to sit through in order to catch a fish. The bottom line with bass fishing is you can only do your best with the knowledge at hand. Tackle Box Must Haves You cannot have success at any sport if you do not have the right equipment. When people think of fishing, they automatically think of rods, reels, and bait. However, you cannot underestimate the power of the tackle box because it plays an important role in the success of your fishing expeditions. Many people covet their tackle boxes because they represent a lifetime of trials and tribulations regarding what methods work for which fish. If you are a novice in the world of fishing, you could find yourself overwhelmed with the possibilities and choices that are available. Starting your tackle box can seem challenging, but if you stick to the basics, you will be able to get started without a hitch. The first thing that you need is to pick out a box. A tackle box should be strong and able to handle wear and tear easily. The plastic tackle boxes are usually thick and come with strong handles making it easier to lug back and forth between boat, river, and pier trips. The most important thing when deciding on a box is the latch. Your tackle box must have a sturdy latch because you do not want everything to spill out on the dock or into the water. When you are in a boating store, pull on the latch and test it before you decide on a purchase. Some essentials to keep in a tackle box are hooks, lines, and sinkers. Hooks are an important part of fishing because without them you will not be catching very much. The larger the number size of the hook, the smaller the hook actually is. When you buy line, make sure that your line fits your reel. Keep an extra spool in your box for just-in-case purposes. Sinkers are important for helping your bait to catch fish below the surface of the water. In order to get your line to the bottom you are going to need split-shot sinkers. Sinkers are made from different materials, but the safest are the ones that are made from steel, tin, and non-toxic metals. Some of the sinkers are made from lead and they can potentially poison some types of fish. Lures are going to be the next thing that you add to your tackle box. There are many different types of lures ranging in all colors, shapes, sizes, and material. Different fish are attracted to different types of lures. For instance, a kingfish will be more attracted by a lure with glitter while a bass will be more attracted to a worm shaped lure. Make sure to know what the fish you are trying to catch like to eat before you buy. Some fun gadgets that may be useful are the leaders, snap swivels, fingernail clippers, needle-nose pliers, practice plugs, stringers, and maps. Maps are obvious because you need to know how to get to your favorite fishing spots. However, the other things may need some greater explanation. A leader is a piece of line with a metal core that will keep a fish from biting off the line and escaping. A snap swivel will prevent tangles in your line and a practice plug is for casting. Lastly, a stringer will help you to keep your catch fresh in the water. Once you start fishing regularly, you will find out which lures are useful and which one don't help at all. You will discover the tools that you use the most and the ones that are just collecting dust. Hopefully, you will try new things and maybe put your own spin on some old ones and build the perfect tackle box for you. Lure Terminology There are many ways to lure in fish to your boat. Words like rigging, chumming, and luring come to mind. However, there are many varieties when it comes to lures and trying to decipher between all of them can be a confusing process. In addition, knowing when to "chum" as oppose to "lure" can be equally challenging when you are ready to catch the most fish that you can. When deciding whether you should lure or chum, you should be aware of what type of fish you are trying to catch. Chum is a mess to make, distribute and to store so be sure that you are using it for the right reasons. Lures are used the majority of the time, but if you are dealing with fish who heavily use their sense of smell, lures may be a waste of time. As a general rule of thumb, chum is used in order to bring fish to the boat and lures are generally used for spot fishing. When you decide to use a lure, what type do you choose? There are many different kinds of lures and they are used in different regions for a variety of purposes. If you learn the basics then you will not have to look like a novice by reading the back of the package will perusing the aisles in the stores. A lure is defined as an object, often designed to resemble a fish's prey, and they usually come equipped with one or more hooks that are used to catch fish. You will attach a lure to the end of your fishing line and throw it out into the water until a fish takes a bite. The one exception to the rule is the fly lure, which is used to float on the water's surface mimicking the movement of an insect. You can also troll lure behind a boat to create the appearance of a living animal in the water. Some of the different types of lures are classified as jigs, wobblers, spinner, spoon lures, plugs, fly lures, and worms. Jigs are made of weighted metal heads and a tail that is made from animal hair, soft plastic, feathers, or rubber. A minnow can sometimes to be added or a piece of meat can be attached to the end of the hook. Jigs can be used for almost any kind of saltwater or freshwater fishing. A spoon is a metal lure that looks similar to a bait fish. These lures are meant to be cast or to be trolled behind a moving vessel. The plastic belts are the most commonly thought of baits. They are the plastic worms that are sometimes scented in order to attract more fish. The plastic belts can be used with or without a weight, but a jig head, spinner, or a spinner bait always accompanies them. Plugs are made from plastic or wood and can be used on top of the water. There is a separate category of plugs called diving plugs that are designed to plunge into a certain depth of the water. The spinners have blades that spin around a wire shaft, and they are made of plastic or animal hair. The spinner baits are the lures with more than one blade that spin around a safety shaft. They are characterized by 'skirts', which are made of animal hair, vinyl, rubber, and other materials. Lastly are the poppers and flies. These baits are primarily used for panfish, trout, and bass. Fly-tying is a harder concept to learn, making these lures unique. Lures are tested and decided upon by the individual. Many lures are determined to be useful by trying them out time and time again. When you become comfortable with a certain type of lure, you will be able to expand on its possibilities, making it more individualized for your fishing purposes. "Noodling": Cooking Pasta or Catching Catfish? "Noodling" conjures up images of standing over a vat of boiling water, cooking some kind of Italian pasta to perfection. This may be one definition of the term, but in reference to one of the oddest fishing styles known, it refers to the art of fishing for catfish using only bare hands and a big stick for prodding purposes. That is correct; using only your bare hands to feel your way along the mud-caked bottom of a river in search of a catfish is called noodling. Better still, these catfish can weigh an awful lot. Noodling, also referred to as grabbling, is legal only in certain states and was practiced by Native Americans long before the settlement of Europeans. To experience noodling you must plan a trip south to Arkansas, North Carolina or Mississippi. During the Depression, it was rumored grabbling became popular as a rapid and inexpensive manner of providing food for the family. Today, grabbling as a means of fishing for flathead, channel and blue catfish is mainly for entertainment, as most grabblers practice catch-and-release. From late May to July, when the days lengthen and water temperatures become warmer, catfish seek out shallow water to lay their eggs. Sheltered secluded locations are preferred such as boat ramps, holes in rocks and sandbanks. Once the female catfish lays her eggs, she departs the nest, leaving the male catfish to guard the eggs and keep them aerated. The male will not leave the nest until the baby catfish are ready to leave as well. Catfish are very aggressive during spawning season. For this reason, care must be taken to avoid becoming victim to that aggression when noodling. Locate bedding catfish by running your bare hands along the river bottom in search of an opening. For a bottom-feeding fish, the catfish is rather clean and delicate. Openings are easy to find because the catfish will continue to clear its home and area. Some experienced grabblers plan their trips during the winter when water levels are low, where it is possible to see potential hideaways that will soon be submerged. They then return to these locations during spawning season. An angry growling sound, described by some as a "thump", lets you know you have located your prey. Submerging yourself is required for a good portion of the grabbling expedition; clearly, the longer you are able to hold your breath, the easier it is to grabble. Once a spawning location has been identified, use a big stick to guide the catfish out of the nest to within arms reach. Now knowing where your prey is, place your hand with outstretched fingers into the hole. The catfish will quickly become angered at your intrusion and will strike out, either hitting your hand or grabbing your hand while biting it with its mouth. He may clamp on to your hand and attempt to pull you into the hole, hence the need for additional assistance when attempting grabbling. Once he bites, grab him with both hands on his lower jaw, wrap your legs around him if necessary and pull him completely out of the water. Twisting and rolling is sure to ensue, but perseverance will ensure your victory. Clearly, "noodling" is not an experience everyone will enjoy, least of all those who are faint at heart, and injury is always a possibility. For some, the pasta-cooking scenario may be much more preferable. But for a "hands-on" fishing experience that anyone from the young to the elderly can delight in, there is nothing quite comparable. Night Fishing Night fishing is a little harder than fishing when the sun is bright. However, it is common throughout the reservoirs of the south and southeast when the summer months are too uncomfortable to fish for an entire day. The water will usually be so warm that the fish will go deeper and deeper from the surface to find more oxygen, making them harder to catch. Many people night fish as a hobby, but it is important to take extra safety precautions and to be prepared for anything. Generally, bass fishing is the most common type of night fishing. Since bass are slow moving and they do not migrate long distances, you should be able to locate them at the same locations during many parts of the day. If you have a certain fishing spot, they should still be there at night as well. The fish will also find spots near manufactured structures and anywhere that crawfish may be in abundance. Typically, you will want to use a heavier tackle at night than you would during the day. Since sight is limited, you will have to rely on the feel of the lure to determine whether you have a bite. Some of the lures that have been proven to give results are hair jigs, pork rinds, and rubber jigs. When you are preparing for your night trip, you need to take some extra measures that you may not necessarily think about for a day trip. You should check the weather beforehand. When visibility is limited, you do not want to be caught in rain or deep fog. You also need to make sure that your boat is in working order. The last thing that you will want is to break down at night. You should be well aware of what you have and do not have in your tackle and toolboxes. Light sources are obviously very important to night fishing. Many anglers will use "black lights" and some sort of fluorescent line. When the line is under the black light, it will have a neon glow and make subtle movements more visible. At the very least, you should have extra flashlights and a mounted light on your boat. You want to keep yourself safe and visible to other boats that may be night fishing at the same time. Bass fish do not have great vision, so they will rely on their sense of smell during the night. Your objective is to create a smell of food or wounded prey. A popular method during night fishing is to create a chum line. If you are not comfortable trolling a chum line, you may want to consider live bait. Be prepared that some larger species of fish are going to be looking for a free meal as well. Another thing you cannot forget when you go out for any fishing trip is a first aid kit. If for some reason you so much as cut your finger, you will need to have supplies ready and in reach. You need to wear your life jacket at all times when you are fishing at night. Don't forget your insect repellent because mosquitoes are looking for a free meal, too. Catch and Release Fishing Fishing is a sport, but it has become less about survival and more about fun in recent decades. There is an issue of fish becoming depleted and many anglers are now employing the practice of catch and release fishing. Catch and release fishing is a great theory, but many people are doing it incorrectly and as a result many fish are dying. A few steps should be followed when trying to catch and release a fish. Once you get the hang of how to do it correctly, you will be able to enjoy your hobby and keep the population of fish full in your favorite stream or lake. The best place to start is with the hooks. A fish that has a hole through its mouth is going to be more likely to survive than a fish with a hole in its lung or gill. If you happen to hook a fish in the gut, the best thing to do is to cut off the hook as much as you can then release the fish. Many times the hook will dissolve and the fish will spit it out, but they can also live with a rusted hook hanging from them. Whatever you do, do not tug on your line to pull a hook out or you will severely hurt the fish. If you are able to easily remove the hook, use a pair of needle nose pliers. The process of pulling the hook out is easier if you remove the barbs from the hooks, but try not to wiggle while you pull the hook out. Fish are obviously unable to survive outside of the water. Therefore, the longer that it takes you to release them, the more it becomes as if you are suffocating them. The way that a fish is gripped when out of the water will make a big difference. For instance, avoid touch a fish's body with your bare hands. The fish have a slimy protective coat that will be stripped if you touch them with your hands. If you have to touch a fish, make sure that your hands are wet. You may want to wear gloves to protect your hands from cuts or permeating fish smells. Part of the fun in fishing is to "play out" the fish. The struggle can be what some anglers wait all day to do. Fish are like humans; when they "work out," they build up lactic acid. When you are fighting a fish, they are fighting too. Just like when someone works his or her body out and it feels sore, a fish experiences the same thing. The build up of lactic acid can be toxic to a fish even days later. Therefore, if you are going to practice catch and release, try to keep the struggle to a minimum. Try not to let a fish flop around when you catch them. A fish that flops around can bruise or damage its internal organs, causing them to die later from the injuries that are incurred. You can also revive a fish if you need to do so. A fish is likely to run out of oxygen and pass out, so to speak. In order to revive a fish, you place the fish in the water with their belly down and gently grasp their tail. Start to slowly move their tail back and forth until they give you the signal that they are ready to take off into the water. Sometimes you will need to repeat the process more than once, but don't let a fish go until they are ready. A fish that is not ready to swim could get carried away and swept into rocks or embankment and cause serious injury. More than anything, when you are practicing catch and release, have everything ready to go. Make sure that your camera, pliers, and gloves are in reaching distance. Try to take the precautions necessary to preserve fish and one of America's favorite pastimes. Blue Marlin Fishing Marlins are characterized as big game saltwater fish. The average weight of a blue marlin is anywhere from one hundred to five hundred pounds. Their bodies can reach the length of ten feet and they are mainly found in the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic Oceans. The blue marlin is known for its ability to fight, so you must be willing to match the marlin's will to live in order to take the sport seriously. Just like any other fish, the importance of learning the habits of the blue marlin is essential before trying to make them submissive to a hook. When marlin are in their primitive habitat they will feed on many things including mullet, cero, whole ballyhoo, dolphin, flying fish, bonito, skipjacks, squid and Spanish mackerel. The reason for understanding the marlin's eating habits is to know what bait will be useful to catch these mammoth fish. Any combination of the aforementioned fish will be more than sufficient bait when trying to catch your marlin. A simple technique used in marlin fishing is the lure of the "bonito" bait. You take the bonito and hook it through the tops of their eye sockets. The bonito will stay alive for hours, making your job more about patience. Make sure that you have half of the line on your reel because marlin have a stubborn streak and they will try to fight you until you are tired or are dragged under by the weight and persistence. Wheel in your line consistently after the marlin first takes a bite of the bait. If your line seems to be too tight, loosen up the slack in order to give the marlin a little more room. This technique will also allow you to take a small break here and there. Loosening your line will also decrease the chance that the line will break, which is a common cause of anglers losing their game. Another traditional method for finding marlin is the study of their behavior. Marlin will usually follow schools of fish. They will also be more susceptible to trolling. Trolling is simple enough if you employ logic when you use the method. For instance, if you spot a marlin following a school of fish, do not drop your bait in front of the fish because they will scatter and scare the marlin. If the sun is positioned in front of the marlin, he will be oblivious to your bait because he will be unable to see it. The best way to find marlin is through the use of modern technology. An ultrasound sensor is a tool that is used to spot marlin. However, the gadgets for fishing are not cheap. Unless you are someone who is dedicated to solely fishing for marlin, be careful of the purchases that you make. Often times companies will make products that are specifically designed for a certain type of fishing, in a certain location, or even a region. Make sure that you do your research before you buy any electronic fishing tool. The one thing to keep in mind about marlin is their will to survive. A fight with a marlin could last for hours without the slightest bit of relief. If at any time you feel like you are becoming exhausted and the fish is still going strong, cut the line. If you land a blue marlin you will feel an exhilarating sense of accomplishment, but there is no achievement that should allow you to put yourself in danger at any time. Marlin fishing should be a hobby, but it is a hobby that should be approached with intelligence. You should always know the strength of your opponent before you take the challenge of a fight. The marlin is a beautiful fish, that if you become good enough, can make you a lot of money, but it will take a will that matches the fish to beat the fish. Loving the Ling: A Tribute to the Ugliest Fish in the Sea The ling or "eelpout" is without a doubt a disgusting, repulsive, annoying, slimy, smelly and unattractive fish in the sea. Despite these negative qualities, it has a delicious lobster-like taste and boasts its own annual festival near Walker, Minnesota. Why? The eelpout may be ugly, but its redeeming qualities far outweigh any appearance deficiencies. Eelpout, also known as spineless catfish, lawyer or burbot, tend to reside mostly in the deeper waters of clean cold Northern lakes. Their appearance is part eel, part catfish, sporting one single chin whisker known as a barbel. Its physique is lean and mean with considerable strength, challenging anglers with an audacious game of hide-and-seek. Its primary draw for many anglers is the ease with which they are caught. During the winter months, eelpout relocate into water 25 to 50 feet deep for spawning. As a result, anglers can expect to catch large numbers of these homely swimmers, often weighing in the double digits. Early evening and after dark are prime times for successful eelpouting. These ugly creatures of the deep are known carnivores; if it's fishy and fits in their mouths, they will eat it. While this makes baiting them somewhat easier, it is this trait which also makes them an unwelcome guest to other anglers, as they tend to steal bait. Like other nocturnal creatures, eelpout prefer to sneak up on their victims while they rest. The strength, depth and aggressiveness of this species require stronger equipment than most game fishing. Stronger lure combined with leaders of at least three feet and a swivel will keep the catch online and prevent lure from twisting with the fish. Glow hooks and rattle spoons with minnows top off the lure, which is then allowed to free-call to the bottom. The lure mingles with the muck and is then snapped back to the surface, at which point an eelpout may already be on board. During the spawning period in late February, a catch of 100 or more is not uncommon, weighing on average between 3 and 8 pounds. Those who love the ling are welcome to pay its tribute at the annual International Eelpout Festival on Leech Lake in Walker, Minnesota. Three full days commemorating the ugliest fish in the sea begin with an Opening Ceremony, complete with Torch Lighting. Entrants are encouraged to use their imagination when constructing their fishing shelter, as prizes are awarded for the most lavish structure built on the lake. Extra points may be earned if the shelter sports a logo from one of the sponsoring companies of the tournament. Prizes are also awarded for the single pout with the most weight, for the most combined pout tonnage by a single angler and for most combined pout tonnage by a team of anglers. If actually catching these despicable creatures is not on your agenda, the Festival offers numerous activities to help celebrate the eelpout in style. The Eelpout Peelout is a 5K run which challenges its contestants to be the first to win the race and win the angling contest. The Snowmobile Radar Run, Eelpout Bowl Rugby Tournament, the Polar Plunge, a black-tie dinner on the ice and an "On-Ice" Auto Race ensure there is something fun for participants of all ages, whether an angler or spectator. Few creatures are as unappealing, yet offer so much in the spirit of fishing. There is nothing refined or fancy about fishing for eelpout; it is simply fun. For those who like to fish, enjoy the outdoors, and catch a lot of fish without regard to species, the eelpout is a beautiful thing indeed. It's great to fish in the summer when the air is warm and the lake is calm. There are fishermen, though, who can't wait for winter and the lake to freeze solid. Ice fishing is a sport that many people enjoy, extending the fishing season to year-round pleasure. What's more, ice fishing is a great family activity. What makes ice fishing so appealing to families is that the sport isn't just about catching fish. Getting outdoors and breathing crisp, good air while having fun sums up ice fishing well. Smiles, laughs, and playing in the snow are all pretty common occurrences while out on the ice. Those reasons are just some of the few that even people who hate fishing get hooked on this winter activity. If you'd like to try a day of ice fishing with your family, here are some things to keep in mind. Ice fishing is usually a whole-day activity. Get out on the ice early after breakfast to enjoy the best hours. If you plan on bringing home a bunch of perch for a meal, then being ready with your lines in the water by the time the sun starts to rise is best. Fish tend to bite in the early morning or later in the afternoon, depending on the species. The period in between usually ends up being playtime for families rather than hours spent reeling up the fish. Pack a good lunch and some snacks, because the fresh air and activity will stir appetites. Lots of finger foods and plenty of water to drink serve the purpose nicely. It's a good idea to avoid bringing beer with you, though, as alcohol and cold don't mix well. Alcohol can lower your body temperature and the chill in the air makes it harder to feel the effects You may end up going overboard without realizing you've had one to many to make the safe drive home. Staying warm while ice fishing is a must. The open-air location will often carry a good breeze, so windproof clothing should be your first consideration. Plenty of layers underneath warm sweaters will trap the heat and keep you feeling toasty. Good boots and mitts of solid construction are best, and even better are those that are waterproof. Ice fishing involves playing in cold water, after all! Some other accessories you'll need are a warm hat and sunglasses. Bright sunlight reflects on the white snow and ice, which can be brutal on your eyesight and vision. Many ice anglers who don't wear sunglasses come home and realize they can't see well for over half an hour! Since the sun is so strong and the reflection off the snow amplifies its effects, it's also easy to get sunburned, so apply plenty of sun block to avoid red cheeks. If you're new to ice fishing, choose an outfitter that will provide you with a cabin, a stove, lines, minnows and a hole-drilling service. These outfitters want to make sure you enjoy your day as much as possible and will set you up with everything you need for hours of fun. The employees will also be more than happy to answer your questions and give you tips on how to fish. Once you're set up, respect other people around you. Have a good time, but don't blast a radio to upset the peace and quiet of other anglers. Don't throw waste on the ice either and have a care for the environment. Some fishermen pour antifreeze in their holes to prevent ice from forming but antifreeze is toxic and this practice is an irresponsible one. Use the metal spoon provided to keep your holes from freezing over. In addition, if you aren't going to eat the fish you catch, handle them gently and practice catch and release. The growth rate and reproduction of fish is quite slow, which means negligent or abusive behaviour can put a dent in fish populations. Lastly, pack up and head home before you get tired. Being outside for a few hours in cold temperatures will hit you hard once you get into a warm car. By the time you get home, you'll probably feel exhausted. After a day of ice fishing, ordering a pizza for supper can be a godsend! Before you attempt to catch fish, you need to find out where they are. Remember that fish are found nearly everywhere there is water with sufficient levels of food, oxygen, and cover. You are certain to be within a relatively close distance to a body of water that has fish living in it. For an angler, this is good news. They are there -- now you have to find them! * All fish are different. Because of this, they do not all live in the same kind of waters. Fish tolerate different environmental conditions. Some of these include differing levels of salt, amounts of oxygen, types and amounts of food, water temperature, and hiding areas. The most distinguishing element of fish is salt. Some fish do not live in areas where there is a lot of salt. On the other hand, some fish need salt to survive. There are also some types of fish that can live in both saltwater and freshwater. * Freshwater ponds, reservoirs, and rivers contain significantly less salt than the ocean. North America has a majority of freshwater bodies. Some of the fish that you will find in these freshwater bodies are the bluegill, carp, catfish, crappie, and bass. In contrast, many species of fish live in the ocean's salty water. Thanks to their kidneys, these fish are able to keep the proper balance of salt in their body. The more popular saltwater fish are the bluefish, cod, sea trout, tuna, and flounder. * Another factor that weighs heavily on where you will find certain fish is oxygen. All fish must have a certain level of oxygen to survive. Some fish, such as carp, survive on less oxygen than fish like trout. The living plants within a lake or stream directly affect the amount of oxygen in the water. They add oxygen to the water through photosynthesis. This process uses sunlight to make food. Oxygen also makes its way into water from the surrounding air. * You will find certain fish in certain bodies of water based on what kind of food is there. It is based on the amount and type of food available in a setting. All fish need to eat, so the amount of competition with other fish is a factor that determines which fish will be in certain areas. * Fish prefer different water temperatures. Some fish are flexible. They have the ability to live in a wide range of temperatures. Other fish, however, need either cold or warm water to survive. Trout is an example of this. You will only find trout in cold water. Your best bet for finding a certain type of fish is to learn about the type of water it prefers. They are most often found in water that is close to their preferred temperature. We, as humans, can control one factor when it comes to where fish live. Water quality often determines where a fish will live and we have the means to ensure a high level of water quality. All fish must have water that has adequate levels of oxygen. Good-quality water will obviously support more species of fish than water that is polluted. Water that is stagnant, polluted, or lacking adequate oxygen simply cannot support a large group of fish. While some fish, such as carp, live in water that is not very clean, most fish need a high quality of water in order to survive. * Discovering the places where fish live is the first step to successful fishing. Several factors come into play when looking for a fish's habitat. Some of these are the levels of salt and oxygen found in water. Another factor is the temperature of the water. All fish are different. Because of this, it benefits you, the angler, to take the time necessary to find the bodies of water in which they live. The next time you drop a line in the water off the side of a boat equipped with the latest sonar devices, dig into the cooler beside your feet for a favourite beverage and kick your feet up to enjoy a relaxing day of fishing. Fishing is one of the oldest activities known to man. Archaeologists have found ancient dumps of shell and bone, cave paintings depicting fishing and even hooks made from bone. There is even a theory that states we might be closer to the fish we try and catch than we think. The "Aquatic Ape Hypothesis" contends that human beings spent a time living by and catching their food from the shallows of lakes and oceans. The controversial theory contends years of living that helped us to look different from the apes and chimpanzees thought by some to be our ancestors because of this time evolving by water. The ancient river Nile was an angler's paradise. The Egyptians relied on fresh and dried fish as a staple in their diets, and the various methods they used have been well represented in many ancient representations from their lives. Although they had some tools like nets, baskets and even hooks and lines, the fish caught were often clubbed to death. Perch, catfish and eels were among the most important catches in the Egyptian times. The other bed of civilization, Greece, did not share Egypt's love of fishing. Still, there is a depiction on a wine cup from 500 BC that shows a boy kneeling over a stream with a live capture net in the water below him. It's unclear why the boy was 'fishing' however, since the device is clearly for live capture. There is also evidence the Romans fished with nets and tridents off the sides of boats. One of their most famous Gods, Neptune, is depicted usually with a fishing trident. There are references to fishing in the Bible, too. Perhaps the most recognizable tool for fishing is the hook. No one knows for certain, but it's quite probable prehistoric man was using some form of a hook over 40,000 years ago. Experts have had some problems pinning down exact dates since they know most of the materials used back then were most likely wood and not very durable. British Isle anglers catch fish with hooks made from the hawthorn bush, right up to the present day. Although Stone Age man had the tools necessary for making bone hooks, it is hard for scientists to get exact dates since bone does not define its age well. The oldest known hooks have turned up in Czechoslovakia, but others have turned up in Egypt and Palestine. The Palestinian hooks are believed to be over 9,000 years old, proving that fishing has been around for a very long time indeed. Indians on Easter Island made their hooks from a gruesome material. Since human sacrifices were abundant in the area for some time, the natives made their fish hooks out of the most plentiful material around -- human bone. Fish hooks made of human bone were the norm there until missionaries arrived at the turn of the last century. In addition to hooks made of stone, bone or wood, ancient man often combined material to make composite hooks with barbs that kept the bait on. Heritage Fishing: Fishing in the Past for the Future Heritage fisheries are carefully maintained aquatic preserves in various parts of the world where a tradition or habitat surrounding fishing has been protected from today's modern hazards. A heritage fishery may be a lake, river or part of the ocean; its locale having less to do with its heritage designation than preservation of a certain style or era. Heritage fishing's purpose is twofold: to experience fishing as it was in the past and to preserve fishing for the future. Glendalough State Park is the newest member of the Minnesota State Parks family. Its land was given to the state by a private donor in the 1990s and the lakes on the park acreage were fished privately for nearly a hundred years. No one other than members of the donor's family or their guests was allowed to utilize the lakes at Glendalough State Park. As a result, fish sizes and populations in the Glendalough lakes are more representative of historic times than of modern times. Annie Battle Lake, the largest of the Glendalough Lakes, allows the angler to experience fishing as it was in Minnesota during the 1800s. Motors of any kind are not allowed on the lake. Canoes and rowboats are available for rental at the park office and shore fishing is a pleasure from any location here. Gas powered vehicles are prohibited, as are any type of electronic fish-finding device. Large bass, panfish, walleye and northern pike abound under the crystal clear waters of Annie Battle Lake because the waters are unpolluted by gas or oil. Catch-and-release regulations and fishing limits are strictly enforced here, maintaining the size and count of the population for generations to come. A small brook connecting Annie Battle Lake to another of the park lakes is waist deep with a sandy bottom, providing excellent wading areas for bass fishing. The Lave Net Fishery at Blackrock on the Severn Estuary in Wales is the last of its kind in Wales and has also been designated as a heritage fishery. Treacherous tidal waters averaging speeds of 7-8 knots have witnessed generations of fishermen pass along this fishing technique. Less than a dozen lave net fishing licenses are issued by the Welsh government each year, with all belonging to a local association dedicated to preserving this unique method of salmon fishing. The only noticeable difference between modern and historic lave netters are that they now sport waders as opposed to animal skins. The lave net itself, a Y-shaped structure constructed of wood and a hand-made net, remains unchanged. Anglers wade into the river and either "cower", waiting for the salmon to approach him, or watch for the telltale salmon splashes announcing their location. The fisherman can then net the fish before they head to deeper water. This kind of fishing is restricted by law and by the tides. Anglers have about 1.5 hours before low tide to practice their craft when conditions are calm. Their knowledge of the tides and of the area, received from the generation before, serves as their guide. Kjaerra Laxefiske on the Kjaerrafossen River near Helgeland, Norway dates back to 1388. Ownership of the two heritage fisheries here is marked by the "markebol", a medieval unit of measurement. Salmon are caught via the use of ancient fishing tools, while the buildings surrounding the fisheries were restored to medieval timber and stone during the 1950s. Visitors are welcomed to the weekly opening of salmon pots every Thursday where the catch of the week is revealed. Wherever they are located, heritage fisheries are an important part of the environment and the community. In addition to offering the simple thrill of fishing itself, they provide an opportunity to learn from the past, as well as preserving the present heritage of fishing for future anglers. Hawaii Charter Fishing Sometimes the hardest thing about going on vacation is the overdose of downtime. You want to find enough things to do to keep you busy, but not too much to where you feel overloaded. Chartering a fishing boat has its advantages, but on the island of Hawaii, it is a day trip that you do not want to miss. There are certain basics when chartering a boat, but since Hawaii is not just a hop, skip and jump away, you want to make your plans ahead of time while having all of your questions answered. First of all, you will need a boat. Hawaii has hundreds of charter boats throughout the islands, so availability will not be an issue. The companies that charter boats have certain criteria that they have to follow in order to run their business. The boat must be inspected for proper gear, maintenance, and repair history. They are also inspected for their experience level. No one wants to pay for a charter and catch a fish that the crew cannot handle. The charter trips are typically broken up into various price categories. Prices will vary depending on where you are staying and where you want to fish. For instance, Kona has the lowest prices but the most competition for marlin fishing while Lahaina is the most expensive. If you are concerned about the fish, do not worry. Most of the charters will succumb to whatever you want to do with your catches. If you want to take them home or if you want to cook them for dinner, it should not matter as long as you make your requests up front. Hawaii does have a deep-rooted tradition of selling Billfish and this concept offends many anglers. Today, many charters are willing to throw the Billfish back (at the customer's request), but don't be surprised if this is not the case. You should also know that when you charter a boat, you are not chartering fish. A charter is to allow you to have an experience out on the water enjoying the scenery and trying to catch a fish. Fishing is a sport where there are no guarantees and there is no way of predicting where fish will be and when. If you charter a boat with the expectation of a refund for a bad catch day, you will be disappointed. There is no charter trip that will refund your money for a lack of fish on a given day. Some of the things that you will need when you charter a boat for the day are not what you may expect. Most boats will provide you with tackle and equipment, but that is it. You are expected to bring your own snacks and drinks. You should also invest in some Bullfrog sunscreen, which is waterproof and commonly used on boats. Another good tool essential to fishing are sunglasses. Your sunglasses should be polarized so that you can see the fish clearer than other glasses. Lastly, bring an extra towel and t-shirt because you will probably get wet. Make sure to leave your bananas behind. Hawaii, as well as many other fishing places, has a strict policy against bananas being onboard. They are thought to bring bad luck, so do not try to test this theory or your day may be extremely unpleasant. Hawaii can be a little more difficult to plan a fishing trip on the spur of the moment because the locals usually have conflicting opinions. Try to do some research on the islands that you want to fish and then book a charter through a major company that has a trusted record. People been fishing for sport for in around fifty generations now. What started as a means of survival has become a favourite pastime in North America and beyond, creating a hunger for fishing tips and aspects of fishing to be revealed in many different contexts. Learning about fishing and learning about different types of fish can be very exciting and interesting to many people. Trout is the most common freshwater fish. They are equal to any other of the sport fish and they stand at the top of the food chain in most rivers and streams where they live. Years ago, a successful angler was judged by how many of these popular fish he could catch at one time, but now the wise angler practises catch-and-release tactics so the numbers of trout will always be plentiful. Part of what makes an angler a responsible one is caring for the sport of fishing and fish populations for generations to come. The most popular trout fish that anglers enjoy trying to lure in is known as the "brown trout". The brown trout provides plenty of excitement for anglers and tests fishing skills. Because it often feeds on the surface, the brown trout is considered a fish designed for the angler. It is a cold-water fish that lives in lakes and streams and jumps around the most when the water temperature is just right The brown trout got its reputation from rich English gentleman who enjoyed the trout's fight. The world record brown trout weighed around forty pounds and was taken in Arkansas in 1992. One of the most the most glamorized fish of the trout family actually is not a trout at all. Surprisingly, scientists have recently discovered the rainbow trout is actually a smaller cousin of the Pacific Salmon. Rainbow trout are considered a peaceful fish despite their family heritage. They coexist with any other fish in the stream. While the brown trout prefers slower water and calmer pools, the rainbow trout likes the more oxygen-rich fast running water. That enthusiasm makes the rainbow a favourite of the angler. There is yet another trout that is not actually a trout. The Brooke trout or "brookie" lives in the cooler streams of the north-eastern US and is related to the char. This makes it a relative of the lake trout rather than a member of the family. Because the fish is only found in wilderness areas, the Brooke trout is a special favourite with anglers. Wherever they're found, fisherman can be sure the water is pure and the ecology unspoiled. The "brookie" is often criticized for being pretty but not necessarily smart. Although anglers praise them for their beauty, it's well known that there are harder fish to catch. The world record for the biggest Brooke trout takes place in Canada in 1918. A fourteen-pound "brookie" was caught in the Nipigon River in Ontario, Canada. Other trout species include the red trout, a species that enjoys hiding in bracken and branches, and the deeper-water lake trout. Current population control laws protect the lake trout, requiring anglers to release catches that measure certain sizes. The size of the lake trout indicates its potential to spawn and release fertilized eggs. With continued programs of trout population protection and responsible fishing, the trout will certainly continue to survive for generations to come. Fishing with Live Bait There are many myths that surround using live bait instead of artificial and most of them are not true. Live bait is still used by many anglers. The one factual part of live bait, which no one can dispute, it that is often messy, and it smells terrible. If you can surmount these two factors, you will be in good shape to try live bait on your next fishing outing. There are some basic principles that should not be ignored when using live bait. None of the principles concerning live bait are clean or nice, but they are mandatory. You should never handle live bait when your hands are dry. Bait has a slimy layer on the outside, which is protective as well as inviting to predators, and if your hands are dry you will risk removing that layer. If you are running short on live bait, try to save the bait that dies in your live well or in a nearby bucket. When your live bait has run out, you will still be able to use the freshly dead bait on your hook to attract fish. All you have to do is cast your line and bob it a little to give the appearance that your decoy has some life left. Be careful of the weight that you put on a line with live bait. Fish are going to spot a weight if it is too heavy and weighting down the bait. Your weight or sinker should be light enough to give the bait the appearance of free floating in the water. Seasonal fishing can change the perspective on live bait. For instance, the summer months can be brutal, especially in the South. You may need to adjust your thinking and practices when the summer months hit. Keeping the bait alive will be the hardest obstacle for any angler in the summer. In order to keep your bait living, you will need to change out the water regularly so that the oxygen can keep flowing through to the bait. However, you can't just stop at changing out the water. The temperature of the water is crucial because the water on the surface is hot and deadly for living bait. Therefore, having ice on hand to put into the live well will be the most beneficial way of keeping your live bait happy until they reach the hook. There is also a bait shortage during the summer months on things like shrimp and live croaker. You will save yourself a lot of time if you call the bait shop the night before to ensure that the bait you want is available. The shrimp are the most common bait in the summertime, but they are not as effective as you may think. When everyone is using shrimp, the fish are not as excited by them because they see them everywhere. Try using a baitfish that is not as often used in the summer months and guarantee a better chance of catching a fish. Some other tips you should keep in mind when fishing with live bait is to never hook your live bait in the eyes. The reason is that you want the bait to see the fish approach them because they will become more excited and it will cause the fish to latch on better. Another thing is that you should add water softener salt to the water that is holding your live bait. The salt will make the scales of your bait harder while instantaneously preserving the slimy coat that attracts predators. Lastly, you should make sure that you know how to properly throw a casting net before trying to catch bait. People often times throw the net too hard or too soft and this results in frustration and a net that does not consistently open. Live bait can come in handy when you are trying to have a big day out at sea. Reason and logic will tell you that a fish would be more attracted to real food as oppose to faux food. However, the live bait does increase the workload so make sure you are prepared to deal with the entire package before committing to fishing with live bait. Fishing With GPS In this day and age, you would be hard pressed to find a fishing boat without some sort of fish finding device. GPS devices have become the latest in technology and water safety when it comes to fishing. They are used as a means of navigation and a way to mark your spot so that you can find it again in the future. A GPS is a Global Positioning System that is made primarily for navigational purposes. They work off a network of satellites that are placed into orbit by the United States Government. The best part about a GPS system is that because they operate off satellite, they can be used in any weather conditions at any hour of the day. The satellites will circle the earth twice during the day and transmit signal information to Earth. The signals can then be used to calculate the user's exact location by implementing triangulation and pinpointing exact spots. Triangulation means that the GPS receiver must be locked into three spots before a calculation of longitude and latitude can be displayed. After the satellites have mapped the location, the GPS can narrow in on other satellites for useful information such as speed, track, trip distance, destination distance and sunrise or sunset times. The accuracy of the GPS system is very acute because of the multi-channel designs that are available. A GPS will lock onto a satellite and maintain that lock through one of their channels. A GPS fish finder is accurate up to fifteen meters while the newer models increase in accuracy up to three meters. There are many benefits to investing in a GPS and people are using GPS more regularly and relying on them more than the more traditional ways of navigation such as maps and charts. If you have plot points that you have saved on a GPS, you may be able to save time and frustration on the open seas by going directly to the location that had the fish the last time you went out. Another advantage to the GPS is that it can detect hot fishing spots that may not be detected by older maps or charts. In addition, if you find a perfect fishing spot, you can share it with a friend when you go fishing on another boat. GPS systems are also a great safety tool when you are out on the water. Many times, especially if there are many people socializing on a boat, it can be easy to lose concentration. People will easily be turned around or lost and a GPS is an easy tool to use to find your way back home. You can also use a GPS system if there is unexpected bad weather such as fog or heavy rain. GPS systems are also equipped with mapping software that makes it easier to find a dock. The GPS is so accurate that it is able to communicate exact positions to the Coast Guard or rescue crew if an emergency arises. You can purchase a handheld GPS online or at your local marine or boating store. Ask a salesperson to help explain the different features and costs for the varying models. If you decide to purchase your boat from a dealer, you will need a built-in GPS. Your local boat supplier will be able to give you a reference to someone who can properly install your electronics. You should never rely on just one navigation tool when you are fishing. A GPS seems to cover all of the bases, but it is still a computerized tool. You should always be proactive about your safety and always have marine maps and charts onboard at all times. You should also have a handheld radio handy in case of emergencies. Fishing With Children Often times as adults, we want to share our hobbies and pastimes with our children. However, it can be difficult to decide when that pastime is appropriate. Children have shorter attention spans that make it difficult to calculate when they are ready for certain things. Fishing is a common hobby of many people around the world and many people are eager to introduce their children to fishing the minute they can hold a fishing rod. Fishing is a lesson in patience for children and a structured way to teach them a sport that involves precision and safety. When you take your child fishing, the most important thing to keep in mind is their safety. What kind of fishing are you trying to introduce? Are you thinking about a day of bottom fishing? Does pier fishing suit your needs? Are you going to go all out and take your child for a deep-sea fishing excursion? Regardless of what you decide is best, you should have the basic safety essentials with you at all times. A first aid kit is mandatory because whenever a kid is involved accidents will happen. Children tend to get poked, scratched, and barbed, so you need to be prepared. If you are going out into the sea and away from the shore, make sure that you have life jackets and make sure that your child is wearing one even he or she has no intention of getting into the water. Keep in mind your child's abilities when it comes to swimming. If you do not think that they are a strong swimmer, you may want to keep your boat docked. Make sure to buy and stock your child's tackle box. A youngster's first tackle box should be small and lightweight. There is nothing complex about the contents of a beginner's tackle box. All a child needs are some pre-tied hooks, some bobbers, a couple of weights, swivels, and small scissors or fingernail clippers to cut their line. A tackle box is a fingerprint for many who view it as a personal expression. Let your child see the basics so that they can build their own to represent themselves one-day. Make sure to lead by example when you take your child fishing. Teach them how to keep the line taut so that they will be able to respond properly if a fish bites their line. As soon as your child feels the bite, teach them how to set the hook. Tug back on the rod in order to firmly set the hook in the fish's lip. Take the time with your child to let them learn techniques like "playing the fish". Part of the fun of fishing is the struggle between the man and the fish, so let your child have the entire experience and not just a partial one. When you introduce fishing to your child, you have certain advantages to teaching them at a younger rather than older age. Younger child have a greater absorption rate with a desire to soak up as much information as they can. Take the time that you and your child are sharing to educate them about catch and release regulations and fishing for food as opposed to pleasure. If your child decides that they want to let the fish that you catch go, make sure that you know the right way to release. Cleaning the fish can either make a child vomit or ask when the next trip is going to be, so use discretion in regards to age when preparing your catch for dinner. There will be good days and bad days when fishing with your kids. Kids have a tendency to not listen, become disinterested fast or fall asleep at inopportune times. Patience is the key to taking children out for a day of fishing. Repetition will also make your child more comfortable with the whole process. Regardless of whether a fish is caught or not, take the time to bond with your child while using fishing as an excuse. Fishing for Sharks It seems like every sport has a category that is set aside for the extreme. Believe it or not, there are some that were not deterred by the movie Jaws and they choose to seek out sharks instead of run from them. If you are so bold as to take on shark fishing, you should understand some basics before hitting the open sea. If your goal is to actually catch a shark, the best time to do it is in June. The temperature is not too hot and it will attract more of the predators you seek. If you decide to fish for sharks in the middle of the summer, you should be aware of water temperatures and try to find the coolest spot possible. When you plan a shark-fishing trip, you need to be prepared. Many people would advise keeping a checklist beforehand in order to help you with preparation. Some things that you should include when packing for your trip are chum and proper gear. Your rods and reels should be able to handle a three hundred fish or greater. Typically, you should plan to fish with three to five baits in the water at a time. Therefore, you will need many rod and reel setups to accompany the ratio of bait. The best rod to use is a fifty to eighty pound class rod. You should not forget your harness and safety straps (you do not want to fall overboard and become live bait). In addition, you want to remember your bait and chum. Running chum is the most effective way to trap a shark so be prepared for a mess onboard. It is important to know what species of shark you are wanting to fish. Different sharks swim at different levels and temperatures. In order to set a shark trap, you will have to tie your farthest bait off the bow rail with a flat line clip. Make sure that the line is out of the way and stay in the highest rocket holder on the particular side of the boat from which you are fishing. You should attach your bait, attach a weight or balloon on the line, and plunge it approximately eighty feet. The second rod's bait is set down sixty feet while resting in the trolling holder; this line is also attached to the midship with a rubber band. The third line is set down thirty feet with no balloon but rather free bait. You should make sure that your drags are loose so that you will be alerted early by the clicking sound of the reel. If you color code your balloons, it will be easier to tell which rod is being pulled. Once you have waited and finally caught your shark, be prepared. Sharks will have different temperaments and act according to their agitation. Some sharks have been known to slightly drag the bait before they swallow, while other sharks will run at the boat, run in the opposing direction from the boat, or come right up to the boat. If you need a harness, make sure that the harness is safely attached to the boat and the reel. Once you have the shark close to the boat, your experienced sidekick will be able to help. You will want to hand wire the shark into the boat. Hand wires are meant to be sturdy and they will not break if you are attached to them. Do not wrap the wire around your hand because you want to be able to let go of the wire easily if you have to. If you are keeping a shark, you will need to gaff and rope it by its tail. Remember that you should only keep a shark if you have plans to eat it, use it in a tournament or if you believe it is a contender for the world record. You can take a picture with the shark without killing it. If you are new to the sport of fishing, you need to know some of the basic rules of fishing. Like other forms of hunting, fishing involves both your environment and those around you. Be respectful of both. You can responsibly enjoy this treasured pastime in several ways. * Fishing is an ancient practice. It dates back nearly 10,000 years. A number of various techniques and traditions have been used during fishing's progression. Modern technological developments have changed the way people fish, but many of the same rules, regulations, and social norms involving fishing remain. * Always practice good stewardship of our waterways when you are fishing. Remember that these waterways were around thousands of years before you and will remain long after we are gone. You can make a conscious decision to leave the areas in which people fish in better condition than when you found it. Take care of our lakes, rivers, and other waterways so that others will enjoy these areas for years to come. Practicing certain behaviors will ensure that you are taking good care of the places where people fish. * Never litter when you are fishing. Always bring a trash bag or other receptacle to use for the collection of your trash. You can easily deposit it in a nearby trash receptacle. Dump your refuse in properly assigned dumping stations instead of tossing it in the water. You do not need to spend much time figuring out the many ways in which this hurts the environment. * As you fish, always use the correct type of bait and fishing gear. Certain areas allow for certain bait and gear. You will also encounter limits on the number, size, and kind of fish that you can keep. Become familiar with what these limits are and pay attention to them. Do not wait until you are at your fishing spot to search for what is allowed and what is not. Check with your destination before you head out on your fishing trip to see what the local regulations allow. If you plan on using a boat while fishing, research to see what kinds of watercraft are allowed where you are going to fish. * Every fishing location is different, so pay special attention to local procedures and cautions. This also applies when you decide to clean your boat after you leave the water. You do not want to spread non-native species to another body of water. * Finally, never fish where it is not permitted. There is always a reason why it is illegal. Some reasons include the protection of certain wildlife, the proper care of vegetation, and the safety of you and others who want to fish. * You should also follow a number of cautionary behaviors to ensure your safety. As with all forms of hunting, safety is first. If you will be using a boat while you fish, always wear your life jacket. Make sure that your passengers wear their life jackets, as well. * Be very careful when baiting and removing hooks. Make sure that you never fish on unauthorized waterways. Follow the posted speed limits and wake warnings that accompany the use of a boat. Bring with you all relevant safety items, such as water, flashlights, maps, and a cell phone. * Fishing continues to be a favorite pastime. 2001 saw nearly 16% of the U.S. population over the age of 16 spend 16 days fishing. You enjoy the sport of fishing, so follow the rules that allow for the continuation of fishing. Be responsible and courteous of others and your environment. Take time to discover how you can be both a better and safer angler. For some people, fishing is a pastime. For others among us, it is a serious sport. However you perceive it, fishing is enjoyable when you've got the proper accessories to use. Here is a list of some considerations to think over. Often there is a nice spot to fish from the shore of a pond, lake, stream or river. Other times, you will need to consider what kind of transportation you will need to get over the water. The canoe is the oldest craft. It is the traditional vehicle of the American Indian and has great traditional value, but that does not mean it is the best kind of water transportation available. A canoe can be tippy at the best of times and especially hard to handle in the wind but paddling or drifting along makes it easy to approach good spots to fish undetected. A small rowboat without a motor is considered the best kind of boat to use since you can stand up in it to cast. Although it is best to row to the spot where you intend to fish, a small trolling motor is handy for travelling some distances. Larger pleasure boats with outboards are also recommended, but a boat with high sides is best as big lakes and broad rivers are prone to winds that can whip up big waves. You will also need to pick out some quality footwear. This becomes especially important if you are going to fish by the side of a lake. Hip boots are the most practical for this as they can be rolled down if you're not wading. While hip boots can also be used for stream wading, chest or hip waders are traditionally best here. When choosing chest or hip-wader boots, select ones that have a loose fit. Having waders that are too tight could restrict leg motion and undue stress on the seams could leave you wet. The proper jacket is also a necessity. Jackets come in two basic lengths: Long and short. The long style is designed for fishing from a boat or wading in shallow water. If you are planning to use chest waders, it is recommended you use a short jacket since the bottom of a long jacket would drag in the water. You should select a jacket with generous pockets for carrying lure boxes and other accessories. A hat with a visor is another good idea because you will have your eyes on the water and need some kind of shade. The avid angler has three stashes of lure and tackle-box containers. The first stash is for the home stockpile, the second and larger one for the boat, and a third stash is for the car. That way, you will always be covered in the event of a loss or other mishap. It is a good idea to buy a large supply at the beginning of the season too so you will have lots on hand, especially if you like to fish at night. With the right fishing accessories and gear, you can turn your fishing experience into a better one. The last thing you want when the time for that perfect catch nears is to realize you are missing an important piece of equipment. Preparedness is among the most important aspects of fishing, so make sure that you have all of the gear you need to have the best experience of your life. Staying Ice Free when Ice Fishing Everyone has heard the saying, "No ice is safe". While true, this is not practical advice for many of us in Northern climates where playing or working on frozen water is part of our lives. Ice fishing, for one, allows many opportunities for disaster when the dangers of ice are neither appreciated nor prepared for properly. Sometimes we tend to simplify the dangers of ice fishing, thinking of all of the fun of catching "the big one" after drinking a case of beer with friends while downplaying or omitting altogether the inherent dangers. Life-or-death situations can and do occur and often without notice, so it is imperative to take sensible precautions prior to driving or walking on frozen water in search of the perfect winter catch. Those who wish to participate in an ice fishing expedition should be in reasonably good physical condition and able to swim or to at least remain comfortable staying afloat. Should an emergency occur, such as your fishing partner falling through the ice, your physical condition and their ability to float could be critical. The ability to remain calm in case of emergency is crucial as well. When selecting clothing, consider not only the elements of cold, wind and snow, but also your mobility should you fall into the water. Waders or hip boots can fill with water, creating additional weight and restricting movement. These should, of course, be avoided at all costs. Waterproof, ankle-length footwear which laces up is a good choice. Keep in mind what would enable swimming and floating with ease when selecting what to put on. By layering your clothing, you retain the ability to lighten yourself easily should the need arise. A wool hat is a necessity to retain body heat. You should also remember to wear a personal floatation device. Check ice conditions before venturing out on any frozen surface. Ice thickness should be no less than six inches and should be determined in more than one area, as ice thickness can vary. The ice fisherman's rule of thumb is "Thick and blue, tried and true. Thin and crispy, way too risky!". Always go out on foot before driving a vehicle on any ice surface, probing with an ice chisel in front you as you walk. Should the chisel ever go through, do not continue forward. Instead, carefully turn around and head back toward shore to return another day. Loud booms and cracks may indicate nothing more than contraction and thermal expansion on a larger lake. However, on a river this sound signal may indicate imminent breakage or movement of ice. Always remain acutely aware of your surroundings when walking on any frozen surface. A group of individuals should proceed in a single-file line, leaving about ten feet between each person. Only after an ice cover has been accurately inspected should you drive a vehicle on it. Ice conditions vary from region to region. Before venturing out on any frozen surface, take time to familiarize yourself with the area and to put simple precautions into place. If you are unsure about something, ask the advice of someone whose experience you trust. Above all, never go out on the ice alone and never go out on any ice whose safety is in question. By following these suggestions, your ice fishing expedition is guaranteed to be safe, if not fish-filled. You know your kids love to try new things. They have been blessed with the same adventurous spirit that you have. After a long, cold winter, they are tired of the indoors. But you are not sure what you can do with them that they have not yet tried. Boating and fishing offer you a great way to spend time with your children and to create memories that will last a lifetime. You can do several things that will allow you to make the most of your time together. * No matter how young or old your children are, involve them in everything that you do as you embark on your fishing journey. Your kids want to feel needed and this is the perfect opportunity for them to help you. There is no better way to instill a sense of accomplishment in your kids than to allow them to help you with "grown-up" jobs. Depending on how old they are, assign them certain small things for which they are responsible. Some of these include ensuring that everyone has a personal floatation device and letting them coil a line. Your children will walk away at the end of the day with a renewed sense of confidence in their ability to help Mom and Dad. * Keep your children busy while you are fishing. They prefer to stay active. Plan your fishing outing accordingly. Include exciting water activities such as snorkeling, tubing, or looking for various wildlife. Of course, showing them the basics of fishing will forever keep them and you busy! There are enough details involved in the sport of fishing that you will need to take your kids on multiple trips before they are fluent in the language of the angler. * You have an excellent opportunity to teach your kids while fishing on a boat. You have the ability to teach them new skills that they use long after you have caught your last fish. Merely being on the water allows you to teach kids new things about their environment. You can also teach them about boating, fishing, and safety skills. Try to incorporate these teachings into fun, intriguing activities. * Introduce them to new and exciting things as they are ready. For example, create a game that teaches nautical terminology. Focus on words like port, starboard, or bow. You should build upon this knowledge. After they know these terms, help your children learn the best way to safely drive a fishing boat or cast a fishing line. Always be an observant teacher. The combination of boating and fishing allows for an enormous amount of learning. * This type of hands-on learning lasts a long time. Your children will benefit in many ways. They will discover things that help them become better fishers and boatmen. Participating in an activity that is thousands of years old teaches them about tradition. They will eventually be able to teach their kids all that you have taught them. This includes many of the elements of responsibility that come with helping adults achieve a goal. * Your children will have unlimited amounts of fun as they encounter new settings, new climates, and new wildlife. Most importantly, fishing and boating with your children will give you the chance to spend quality time with them. This is worth more than all of the fun had and the lessons learned. Surf Fishing Surf fishing might look like a great deal of calm and easy fun. Some people make it seem easy, but surf fishing is a lot harder than you may think. There are many calculations that you have to make in order to have a successful day like the wind, the current, wave height, floating kelp, and the positioning of the rocks. All of that information needs to be calculated in before you can cast your line and get started. The first thing that you need to do before you attempt surf fishing is to prepare ahead of time. Most places will require you to have a fishing license. If you get caught without one, the fine will more than ruin your mood. You will need to find out as much information as possible about the best times to go surf fishing. The best time to go surf fishing is high tide, before all of the beachgoers that scare fish come to the beach. You will need to learn to develop a great deal of patience when you go surf fishing, so bring lots of bait and get ready to settle in for the day. You do not need to buy a special type of rod to surf fish. The rod that you use should be determined on how well you cast. When deciding how well you cast, be realistic about what you can accomplish so that you can catch the maximum of fish that you want. The advantage to a shorter rod is that it allows you to be more mobile so that you can continuously move from spot to spot. You do not necessarily need to cast out very far because the fish are usually swimming just at the break line feasting on dead and decaying matter. If you can find them, sand crabs will be your best bait for surf fishing. If you are surfing in the summer, you can find the deep holes that they have dug into the sand and fish them out. Many times, you can find them washed up on the beach, and this is fine because the fish will swim to the surface to catch anything dead or alive. If you are all out of crabs, you can use frozen anchovies, salted anchovies, shrimp, mussels, or some clams. Make sure that your bait is somewhat firm, otherwise it may slide right off of your hook. For a rig, you will need something that is capable of sinking the line without putting undue pressure on it. The fish can be scared off if they can feel the weight on the line. Many people will use a sliding sinker rig when they surf fish. There are many good reasons to consider going for a day of surf fishing. You can catch perch, corbina, stingrays, bass, rockfish, and sometimes even hammerhead sharks. It is also a good way to spend a day at the beach. However, if you decide to fish when there are many beachgoers, try to find a spot where there are not many people in the water. Many times surf fishing will attract sharks and they will swim right up to the shore for fresh food. Unfortunately, sharks do not see very well and they will oftentimes mistake surfers for tortoises or fish because of their legs hanging off the wooden board. If you do not have the money or the time to invest in a boat, surf fishing is a way that you can see the benefits of the catch and save a little time also. There are some extra preparation plans that you have to account for when surf fishing, but you would have much more prep and cleanup on a large boat. Surf fishing is an enjoyable hobby that will get you out of the house and maybe even offer up a chance to come home with fresh dinner. Preparing for the Taxidermist Taxidermy, from the Greek for "arrangement of the skin", is essentially the art of mounting and reproducing dead animals for display purposes. It is a controversial element of life that has long been popular, but with new philosophies springing forth out of new movements, taxidermy may be experiencing a significant decline. Some taxidermists actually arrange deceased animals for study, such as in museums or science labs, but for the most part the industry functions on home sales and home display items. The practice of taxidermy is generally limited to animals with backbones because the starting point of any taxidermist's process relies on having a solid line to work with, such as the backbone. There have been instances, however, in which effective taxidermy has taken place involving insects or other smaller animals. These instances are very rare, though, and many taxidermists refuse to work with such small animals because of the complications involved. The quality of taxidermy has certainly become more impressive over the years, with technological advances really adding to the professionalism of the industry. The main goal of a quality taxidermist is to produce life-like results from their work and to create an animal that is as close to replicating the living version as humanly possible. For this reason, preparing for the taxidermist should involve taking incredible care of your animal beforehand so that the taxidermist has as much to work with as possible. One of the most common techniques that is utilized by a taxidermist is the freezing of the animal. The taxidermist typically uses a large freezer for this, usually something akin to the freezer of a butcher, and freezes the carcass of the animal totally. After this, the taxidermist will remove the skin and put it aside for later use. The skin will eventually be tanned by the taxidermist. The remaining muscle, bone and tissue of the skinned animal is then put into a mixture of plaster that is usually known as "plaster of Paris". This creates a virtual cast of the animal, from which a foam sculpture is created. The fur and skin of the animal is then placed on to the foam sculpture. Glass eyes, false teeth and other implements are sometimes added to the finished creation, creating as much of a real effect as possible. There is also something known as rogue taxidermy. This is the art of preparing animal replicas that are comprised of animals that do not, in fact, actually exist. The typical mandate of most rogue taxidermists is to "showcase the odd" and play on the imagination of a buying public. This interesting subset of taxidermy is often seen as being very creative and very interested in the showmanship aspect of taxidermy, trying to create the most interesting and engaging aspects of taxidermy possible. Crypto-taxidermy is related to rogue taxidermy in some form. The key difference in crypto-taxidermy is, however, that it is based upon notions of animals that may exist or based upon notions of animals that may be long extinct. This refers to the notion of creating woolly mammoths, for example, or dinosaurs based on the bone structures. This type of taxidermy is also creative, but is mainly utilized in scientific study purposes and is found displayed in museums. Hunters take animals to the taxidermist because they want to preserve the notions of their kill. This is common among big game hunters especially, as they can preserve the meat for food and can save the skin and fur for display in their homes. It is also popular to have simply part of the body of the animal sent to the taxidermist, such as the head. It is common to see large African animals displayed in the homes of the "Great Hunter" stereotype, as seen in many films and television programs, but this is typically a limited aspect of taxidermy. The real aspects of taxidermy involve a trades-person with expert skills working their magic to make a dead animal look more lifelike. Many people have never experienced fishing beyond what goes on at the lake during the summer. Avid anglers know about a whole other world of fishing waiting for them once the temperature drops. Ice fishing is a fantastic winter sport and an excellent family activity. It's cheap, it's easy, and it's fun to do. Here is some basic information about ice fishing in the winter: Dress warmly, more so than usual. Ice fishing takes place in the open, which means that winds will be noticeable and can be a factor in comfort. You should have plenty of layers beneath a windproof coat -- it's best to need to take off layers than not have enough from the start, as cooling down is easier than warming up. If the temperature is not very cold and no wind is present, you will probably be able to take your coat off and remove a few layers. Waterproof boots are a good idea, as are thick, waterproof gloves. A good pair of mitts and a spare set (just in case) are fine too. A neck warmer and a hat are a must. Also, watch out for sunburn -- the reflection of the sun's rays on the snow and ice can pack a double whammy and leave you with a red face. Your eyes will also take a hit from the combination of sun and snow, so wear sunglasses to avoid eye damage. There is not much equipment involved in ice fishing. If you choose an outfitter, they will supply you with everything you need from drilled holes to lines to bait. Many people like to purchase their own ice-fishing equipment for convenience's sake, but it's best to give the sport a couple of tries to see if you really enjoy it before heading to the store. If you do decide to buy your own ice-fishing equipment, here is what you will need: An ice auger for drilling holes will be your biggest expense. There are hand-cranked models that can cost about $100 or gas-powered ones that ring in around $300. Hand-cranked models may be attractive for small budgets but they can be very tiring to use and demand a certain amount of strength and stamina. It will also be difficult to open a number of holes in a short amount of time. Gas-powered models are easier and faster, cutting through ice very quickly, but they can be heavy to manipulate, though there are smaller models hitting the market each year. Beyond the ice auger, you will need lines. There are traditional stick models that are very simple in construction or rod and reel models. Both models can be jigged manually to attract fish or can be affixed in the snow or on a rack so that you don't have to provide hands-on attention. Fishing lines are not a big expense and lower-end models cost less than $10 each. Flags and gimmicks of higher-end models don't really affect results. The last few accessories are very cheap (less than $10 each) and easy to obtain. You'll need a bucket to hold your bait (usually live minnows), a net for scooping, an ice spoon to remove slush from holes when they start to freeze over, and a second bucket to turn over for an impromptu seat. Small hot pads tucked into your mitts or pockets will help to keep fingers warm, as putting minnows on hooks usually requires bare hands in frigid temperatures. When you head out for your day, bring a lunch and some snacks as well as something to drink. The fresh air will leave you hungrier than usual. Avoid drinking alcohol, as it's quite easy to go overboard in the cold air and not notice the effects of one too many until it's too late. In addition, alcohol tends to lower the body's temperature and makes it difficult to stay warm. Be sure that the ice is safe to walk or drive on. Test the thickness and keep an eye out for water or any suspicious areas. The recommended thickness of ice for walking on is 6 inches. If you are planning to drive a vehicle onto the ice, wait until the thickness is well over 10 inches. Never drive fast on ice, even when thickness isn't an issue, as ice is flexible and the weight of a vehicle creates an air bubble in front of the car. An automobile moving too quickly can drive over the air bubble. With no water support beneath, the ice can easily break beneath your vehicle. The Best Way To Cook Your Freshly Caught Fish A freshly caught fish can be cooked in a thousand and one ways. Any fisherman worth his salt has his own unique way of cooking a freshly caught trout, salmon or whatever fish he caught. So fisherman all across the country has been handed down methods of cooking fish. Here are some tips to get the best out of your fish. 1. Frying Breading and frying a freshly caught fish is as good as it gets. The smell of butter emanating from the frying pan and the flair a fisherman puts in flipping his catch is worth its weight in gold, almost. For the novice fisherman, make sure that the butter is extra hot but not yet burning. Also, make sure that the fish is well coated in batter. Season your batter to your heart's content, salt and pepper never goes wrong. You may want to try other herbs and spices with the batter for a more delicious fish. 2. Grilling At first glance, grilling would seem to be the easiest way to handle your fish. A newbie might assume that grilling fish is the same as grilling steaks or burgers. Unlike fowl or cattle, fish tends to secret most of its own juices when cooked. On a grill the delicious juice drips into the coals. To prevent losing the moisture, first coat the fish with oil. The oil will seal a part of the moisture inside. Second, keep an eye on the fillets and turn them as soon as a cut would reveal that the fresh fish is cooked halfway through. After being flipped, watch the fish carefully. Remove the fish as soon as it is cooked through. An option to basting the fish with oil is to wrap it in aluminum foil. The aluminum foil will keep the moisture and marinate the fish in its own moisture. Placing herbs and spices inside the foil with the fish enhances the grilling process and the fish itself. 3. Baking Baking is the best option for the fisherman who does not want to watch over the fish during cooking. The fisherman can prepare the marinade and pre-heat the oven, then pop the fish into the oven for a predetermined amount of time. You may want to check on the fish from the time to time, ensuring that you don't overcook the fish. Whatever fish you caught, a good recipe and proper cooking will for sure enhance the catch. Take time to prepare for cooking, a badly cooked fish will no doubt spoil your day. Remember the first rule of cooking, don't overcook your fish. Fishing in Salt Water There will always be challenges whether one decides to fish either in the river or in the open sea. The important thing to remember is to have patience waiting for the fish and doing your best to catch it when it appears. To be able to fish, a person needs to get a fishing license since this is a requirement by law and the regulations regarding fishing varies from one state to the other. The first thing one needs for salt water fishing is a boat. It can range from a simple row boat to a yacht. The size of this vessel depends on how many people will join the trip. For people who will do it in-shore, a 15 foot sailboat that comes with a cuddy forward to serve as a shelter when it rains should do the job. The boat should not be heavy and yet adequately sturdy to not be swayed by the action of strong waves or some bumps on the beach or on the rocks. One should always try the edges of the perimeter first instead of plopping bait or lure in the middle. This is because it will scare the other fish away. By going through the sides first, one will have a better chance of catching unsuspecting fish in the middle. If one decides to go "down below" some time, a cod-line is a necessity for everybody to enjoy saltwater fishing. A perch-line will also be good and if it's time for mackerel fishing, a mackerel jig will be an excellent help. The right time to start salt water fishing is on the ebb tide. This should be during an early time of the morning to ensure that the trip will be a productive one. This will put the tide in one's favor and if the wind is light or not fair, this will also help in going home quickly. The best place to start fishing is going to a fishing ground that is well known to the locals. Many anglers who are too impatient move from one spot to another which at times make these people miss a hotspot further decreasing the chances of catching fish. It is advisable to cast out a couple of times before moving on using different types of bait. This should be done from the shallowest to the deepest point. Sharks in the area can disrupt people from catching fish. By pouring some fish blood on a paper towel or newspaper and rolling it into a ball then casting it overboard, sharks will follow the current and leave the area increasing the chances of catching fish. Fresh Caught Fish Cooking Preparation To maintain the delicate flavor of a newly caught freshwater or saltwater fish, this must be handled properly to avoid spoilage. Not to mention preserving the fish with pleasing odor. There are ways to properly prepare and maintain the quality just after the catch of the fish into a sumptuous fishmeal. Check out the tips below: 1) As soon as the fish lands avoid any contact with hard surfaces to prevent bruising. It should be washed immediately by hosing or bucket rinsing in order to remove the slime and possible bacteria that cause spoilage. Never use water from close proximity marinas, municipal or industrial discharges. To make sure, always use potable water instead. 2) Simply chill the fish to prevent deterioration in less than an hour. With a little advance planning, proper icing can be accomplished with the use of some relatively cheap equipment. Fish should be stored in coolers and should be well chilled. It should be 3" deep, thus, covering a pound of fish with pound of ice. Use chlorinated water per quart of water for the final rinsing. 3) Clean the fish as soon as possible. Their tissues are sterile but not their scales, which contains many types of bacteria. When cleaning fish, avoid rough treatment because wounds in the flesh can allow the spread of bacteria. Gutting the fish does not have to be necessarily long. It is wise to cut the belly, as it leaves no blood or viscera in the body. Make sure not to soak cleaned fish fillets in a prolonged freshwater as this could reduce the meat texture and flavor. 4) The eating quality and nutritional value of fish can be maintained up to 5 days if properly cleaned. Washing of the hands before touching the fish is also important. No matter what fish and the cooking technique used, one golden rule is to be followed always. Whether it is whole or not, cook exactly 10 minutes for every inch measured. 15 minutes should be allotted to fish enclosed in foil or sauce baked. Double the time for frozen fish. Allow extra time if fish will be baked while packed in an aluminum foil and allow extra time for the penetration of the heat. That should be an additional 5 minutes for fresh fish and 10 for frozen. In thawing frozen fish, slowly thaw in the fridge for 24 hours or let the wrapped fish be run under cold water not at room temperature. Do not thaw a fish that's frozen before cooking as it may make it mushy and dry. "Fishing Kit Basics" Before going deeper into the technicalities, make sure that a fishing license is secured. To be an amateur fisherman there are basic pieces of fishing equipment needed to complete your exciting journey in the fishing world. Knowing the line type and matching the right rod and reel to the fishing technique is just basic common sense. Match these tools appropriately and expect a more enjoyable experience for a more comfortable fishing. There are several things that causes the reel to turn into a bird's nest, don't worry, even experienced fishermen encounter this every now and then. The main objective is to match the rod, the reel, the line and the lure. These will only cost a newbie around $25 to $40 and they could last for years. The 3 main issues when shopping for a rod are: Guides that are attached to the rod; Grip or handle holds the rod and could come in either cork or foam. They come in different lengths so the comfort to the user must be considered; and the reel seat where the reel is connected. Dealers make a lot of fishing rods that could either be single or consist of two or more pieces when assembled. The connection is very simple; just connect the male and female ends together to make sure the guides are lined up. This would only last for a minutes. Sometimes, lubricants are needed. When shopping for a rod, slightly bend it to get the feel of it. Again comfort should be considered when using the equipment. Rods of any type will work. It should be around 6' long and medium weight. Even a long stick will work. This should be long, straight and flexible so it will not easily break. The most popular rod is Graphite because it is so light yet so strong. Wispy rods should be up to 4m long to be used for long casts in moderate winds. There are a lot of fishing lines to choose from and it can be very confusing to find the best. It is mostly made of nylon and "monofilament" that comes in spools of different lengths that are called Tests. The larger the fishing line the thicker it is in diameter. Find a piece of a 4lb. or 4 lb. Test that is almost 10' long for the basic rig. The basic rule is that all the gears should match. To summarize your fishing kit, it should include other stuff as well: net, stringer, line clippers, fishing knife, first aid box, a pail of bait, sunglasses, fishing hat, and talking about the basics, don't forget your SNACKS! "Picking The Right Boat" There are two questions that should be considered when choosing the right boat: "What will be the fishing for?" and "where will the fishing activities be?" Always look for the signs of quality check the carpet and the compartments -- they could be plastic, metal or fiberglass. Look at the little but very important things like the 1000 GPH bilge pump, the six gauge wiring instead of ten or eight that is because heavier wires gives more power from the battery up to the trolling motor. There is Five Star Advantage that ranger dealers often speak to their customers: Quality, Safety, Innovation, Performance, and Value. Below is a list of "must have" things when buying your first boat. Tow Vehicle -- This is one of the most important piece of your equipment, ensured that has the rating to get the job done like loading up to 3500 lbs. of weight that could easily pull the boat up the hills and mountainous treks. Bass Boats -- For first timers, consider a second hand boat. This will be a trial and error stage where fishing skills can be tested. Consider a larger boat, which is about 19 feet with 20 to 30 miles speed for larger bodies of water. Aluminum -- In smaller lakes, a 16-18 foot aluminum boat is a good choice. It is cheaper than fiberglass and more forgiving of bangs, running up into shallows and hitting stumps and rocks. The only downside is that it rides rougher even with the slightest winds. Fiberglass -- This two-stroke engine is much more expensive which could cost from $20,000 to as much as $50,000. The good thing with this boat is that it could handle bigger, rougher water and still give you a smooth ride. Brand new versus Second Hand -- Buying a second hand boat is not only cheaper but holds their value longer and better. The downside is that you'll probably inherit someone else's troubles. During casual inspection, outboard engines problems are not easily identified. The best thing to do is bring someone you trust with you to inspect a prospective boat or buy from someone you know instead. Handling the Boat -- Listen to the pitch change when trimming down. Although it will be very difficult for beginners like trying to launch and retrieve the boat backing it down the ramp. Never worry, because everyone passed that stage and there's no boat owner that is not willing to help a first timer learn. Sometimes all it takes is just 4 hours to learn the basics. Buying a dreamboat is very exciting. It is not the boat that really matters but the experiences that come with fishing. Catfishing the Right But Simple Way There are a few basic methods that are effective in catching catfish. Bear in mind that specific methods are applicable to specific kinds of waters. That is because techniques and baiting mixtures are formulated for specific targets. The following methods are simple, yet proven successful when used: 1) Rigging method -- Depending on the bait used, loop the bait holder or the treble hook from a line to a preferred distance to the end. Bait movement is not suggested; therefore, a weight must be used to allow the rig to be still. A good distance shall be about 18" to 24." Same as the first method, using the Slipweight to make the bait stable is also effective. The weight does not matter as long as it can slide in the line. The fish will not feel any weight and it will be late until they realize that the bait is fake. Multibait technique allows multiple catches at once. Simply place three-way swivel along the line. As it draws more strikes it makes a great choice for catching more catfish at the same time. 2) Bait -- Experts opt for chicken livers or medium sized shrimp from groceries. The shrimp's tail and skin must be removed and body should be big enough to slide up in a number 6 hook. This is simpler than the chicken which necessitates the use of pantyhose. A diameter of a quarter is wrapped in a piece of pantyhose leaving a tag end then attach it through the treble hook. Blood worms, minnows, catfish paste, night crawlers, snails, living or dead small fish, and dough baits are also good choices of baits. Remember that the best baits are always those that nature produced. 3) Chumming -- Fishermen catch more catfish with this method. This is simply throwing balls of mixtures of natural recipes in the fishing area. This attracts more catfish; the trick is that the mixture should be right enough for the catfish to feed heavily. The hook that will be used to fish normally must have the same recipe for the bait. Adding a good smelling flavor into the pasty mixture attracts catfish more. 4) Tackling -- Although the technique involved in this method is by far effective, it's still the bait that attracts and brings the catfish in. As simple as it is, the tackle should be about 6 feet long with a spinning real. Choose heavier lines to allow more battle between the fisherman and the catfish. It doesn't necessarily have to be expensive. The experience you get from a cheaper tackle is no different from an expensive one. Make sure the grip is secure hooks are removed by pliers after catching the fish. Avoid being stuck with the fins as some are poisonous. Just simply sliding the hand up to its belly from tail, placing the fingers behind one side and thumb behind the other can remove the catfish from the hook without any harm. Happy catfishing and good luck! Basic Carp Fishing Pointers Frustrating as it is, carp fishing is awesome. Carp are really good at sucking in and blowing out suspicious baits. It's such an excitement to see the whole action in a fraction of a second as you hang on for dear life while the reel is trembling with a loud noise. Carp happily devour on the surface as long as you keep the pellets, biscuits, chic peas, bread, and re-hydrated corn coming in, and these are inexpensive baits as well. Just attach them to the hooks, most preferably the bread. Have the biscuits softened by dipping it in the water for about 2 minutes, then, place them in a sealed sandwich bag for about an hour. Since different brands have different textures, just experiment to know which is firm enough to cast. Another way to hook baits is super gluing the pellet into the shank. Once they get into feeding, let them feel comfortable around the bait. This gives more opportunity for the fisherman since they begin to not feel picky. This tactic can be useful for zig rigs. As soon as they're feeding, cast the bait but make sure not to drop the bait directly onto the feeding carp. Cast away from the feeding area then slowly draw it in position. While the bait is till hanging, keep the food coming in so as to keep the carp from going away. How to Set-Up? * Use a hair rig to increase your chance of catching. As carp taste food first, if they don't like the taste, they won't come near it. * You may also use a Spider Line, 50 lbs test, then use a leader material that fits the situation. * Thread the bait on the baiting needle and hook the hair loop. You may also use foam dipped in a flavor as this enhances the attractiveness of the bait. * Also make a baiting needle by just straightening a long shank hook. Slide the bait on the shank, then slide the bait from the needle onto the hair. * Using a float is also an advantage because it adds weight for further distancing and the location is easily identified. * Don't forget the controller float rig. A leader can be used which is attached to the swivel to its mainline of at least 3 feet length with a 10lbs Drennan double strength. A low diameter mono will do just as long as it floats well enough for visibility. As experts say, it is not the bait that catches the carp but the method in which the bait is introduced. Pre-bait everyday, in one spot for a few days. This makes the carp think that there is a regular source of food for them and by "word of mouth" there'll soon be a school of fish around. Just be patient and it will all work. The Best Lures to Use in Fishing The evolution of fishing gear and accessories along with the development of the bass fishing industry brought about the development of various lures specifically used for different fish species. There are many types or class of lures and they all depend on what type of fish works for them. Many only work for specific types but some cover a wide range of species of fish. Below are some of the typical lures used for fishing. Light Standard Casting Lures For Standard casting lures, they are mostly able to attract a wide range of fish varieties from albacore, bluefish, bonita, oho and crappies. These lures are also excellent for certain species of bass fish and work best when retrieved from water at low to medium speed. They pass through water with undetectably synthetic material. Their sizes are excellent for lightweight fish and a host of freshwater species. They range from 1/16 oz. to 3 oz. The hand painted eye is enticing enough to allow schooling of fish. This feature allows for more chances of trapping one of the target fish in the water. Heavy Standard Casting Lures Heavy Standard Casting Lures are excellent for quite heavy fish specifically, walleye and bass. While the lightweight lures are used in most circumstances, it was shown that heavy counterparts provide more reliable fishing output. Moreover, the heavy standard lures are able to catch fish than diamond and light standard casting lures. Long Casting/Jigging Lures Perhaps the most popular among the fishing lures are the long, tapered jigging lures. They are perhaps the most commonly used fishing lures among the fishermen in Florida, Mississippi and Louisiana. Just recently, it was found out that the long casting lures work best for catching trout and pike. They were also found to effectively catch stripers and bluefish. They can catch tuna and walleye in a breeze! Unlike heavy standard lures, this gear won't produce good fish-catch output up to 180-200 ft under water but be sure to effectively match your lure color, bait and related accessories to maximize performance. Deadly Diamond Lures These lures are one of the smallest with sizes ranging from 1/8 to 1oz. They can seamlessly attract attention among fish and could form a school of fish in a minute! The reason is it lies on its structural surface formation and cut. The top handle is cut like a diamond and causes the reflection of light striking on its surface. The diamond lures are best for catching bass fish varieties, crappie and stripers although they work on a small range of fish species. Excellent Fishing Rods for that Perfect Fishing Experience Today's fishing rods have incorporated modern features that are not typical of the more primitive cane pole. Modern fishing rods contain reels, which aid in the retrieval of fish caught in its bait. A much-sophisticated feature is the spinning rod where the entire shaft of the rod except the handle can move around on its axis to allow flexibility when fish caught on snare bait struggles through the water. Like the classic cane fishing rods, the fishing gadget is thick at the handle (bottom) and is tapered and thinner at the tip. This very basic design allows handling stability and flexible movement of the entire length of the shaft. Types of Fishing Rods and Specifications A typical fishing rod measures 6 and 16 feet (2 and 5 m) and vary in capability to tolerate strain in fishing activity. The length has a lot to do with withstanding force exerted by the fish to the pole and determines for the most part the performance of rods used for angling. Cane Poles Cane poles are one of the smallest and less sophisticated gadgets in fishing. It is usually made of bamboo or other flexible wood material with the most basic fly line attached to it. Unlike other more sophisticated fishing rods, cane poles do not usually contain reels or its equivalent to be used for reeling in or retrieving fish caught on bait. This very same action is known as angling. Spinning Rods These types of rods are the most popular today. They can be used either for heavyweight or lightweight fish although they were proven best for trout, walleye and bass fish. They vary in measurements from 5 and 7 feet (1.5 and 2.5 m). Spinning poles are commonly used in bass fishing competition accounting for their flexibility and tolerance to stress. They accommodate bigger and tougher fly lines and stabilize them to avoid line tangles during uncoiling of float lines. Jigging Rods These rods are best for heavy lures and baits especially when reaching around 180 to 200 feet under the ocean's surface. They are made of fine, solid materials which accounts to their heaviness. The use of jigging rods is specifically due to alternating currents during the fishing activity. Some oceans have erratic undersea current. That is why the bait and fly lines should be kept in place. Lures are also disturbed and cause confusion among fish if the lines are not long and heavy enough to withstand and tolerate water currents under the sea. These rods are best for target fishes usually found dwelling at the bottom of the sea such as halibut and cods. ![]() Bass Fishing Facts and More Bass fishing has a fascinating history. It started in the late 18th century and continues to progress until today. It probably was originally practiced in search for food among the people in the south of the United States. Since then, it has started gaining numerous audiences of all ages and nations. Today, countries such as Australia, Cuba, South Africa, United States and most of Europe participate in this kind of event. Timelines * The year 1768 or 1770 represents the birth of bass fishing sports. Onesimus Ustonson introduced his first multiplying reels to the fishing gurus and lovers. It was later developed into bait caster. * William Shakespeare Jr. materializes the production of a level wind device and secured its patent on 1897. * The William J. Jamison Co introduced the overly ornamented Shannon Twin Spinner in 1915 and was improved to create today's spinner baits. * In 1932, President Franklin D. Roosevelt instituted the creation of Tennessee Valley Authority and encouraged the creation and building of numerous dams. These dams were later used for culturing different varieties of bass fishes. * Five years later, DuPont Company filed patent for nylon fishing net, this was later developed into nylon monofilament fishing line. * The year 1992 is one of the most glorious events in the history of bass fishing. Larry Nixon, the famous fisherman in the history of bass fishing won $1 M total earnings for this sport on this year. Bass Fish Several fish species that are being caught in the bass fishing events are the following: * Micropterus salmoides (Lacepede) -- Largemouth Bass * Micropterus dolomieui -- Smallmouth bass * Micropterus punctatus -- Kentucky Bass Other species of Micropterus are also caught but one that remains popular is the Largemouth bass. However, it should be emphasized that Australian Bass are different from the above North American Bass variants although most share similar features. Perhaps, the most robust success of Bass Fishing was in the 1950s. The popularity of the game during this period is the springboard to the development of modern fishing equipments from bass boats, rods, lines, lures and various fishing gears. Electronic gears were also incorporated among the host of equipments bass fishers used at that time. Reels of different types, which function in hauling and hoisting, were also created. The contribution of bass fishing industry to the US economy records $50 to $70 Billion and the number continues to grow. Statistics show that the audience base of this sport is increasing and that more and more people are getting interested in it compared to tennis and golf. Tips for Archery Fishing Also known as Bow fishing, this is a sport wherein a fisherman uses archery equipment to fish. A regular hunting bow can be used for fishing by simply attaching a reel to the front of the bow grip. Archery fishing is especially favored by regular hunters when regular game like deer are off season. This way they can continuously hone their skills for whatever season it may be. Before engaging in archery fishing, one must first take into consideration the following: 1. A fisherman must be duly licensed. Some states require that an individual have a state license to fish. 2. Equipment. Most states have a predetermined set of approved equipment for archery fishing. 3. Archery Safety Course. Still, some states require that an individual go through an approved safety course for archery fishing to ensure that the individual is well versed with the proper safety precautions and information regarding applicable laws in fishing. 4. Seasons. Bow fishing in some states can only be done in certain seasons. This is to allow the fish to spawn. 5. Species of fish. Some states have rules forbidding archery fishing for some species of fish. The following skills are necessary for an individual to obtain and practice: Knot tying. Though it may seem like a simple task, tying knots that will not slip (line for the arrow) are crucial in bow fishing. Tuning. Tuning is making sure that the bow is at its best working condition. To ensure this, one has to continuously adjust the rest and calibrate the nock. For a faster tuning process, one may shoot a regular bow-fishing arrow (without the tip) onto a target made of cardboard. Marksmanship or targeting. Bow fishing and bow hunting, though similar on some aspects, really do differ on many things. Arrows for bow fishing are heavier, have larger arrow tips and, the most obvious one, has a string attached to the arrow. And since fish are shot in the water, resistance differs as when compared to shooting in the air (for bow hunting of games) There are various methods or ways of archery fishing. This includes the following: 1. Still hunting. A fisherman selects a place by the lake in which he would wait for passing fish to shoot its bow at. 2. Stalking. This can be done on foot or while on a boat. One is in constant motion in an attempt to locate fish. 3. Ambush. Fish that are best ambushed are the ones that are spawning since they tend to crowd thus increasing chances of target. Tips in fishing for salmons in Alaska Alaska is known as one of the most bountiful areas with salmon, and is ideal for fishing trips. This is because of extreme tides along the West Coast and the gush of ocean currents that create an environment ideal for the breeding of thousands of baitfish. It is also known as one of the best places to go if one wants to fish for giant King Salmon, the largest specie of salmon fish. The best way to catch these giant salmon (in saltwater) is through trolling or by angling a baited line drawn into the water. Fishing for giant King Salmon can be a year round activity (especially in Seward). The most sought-after species of salmon are the following: 1. The King Salmon (Chinook) are the largest of all these species. Its weight averages between 20-40 pounds, the heaviest recorded of which is 112 pounds, and can be as long as 3-4". It has a blue-green back that is lightly spotted. The average life span of a Chinook Salmon is about five to seven years. Its flesh can range in color from ivory white to a deep red. Common names for this specie of salmon include tyee, springs, mouth/kings quinnat and tule. 2. Silver Salmon (Coho) on the other hand is slightly smaller with an average weight of 8-12 pounds. These specie prefer small streams in which to spawn between the months of July to November. 3. Sockeye salmon, on the other hand, are the most sought-after of its entire species because its flesh has a color of deep red and it has a firm rich flavor. In fishing for salmon in Alaska, one has to be well equipped with the right equipment (and donned with the appropriate apparel). Listed below are some of the needed equipment/materials and tips for hassle-free fishing: 1. You must be clad in layers of warm clothes (not necessarily bulky ones as it can hinder in the fishing activity). 2. Over these everyday clothes, a waterproof overall, boots and bibs are likewise necessary to ensure that one would stay dry since after a hook-up, some fish may resist with maximum struggles. 3. Fleet or cruisers that offer services for fishing are usually stocked with bait. 4. A guide on board a cruiser ensures that even amateur fishermen will enjoy the activity by providing crash-lessons onboard. They usually hook the bait for the guest and inform the party as to where specific species of fish may thrive for selective fishing. Alaska Fishing Lodge: The Nature's Abode Recreation is an important aspect in the life of human beings. Anglers represent the major group of leisure seekers, and have a determined advantage over the other groups who make use of nature's wonderful creatures and elements for food. Consequently, the popularity of fishing in many areas had continuously dominated the society. That is why along with its series of activities, people now realize the need for fishing lodges especially in places where fishing activities seem to never end. Among all fishing lodges available in the industry today, the Alaska Fishing Lodges are among the most treasured and most popular fishing lodges in the United States. The Alaska Fishing Lodge provides its customers full customer service satisfaction with their wide array of fishing activities and endless strings of fishing fun. Normally, Alaska Fishing Lodges are made up of logs; sturdily build to provide each angler optimum convenience and comfort. It is known for its spacious interiors, creatively decorated with the right embellishments, thereby, setting the mood for fishing and wilderness. In addition, because it carries the true Alaskan heritage, Alaska Fishing Lodges offer services and products that can be afforded by anyone. With its affordable rates, the place is inhabited by people, who mostly want to enjoy life and fishing but cannot afford to buy the pleasures in expensive beaches and lodges. Best of all, Alaska Fishing Lodges are perfectly located in areas where the waters are abundant with the different species of fish. Usually, these lodges are situated in a place where trout, northern pike, and grayling mostly inhabit the waters. On the other hand, most Alaska Fishing Lodges are built big enough to occupy 16 guests, in which each guest can avail of personal and individualized services. Moreover, this type of lodge also houses a place where king salmon are abundant especially during the months of June and early part of July. Most lodges also provide a wide variety of fishing equipment, from rods to tackles and lines. With all these beautiful features present in every Alaska Fishing Lodge, there is no better place to enjoy fishing and the wilderness like what this particular lodge can offer. Staying in an Alaska Fishing Lodge is, indeed, an ultimate fishing experience. 5 Useful Tips on Trout Fishing In fishing, trout are one of the favorite "fishing friends" of most anglers. These crafty fish are abundant anywhere. The native habitat of these crafty fish depends on the type of trout. For brook trout, the native habitat includes the territory from Labrador westward to the Saskatchewan, while the rainbow trout is a native of the Pacific slope from Alaska to California. On the other hand, brown trout has found its way into the waters of every state in the United States except Florida, Arkansas, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Texas. It has been reported in the waters of some of these states, but according to conservation officials, no authentic reports have been received. It is also found in many parts of Canada. In trout fishing, there are some factors that need to be considered in order to have a successful catch. 1. For trout fishing, the leader should not be greased. It will not sink far enough to cause any difficulty when picking the line and lure from the water, but if it is allowed to float; it will cast a shadow on the bottom of the stream which may scare the trout. 2. The trout is one of the fishes that are usually secured through the use of the dry fly. For trout, the current as well as the pools should be fished. It may sometimes be a bit difficult to keep the fly from sinking or dragging because of the various conditions of the current, but this is a matter that the angler will have to figure out for himself. 3. It is not good practice when fishing for trout to fish directly upstream so the flies, line, and leader will float directly over fish. The fisherman should make the cast from one side of the stream so the fly will only float over the fish. 4. It is important to make the first cast the best. A feeding trout will usually strike the first lure presented if it is cast so that it will float over his private domain. The angler should never fail to fish the lower end of the pool first even if the trout are rising in the middle or upper end. 5. Trout are sometimes very moody or selective and will try the patience of any angler; hence, possibly a fly with less hackle will do the trick or it may be necessary to use a spent-wing fly or a fan wing. Indeed, catching trout fishes can be lots of fun. The anglers just have to remember these tips in order to have a happy catch. Fishing in Texas In the state of Texas, 2 licenses are needed. The first is called the Conservation license. This is a prerequisite a person must have before being allowed to obtain a fishing license. The Conservation license can be obtained from the Fish, Wildlife & Parks or FWP. This is done by giving one's social security number and other information that is requested. A valid driver's license or any valid ID with photo must also be presented for security purposes for the license to be processed. Once that is done, a fishing license can be acquired which is neither non-transferable nor non-refundable and is only valid for one year. Fish that are normally caught in Texas are flounder, trout and sheepshead. Here are some tips that will help anyone who wants to go fishing in Texas; 1. The first thing to do is get the right equipment: a good boat, fishing rod, reels and bait. 2. If one is not familiar with the place, it is best to ask the locals where the best fishing ground is then start from there. 3. Hooks can be in different sizes. The right hook for fishing is dependent on the kind of bait that will be used. 4. To prevent injury especially when taking out the fish caught in the hook, it is advisable to do it using wet hands. 5. The primary source of food for Seagulls is fish. If there is a flock in one area it means that place is good for fishing. One should approach quietly and set the bait and just wait for the fish to start coming in. 6. Some fish stray when the water is clear but it is quite difficult since the fish can also see the bait. To be able to catch more fish, the best place to do it is in deep water. 7. It is also advisable to try a variety of bait when fishing. Some fish can easily be caught with one kind while others are not. It takes practice to get it right and patience for the fish to come out and haul it in. Salmon Fishing General salmon information and fishing tips: 1. Generally, the best times of the day are during the times when there is low light and so too, on cloudy days. On bright and sunny days, salmon will usually collect and assemble deep in the holes. 2. Take note that salmon do not feed while in the river. When they do strike, it is a behavior that is learned. Salmons are known to be predatory and aggressive when in the lake, up until they go into the river. 3. Set the hook by yanking downstream with your rod three times. To get a better set, pulling on the line with your free hand can help. Sometimes, when you lift the rod straight up, it will pull the fly out of the mouth of the salmon. 4. In order for the hook to go through the thick jaws of the salmon, you should always sharpen your hooks. 5. Fishing with a partner can be enjoyable and at the same time help each other to spot a salmon. While one is fishing, the other can be high up on the other side of the bank observing the reaction of the salmon and where exactly they are. Polarized glasses are very helpful when doing this and would bring satisfying results. 6. Finding a good hole where there are many salmon inside and you can fish there for the whole day! 7. Your weight as well as the length of the tippet should be adjusted so that it matches the holes depth and the depth of the fish. Your weight should not drag, but should only touch the bottom every now and then. Note that a tippet that is three feet long will set the fly six inches up to two feet off the bottom. 8. By adding a foam indicator at the top of your fly, you can get your fly higher in the water column. Fly fishing tips: Chuck-n-duck is the most familiar and easiest, method in using a fly rod to fish for salmon. Popular four line formulas for chuck-n-duck: The River Guide 100+ yards of 30 pounds backing 20 feet of Amnesia line 100 feet of shooting line 3-6 feet of Maxima monofilament (6-8 lb. test) 20 feet of Maxima monofilament (12 lb. test) Swivels and weight The Simple Set-Up 100+ yards of 30 pounds backing 10 feet of Maxima monofilament (12 lb. test) 100 feet of shooting line Swivels and weight 3-4 feet of Maxima monofilament (6-8 lb. test) The simple and cheap Set-up 100+ yards of 30 lb. backing 100 feet of Amnesia line (15 lb. test) 20 feet of Maxima monofilament (12 lb. test) Swivels and weight 3-6 feet of Maxima monofilament (6-8 lb. test) The combo 100+ yards of 30 pounds backing 100 feet of shooting or Amnesia line 3-12 feet of Maxima monofilament (10-20 lb. test) Swivels and weight 4-10 feet of Maxima monofilament (2-12 lb. test) Ontario Fishing Tips Getting ready 1. If you're bound for a fishing trip to the North Country, expect to spend much on transportation, your outfit, licenses and permits. For a lot of people, the trip's highlight will be fishing. For this reason, you should get yourself a new line on your reel. 2. Protect your eyes while fishing and you should only invest in a good quality pair of polarized sunglasses, as it will not only aid in protecting the eyes, but will also provide superior visual penetration into the water. 3. Keep mosquito repellent as well as plastic worms in a separate compartment, making sure it is out of the tackle box as both items do contain lacquer solvent that can soften the paint of any metal, plastic, or wood lure and the soft paint may never harden. 4. Always keep a small file or a small stone handy to be used to keep the hooks needle sharp. 5. Learn how to tie good knots. Practice carefully until such time that you are already certain that they will hold. General fishing guidelines: 1. Don't fish with any bait in just one spot for more than 10 casts. If, by those casts, nothing changes, it's time you change location. 2. Properly position the canoe, not too close or too far from the fish. If you are too close, you will frighten the fish. If you are too far, you can not accurately place the lure in position. 3. When doing top water fishing, do not set the hook until you can really feel that the fish is on the lure, being very careful not to surprise the fish. Just keep on working the lure cautiously towards you. 4. Be very patient. Just be certain that you know you are in a suitable fish-producing area. 5. Always be quiet, as sound can travel through the water better than through the air. 6. Release carefully, instantly and safely any fish that you do not plan to eat. Preservation of Ontario's fishing resources is essential and needed for fishing to continue thriving. 7. While waiting for your catch, or when you do catch anything or none at all, look at the scene behind you, take a deep breath and enjoy the only lakeland wilderness in the entire world! Fishing Regulations Carry your license with you Residents of Canada should have a fishing-version Outdoors Card and must have a fishing license tag that is attached to it so that it can be considered as valid. Non Canadian residents should have their basic license form signed and have the correct license tag fastened in order that it can be considered valid. Keep in mind always that a Outdoors Card or non-resident license card is non-transferable; it grants privileges to you alone. It should be carried with you each time you go fishing. Note too, that whenever a Conservation Officer requests to see and examine your license, the law requires you to show it. State and District Regulations State and District rules control angling in Ontario. The key and major State law with regards to fishing is the Ontario's "Fisheries Act"; this defends guards and takes care of and save fish and its habitat. Likewise, it controls the fishing seasons, limits to catch, possession, and size, and the gears allowed as well as fish sanctuaries. On the other hand, the "Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act" is the major provincial law that regulates fishing. It is stated in this decree, that fishing licenses are issued. Wildlife Protection and Preservation Officers Wildlife Protection Officers have the authority to inspect, search, arrest, and seize under the different act they carry out, together with Ontario's "Fish and Wildlife Preservation decree" as well as the "Fisheries Regulation and Act". During the Conservation Officers duty, they may do the following: 1. Ask important questions that are in relation to the inspection they are conducting; 2. Review and examine buildings; 3. Stop and examine a boat, vehicle, or aircraft; 4. Confiscate certain items which are related to the offence that an individual may have done; 5. Search and investigate having a warrant to legalize such search; 6. Search and investigate having no warrant to support the search in situations that require immediate attention and action; 7. Arrest anybody that the Wildlife Preservation Officer supposes and believe has committed, or is on the act of performing, or is about to perform a violation or offence. Open Seasons The opening and closing dates of fishing season changes and is determined by the species on the area. It is illegal to try catching a fish for which the season has already been closed, even if one is going to release it after. Do understand that closed seasons protect the fish at time of the year when they are most susceptible especially during spawning. Unless specially stated, species that are not on the list have a year-round open season. Tips on Finding a Fishing Guide 1. Open Communication matters. It is important that you provide the guide all the information they need so that they will figure out what kind of fishing trip is best for you. Be sure to be honest in telling the guide how much experience you have regarding fishing. This will help them to know what advice and tips to give you so that you can make the most out of your time. 2. Seek the help of friends and relatives. Ask your friends and relatives who have fished and if not they may be able to provide you with some referrals. It is better to ask them about their experiences, the things that you need to do and things that you have to look for in a guide. They may be also to provide you referrals of the guides they have tried and found effective for them. This will be a chance for you to ask if the guide they are referring you to has enough knowledge or is accommodating to clients. 3. Browse the Internet. The Internet can provide a lot of websites where you can find the best guides in a certain location. You can also post messages and questions regarding the website and they may be able to find the information you need. 4. Determine if your prospective guide is licensed. It is better that you know that the person you are working with is working according to the law. A licensed guide is also sure to be relied on especially with the matters of integrity and trust. Ask the guide of their name and phone numbers including the state-licensing bureau. A guide who is not willing to provide you the information you are asking for is not worth your time. 5. Find out exactly what you are paying for and how long the amount would cover. You need to know this information for you to be able to manage your schedule before the fishing trip and plan the things that you need to bring which are not covered by the payment you made. Some include the price for lodging in the package while other guides may charge extra for that. Asking the coverage of your fees will also help you assess if the services you will get is worth the money you will be spending. 6. Get to know the guide. Evaluate if the guide that you will be working with can get along with you. If not, you will just be wasting your time and money. Fishing is a time to learn and enjoy but if the two of you will not get along well, the whole trip might just be ruined. Get to know the guide first before you set foot on the boat. Exert a little effort to call the guide and make a small chat to break the ice and make the two of you comfortable on the day of the actual fishing. 7. Also make time to find out how long the prospective guide has been on his job. This will make it easier for you to assess the level of experience the guide has earned in that field. It is better that you choose a guide that has been in fishing for many years. They are the ones who usually have the skills and teaching techniques that will be of great help to you. Some Basic Facts about Fishing Gear In fishing, it is very important to an angler's success that he starts with the proper equipment. He may purchase or own the finest equipment in the world, but when it is assembled and put into use, it may prove to be a very decided handicap. To guard against this, it is important that the individual items of tackle be properly balanced one with the other. Unbalanced equipment has been responsible for more difficulties and failures of beginners than any other single factor. Fishing Rod To fish with a good rod is to really enjoy fishing. It is much easier to learn with a good rod than with one of an inferior quality. This is no commercial plug to encourage the sale of expensive rods, but just a word of warning to prevent any possible or unnecessary discouragement because of using a rod that would be decided handicap to a competent caster. Fishing Lines This item of fishing gear must be selected with some careful considerations if anglers are expecting to enjoy fishing or casting. This is because the size and weight of fishing lines made by various manufacturers are not entirely uniform, that is, the diameter of the line by one manufacturer may be slightly larger or smaller than a line by another manufacturer even though both bear the same size marking. The Leader The leader is also a very important item, and unless it is selected with care and consideration in comparison with the size of the line, the caster will have trouble in making it extend straight out from the line when casting. The chief function of the leader is to serve as an invisible connection between the line and the lure. Fishing Flies or Lures The flies may range in size, from the tiniest used, which might be number 18 or 20, up to flies tied on number-2 hooks or larger. The heavier flies or lures create; more wind is needed. It also requires the use of heavier equipment or more power on the part of the caster during the back cast and forward cast. Reels The reel may be automatic or single action, but in any event, it should be larger enough to hold the usual 30 yards of fishing line without crowding it on the reel spool. The reel should weigh from 1 1/2" to 1 1/2 as much as the bare rod. The reel itself is of no specific use in casting or fishing except as a storage place for the line. Consequently, the entire equipment should always be in good condition. Other wise, achieving success in fishing is impossible. Fishing Game: Nature's Playground If all men measured up to the standards of true sportsmanship, there would be no need for game, fish, and forestry laws. Neither would there be so much need for the laws that regulate human affairs in general. But, in the fishing game, it is the true sportsman, with a love for the great outdoors, a wholesome respect for the welfare of others, and consideration for living and growing things, who sets the good examples for the youth to follow. In reality, fishing games differ a lot from the other types of games that man has come to know. A fishing game is not a mere reflection of the activity itself but more of the love for fishing. In fishing games, the angler does not go hunting or fishing only to gain the privilege of boasting over slaughter or material gain. He loves the lightning-like flash of the trout, the leap of the bass or muskie, the tug on the line, the whir of the reel, the thrill of battle with some "denizens" of the deep, and the companionship of other true sportsmen. The Concept of Fishing Games The most common type of fishing game is known as the "offshore game fishing." In this type of game fishing, the anglers aim for the big lean fishes like the marlins and the tunas and the fishing is done in the sea. Offshore game fishing is usually conducted as one type of recreational activity. Though, there are instances wherein this type of fishing game is also employed in competitions like the sports fishing. Because of the energy being utilized in this type of recreational activity, offshore game fishing usually requires the biggest fishing boats. These fishing boats generally range from 30 to 50 feet in length. The object of the game is to reel the fish in once it is properly hooked on the line. This can be a daunting task since the fish, especially if it is a big one, will have the tendency to pull away from the boat. The challenge is to reel the fish in while keeping the fishing line maintained on its specified tension. The fishing game is not more of a competition for a true angler. Whenever they are doing this kind of activity as part of the game, what the angler really wants is to get in touch with nature, to breathe the clean, pure air, and muse in solitude in the wilds of nature's playground. Hence, in fishing games like offshore game fishing, the anglers like to play the game in strict accordance with the rules of reason and fairness at the same time conserve the value of fishes in the community. Things to Know About Fishing Charter Recreation is an essential factor in the life of every human being. The anglers or the fishermen represent the largest single group of recreational seekers, and have a decided advantage over the other groups who utilize nature's creatures and elements for recreation or food. The popularity of fishing in many areas has been largely based upon the angling pressure, which is far beyond the normal capacity of the streams and lakes. There are species of fish for every type of angler and each one may choose the species of fish or the method of fishing that has the greatest personal appeal or attraction. It is for this reason that many people are enticed to spend their vacation in a fishing activity. But, for people who would like to have planned fishing activities, they opt for fishing charters. Fishing charter is one way of enjoying fishing even if an individual does not have the means or the equipment as far as fishing is concerned. It aims to provide the necessary services in a fishing activity. However, not all fishing charters are created equal. Hence, it is important to know the factors required to be taken into account before jumping into conclusions. Here is a list of some mportant factors that need to be considered: 1. The cost of the trip Like any financial decision, people who would like to use fishing charter should know the required charges of the trip. It is best to know the necessary requirements like deposits or contract agreements before committing to a fishing charter. Best of all, people should be aware of the items they are paying for. They should know what the kinds of services included on the package are. 2. The length of time required in each charter trip. Most captains are enticed to do a little fishing before going back to the dock. This will not pose a problem at all but if it will cost the person, who requested the service, additional charges for extra minutes or hours spent beyond the agreed number of hours, then, that is a problem. Hence, it is important for the individual to know what time the charter will start and end. 3. The captain It is important for a person who wants to engage in a fishing charter to know the competency and the skills of the captain. Hence, in order to have a successful fishing activity, it is best to get the experienced captain. A fishing charter is one way of enjoying fishing at its best. Tips on Buying Fishing Boats Selecting and acquiring the ideal fishing boat is a real art for someone who has already gone through many experiences as far as boating is concerned. However, it can be a daunting task to those who have not yet experienced buying a fishing boat. To make the activity easier for the first timers, here is a list of tips that they can use when choosing an ideal fishing boat. 1. It is important to consider the purpose of the fishing boat. Buying a fishing boat has only one purpose: to be used in fishing. However, before choosing the perfect fishing boat, it is important to consider also the other purposes. First, the place where the fishing boat will be used should be taken into account. Will it be in the ocean or in other bodies of water like lakes? Second, the time of the day it will be used. Will it be for day trips or for overnight fishing activities? If the fishing boat will be used for ocean cruising and overnight stays, it would be better to buy a fishing boat that has a hull. This is specifically designed for rough waters. This design is meant to ride with the waves, hence, providing more comfort to anglers while on board. 2. The budget When buying a fishing boat, it is important to know if the buyer can afford to acquire a boat. Fishing boats, or any boat for that matter, can be very expensive. Hence, the buyer should know how far his budget would go as far as fishing boat prices are concerned. 3. The warranties It is extremely important to know if the fishing boat has a warranty. It should be analyzed and meticulously scrutinized because not all warranties are created equal. Hence, it is best to buy a fishing boat from dealers that will provide the necessary services in case their product is found to be defective. 4. The certification When buying a fishing boat, it is important to take note if it is certified by the "National Marine Manufacturers Association" or the NMMA. This agency guarantees that the certification they give to every boat manufacturer is a guarantee that the fishing boat had passed the agency's standard of excellence. The bottom line is that, people should do more than just look around when choosing the ideal fishing boat. They should learn how to look for the important details in order to ensure that the boat they have acquired is definitely worth their money. What is Fishing Bait? There is such an assortment of bait that it is difficult to recommend any particular color, size, or type as the best. There are more than a thousand good baits on the market. All will catch fish at some time or another. Fishing baits usually weigh from 1/2" to an ounce to three ounces. The most popular weight preferred by the majority of bait casters is the 5/8-ounce bait, while the average is between 1/2 and 3 quarters of an ounce. Baits can either be used as a whole or cut into chunks. Anglers can also use dead or live baits. The Different Types of Bait There is a wide array of organisms being used as fishing baits. Among the different types used in fishing, the commonly used are the small fishes. These consist of widely used fishing baits such as herring, anchovies, menhaden, and some others that are inborn to certain local waters. Larger fishes are usually used as chunk baits. Fishing baits can be used whole, chunk, and strips, based on the activities of the type of fishes being chased. The size of the fishing bait is usually well matched with the size of the fish being hunted. Other common organisms used for bait fishing are crabs, worms, shrimps, crabs, clams, sand fleas, eels, and squid. Among all of the organisms mentioned, the crabs and the shrimps are the well-liked organisms to be used as fishing baits. Shrimp are favorably used as fishing bait and are considered to be very valuable bait for a huge number of saltwater fish, especially those that are considered "inshore fish" like redfish, speckled trout, shook, and a lot more. Whereas, various crab species, especially the fiddler crab, sand flea, and the blue crab, are perfect fishing baits for many varieties of "inshore fishes" and "bottom fish." These crabs are usually clasped through their shell, usually on either the right or left of the head. How to Acquire Fishing Bait? Fishermen can acquire fishing bait either buying them in bait shops or simply by capturing it themselves. The advantage of buying fishing bait is convenience, while catching live fishing bait is less expensive and can be more effective in luring fish. Digging for earthworms is another activity. Earthworms make an excellent bait. Indeed, when it comes to bait fishing, using the proper fishing bait are important and imperative to the success of fishing. Hence, anglers should know the basics of choosing fishing baits in order to save time and money. The Recreational Value of Fishing Many people consider that fish are only a medium of survival, or to some extent a food supply; yet there is another angle that is little known. The manufacturing industry utilizes more than two billion pounds of fish and fish by-products every year. This is slightly more than is used for food. What most people do not know is that fishing continues to provide recreational activity of making it one of the most preferred hobbies. In fact, fishing as a hobby is continuously growing and that is why the estimated number of people who acquire fishing licenses each year is more than 12 million. Moreover, surveys show that for every dollar spent for a fishing license, there are sixteen dollars spent for equipment, such as fishing tackle, food, clothing, and transportation. There is more money spent on fishing than on any other hobby in existence. Why is it a Great Hobby? It is a means of providing something to free the mind and body of the worries of the day. It has also been proven to help in mentoring troubled teens, replacing negative thoughts and activity with more positive traits and pursuits. Fishing is truly a wholesome sport. The use of all types of fishing equipment has added something that no other feature could possibly accomplish. Thousands of youngsters are enthusiastic to learn how to cast a fly or plug bait. These youngsters have an interest in fish and fishing and they desire to fish in a lawful and recreational manner. Boiled down, fish and fishing may be considered one of man's essential resources. It is hoped that further realization of fishing as a hobby will develop the necessary knowledge of the true recreational value of fishing, the fish, and the general conservation of all natural resources as well as the value of good sportsmanship and developing good citizens. Fishing as Family Activity Many people love to go fishing, instead of playing tennis or golf. Others make it their primary sport activity together with their families and friends to relieve boredom and stress. Surveys say that more than 50 million Americans love to go fishing and make it their lifestyle option instead of other sports. In Alabama, fishing represents a substantial impact on the state economy. Hundreds of millions of dollars are represented and about 20,000 people list fishing as their source of livelihood. However, most people consider it as a form of relaxation and a family activity. In general, it is a lifestyle option. In the book titled "The Incomplete Psychology of Everyday Fishing;" psychologist Paul G. Quinnett dedicated an entire chapter about fishing as a source to relieve stress. In the chapter, "Ethics of Fishing" he points out that a person must appreciate and enjoy the benefits of nature. He also highlighted that fishing correct is a way for an individual to become more disciplined in his lifestyle. "Family Life First," an organization dedicated to introducing how to spend useful family time to parents for their children, have factual data that in the past 20 years, 25 percent of a child's playing time has decreased. Outdoor activities, where most children spend their playing time, have also declined by 50 percent. Since 1969 to 1996, 22 percent of family time activities have lessened proven by the study of the White House Council of Economic Advisers. Any fruitful time to interact with your children is time worth investing. Fishing is a way to connect. The quality time you get is really worth the effort. The experience you get by catching fish is what makes it wonderful to enjoy and that is the important part of fishing. There are 23 public fishing lakes having plenty of fish waiting to be caught. All children can experience the excitement and adventure of fishing. You will always remember the very first time you caught a fish, and the parent who showed you how to catch it. You gain enjoyable and learning experiences from fishing that makes it a great family activity. Alabama, for example, promotes its lakes and open banks as places best for fishing. You do not even need a boat to catch fish. There are also stores where you can find what you need for fishing. You may bring your family with you and the time of being together and enjoying the fun of fishing is the best family activity you could have. Learning how to Fish You have decided that you want to learn to fish. There are several ways of learning, the hardest being trial and error. It would be best to find an instructor for one-on-one lessons. 1. Buy seasickness medication Nothing is worse than ruining your fishing because of seasickness. Most seasickness medication e.g. Bonine would be fine. Even seasoned fishermen are known to take some on rough days. Take one before you go to sleep, another when you wake up and a third one before you board. 2. Buy a reference book A lot of good books are available at your bookstores and online. The book should give you instructions as well as terms and definitions. Some things you may not immediately understand but you should know anyway. Learn how to tie different kinds of knots. This knowledge will be invaluable for other purposes throughout your life. 3. Go to a party There are party boats that carry from fifteen to as many as sixty anglers. The boat provides everything like bait, rod, reel, sinkers and hooks. They assist you in fishing and take the fish off the hook for you. Mates will spot you and will generally stay close to assist you. Party boats generally will cost you $25 -- $70 a day, and the fish are yours to keep. The party boat is a bargain for beginners. 4. Pick your pier Assuming you have already acquired skills to operate a rod and reel, you need to look for a fishing pier. Majority of coastal cities have one public pier or pay-to-fish pier. You can rent tackle and buy bait at the piers. If you're having trouble, there are many pier anglers willing to help and give you tips. 5. Party or pier You may want to do either step three or four or both at this point. The best thing to do is to do both several times to really learn. 6. The reel deal The conventional reel is probably what you're using up to this point. The conventional reel is designed for a lot of wear and tear. You may now want to consider other types and makes of reels. Ideally you have met people and perhaps made a friend or two who can assist you in selecting a reel. You can even ask a tackle shop owner for tips. You need to understand the mechanics of the reel and the other equipment. Learning to cast, tie knots and bait are not that complicated. Secondly, you need to learn where to fish. Successful fishermen know where the fish are located. Fish move from place to place and knowledgeable anglers understand these patterns and are able to anticipate where the fish are located. Deep Sea Fishing Tips Deep sea fishing is a wonderful and extremely enjoyable activity. Here are some tips that will make your salt water fishing adventure even better. 1. Watch the signs If you see birds e.g. Seagulls that are feasting on small bait-type fishes, there are probably larger game-type fish below the surface of the water. Also, look for floating wood or debris. In most cases when you chance upon a large floating wood, you would find a large game fish in the area even encountering dolphin. 2. Stop, Snook and Listen Fishing for snooks is quite similar as fishing for bass. Snooks like to be around ledges, posts and rocks. 3. Crabs for full moon During full moons use soft crab imitations as bait. That's the time when crabs shed their shells and stripers come looking for them. 4. If you're looking for tunas, find the dolphins Yellowfin tuna are usually found schooling with dolphins. So if you see a group of dolphins, chances are there are some tuna in the area. 5. Cut and Burn If you have trouble cutting through a spiderwire braid, try using a lighter or a match. 6. Good Reef The best place to fish is near reefs since big game fish feed on fish that live on reefs. 7. The Circle Hook Use a circle hook if you would like a higher hook up ratio. These hooks guarantees more catch, because of the minute gap, and the reverse point. They are generally better for the fish since they do not hook in the gut just the lip. 8. Don't have sea legs Watch the horizon and stay on deck. These would generally help you if you're having trouble with sea sickness: Stay away from the boat fumes, breathing it only exacerbates the problem. 9. Anchors away When your anchor is stuck at the bottom, try attaching a float to it. Return after the tide has changed in direction. This should be enough to loosen the anchor. 10. Fish where the fish are A lot of fisherman have the idea that they should be catching their live baits over the reefs before going to deep waters. If the live baits are not in the area you're planning to catch the larger games, then why would you come up with the idea that the large fish are there. Wouldn't they be in the area where the bait fish are? Tips on Kayak Fishing It takes a long time to become an expert in kayak fishing. The period of apprenticeship, which must be served in order to transform the novice into a veteran kayak angler can be discouraging and often runs into years. About the nearest thing to a short cut is to have an old-timer take the first-timer under his wing and let the novice accompany him on kayak fishing trips Basically, kayak fishing is gradually making a name in the industry. Its popularity is steadily creating sustainable gratifications aside from the fact that kayaks have long been used in fishing. History has it that even in the early times; kayak fishing has long been the primary source of fish supply ranging from the "flatfish halibut" to other kinds of big fish. These activities, which happened from the mid 18th Century until the late part of it, were all noted by the Russian Orthodox priests. These turn of events are now known as "The Native History." From then on, kayak fishing continued to dominate the fishing industry, where once, people were doubtful if it could really aid the anglers to catch some fish. The steady feature brought about by its "sit-on" type has long been the primary characteristics of kayaks that made it an ideal fishing boat. However, with kayak fishing, the angler has to learn how to steady the kayak as he tries to paddle through the waters, in which it is considered as part of the whole process. Therefore, for people who wish to know some tips about kayak fishing, here's a list that may help them enjoy this tricky activity. 1. Safety first Like any activity, it is necessary that before an individual plunges into action, he or she must first observe some safety measures and background checks to ensure security and protection against any imminent danger. The angler must check the weather condition, the tide, and other elements concerning kayaking. 2. Hatches should be closed at all times The angler should always keep in mind that it is best to keep the hatches closed while fishing. Water can never seep through the kayak if the hatches are kept closed. 3. Steady fishing When the angler is already in the midst of the waters, it is better to have an anchor to keep the kayak steady while on the verge of catching fish. Best of all, before an individual goes out to the waters, it would be better if he let somebody know his whereabouts. In this way, somebody will be able to keep track of your activity. As they say, safety should always come first. Ice Fishing anyone? Careful planning and preparation is all it takes to make ice fishing the greatest time of your life or the worst. Easy? Take a look at the following tips and see how prepared you are to catch those fish! Buy early Make a list of the supplies you used last season and replenish them early. Make sure you get all those Glo-Buster Bluelights or Lindy Tazers. All you need to remember is four words: wise up, stock up. Check the hole on the ice floor Simply put, make sure the hole is clean. Chips or chunks of ice could cause entanglements in one's fishing line and could make you catch fish or literally break your chances of getting any, as these could sever the line therefore losing your chance of getting that trophy of a lifetime bluegill. Remember to keep the hole clear of any barrier. Fish more, get the big four The bait you simply cannot go on without: wax worms, minnows, assorted PowerBait, maggots. It is best to keep these bait separated and as much as possible alive using coolers such as a small Coleman. Clean `em all up Inspect and clean the rods and fishing reels you are going to use. Q-tips are best for taking out the nicks in every nook and cranny of your ice rod. Non-freezing oil for lubing fishing reels is advisable. Heat up Do not forget to bring those heaters and pounds and pounds of propane cylinders. One cannot fish comfortably if he or she is as cold as the fish under the ice. Ice fishing should be fun and feel comfy too. House up The ice is harsh and cold but it doesn't mean you have to feel that too. Ice tents should be cleaned out as well by putting over a light coat of lubricant at the joints. If there is any wear or tear, it is best to contact the manufacturer in order for them to send out the appropriate repair kit, as deemed necessary. Gear Up Better be safe than sorry, make sure you get a set of lifeguard spikes as well as a safety rope. Also, to feel less of the cold and at the same time be cool, pick up a fishing coat from the Carhartt Extremes Arctic Jacket. Avoid frost bits on your toes and feet, the best shoes are the Irish Setters Versa Trax to keep you warm all over. Tips to Know the Types of Fishing Rod to Acquire Fishing rod holders take the inconvenience out of fishing for a variety of reasons. For one, it is a convenient storage device especially when one is in a kayak. Rather than holding the paddle in between the legs while fishing, a fishing rod holder stores the rod in place therefore enabling anyone to carry multiple rods or (if one insists so) carry multiple paddles. It also makes trolling easy as a holder keeps the fishing rod in place as one travels to a number of fishing spots. Also, when unhooking a caught fish, rod holders keep the rod secure. More importantly, they help one catch more fish at the same time enabling a kayak look versatile and extremely well-designed. Here are some tips that could prove helpful in order to determine the types of fishing rods one should purchase. To attach or to not attach There are basically two types of fishing rod holders, one that could be attached to the exterior of the kayak and one that is put in the flush. Both have different functions and both work well accordingly. The choice all depends on what one prefers to use and how. To those who prefer the unattached The unattached type of fishing rod holder comes in two forms, the straight and the angled. Most kayaks use the angled form. When this type is used, one has a good chance of being able to stroll because the rods veer away from the kayak. To those who prefer the attached If the straight type is used, one is able to keep the fishing rod in the middle of the kayak and therefore works best in keeping the rod in storage. This straight type of fishing rod holder is good for the Tower and Cobra Navigator model of a kayak. The home-made fishing rod holder One could just as make his or her very own personalized fishing rod holder using common PVC. Or one could also start out by getting a milk crate and attaching it to a kayak with the use of straps. The alternative type of fishing rod There is another type of fishing rod holder that could be placed just above the kayak. These are usually tubes that are called RAM as well as Titelock. As the latter's name implies, it locks the rod in place and usually consists of a male and a female part. This part difference allows the two to be separated. Manufacturers that generally make this type of fishing rod are Attwood, Scotty and Roberts. Hawaii Fishing Tips The opportunity to be on a boat ready to catch fish, enjoying the beautiful scenery, and the camaraderie with the crew of the boat is the best experience in fishing you can find. Here are some helpful tips to enjoy fishing. 1. Choose a boat wisely. A boat that meets your needs and your goal on what to do with the fish you catch are the things to consider when choosing a boat for Hawaii Fishing Trips. 2. Choose the appropriate Island in Hawaii that meets your desired duration of the Fishing trip. For shorter trips, choose an Island in Hawaii that has deep water right near shore. These islands are ideal for shorter trips in fishing where catching fish won't take long. 3. Consider bringing tackle, bait, ice and fresh water. Confirm with the boat company if they will provide these items. Tackle is a set of pulleys and ropes assembled to facilitate the mechanisms for hoisting and pulling. Bait is for luring the fish. Ice is for keeping the catch fish fresh during the trip. Fresh water is for thirst quencher during the fishing trip. 4. Wear comfortable clothes that are suited for a hot summer day. T-shirts and shorts are the best pair of clothes to wear in fishing. An extra T-shirt will also be useful. 5. Consider bringing a baseball style cap for shading. This is effective in shielding the hot rays of the sun during the fishing trip. 6. Bring polarized sunglasses to see the fish in the water. 7. Closed toe boating shoes are highly recommended to use. They are made for keeping the feet from slipping when action gets good. 8. Bring food and drinks if the boat company won't provide these items. Cans are better than glass for drinks. Chips like Cheetos and Doritos for snacks seem to go well at sea. 9. Don't forget to bring medicine for seasickness. To minimize feeling seasick, take an 8-hour sleep before the fishing trip. Being fully awake and active before the boat leaves the dock will help prevent from feeling seasick all through out the fishing trip. 10. Eat a full meal at dinner and a light breakfast before the trip. 11. Don't forget to bring sunscreen. Sunscreen with SPF of 30 or higher is highly recommended to protect the skin from the harmful UV Rays of the sun. 12. Decide before the trip on how to get at the harbor for the fishing trip in the morning. Either choose to take a cab or rent a car. Using these tips will go a long way towards having an enjoyable day of fishing. Tips on Fly Fishing There are thousands of live-bait anglers, who are excellent sportsmen, but the fly fisherman can practice better conservation from the beginning. Basically, fly fishing is not only one of the fastest growing sports; it is one of the foremost forms of conserving natural resources as well as providing aquatic recreation. Fly fishing is, very simple when three things are right: you must have a suitable rod; you must get a line to match it; and you must learn correct casting technique. For people who wish to know some tips on fly fishing, here is a list of some pointers that could help anglers harness their fly fishing skills: 1. Material of the rod For one of moderate means, and especially for the beginners, hollow glass is advised since it will require less care than bamboo and will not take a set if improperly handled or stored. 2. Line Your fly casting skill will not progress with a mismatched rod and line. About 99 times in 100, the troubled fly caster has a line much too light to bring out the action of his rod. That is why it is important to know that on any given rod, the fly fisherman should use the same size line for anything from small trout and bluegills up to the largest sea fish. In choosing the size line, anglers should get a C level, an HCH double-taper, or a GBF three-diameter. This choice is based on the fact that a high percentage of fly rods bought nowadays are hollow glass, and that a great majority of these works best with lines of those sizes, almost regardless of lengths or weights. 3. The correct casting technique In casting, it is important to get about 20 feet of line out front. Anglers should always remember to cast a straight line. Avoid jerky movements even if it is on a faster mode in order to do so. Best of all, the angler should be relaxed because taunt muscles will ruin his casting. Boiled down, there should be no reason why you should not learn the fundamental principles just as easily as those who now enjoy fly fishing. Probably, the best and surest way to learn to cast successfully is to spend a day on the stream with some fisherman who is a competent caster. Lessons learned on the stream are the best tips you can acquire anywhere in your quest for learning fly fishing. Fishing Trip Tips Fishing can be a relaxing way to spend your weekends. It has been proven that fishing is one of the all-time treasured experiences of thousands of American families. However, any sport has its dangerous side and fishing is no exemption. Majority of fishing equipment have sharp tools such as metal hooks which may lead to accidents when the fishing environment unexpectedly changes for the worse. Storms, hurricanes, wild currents, and other mishaps, could spoil your fishing trip. If you are planning to go on a fishing expedition with family or friends, here is a list of urgent situations and what preparations you need to face each scenario. 1) Weather -- Before packing up your bags and traveling to you fishing spot, consult or be aware of the weather conditions for the day and the following days. Whether you are fishing on shores or in a boat, you should be cautious of the conditions such as flash floods, storm movements and darkening of the skies. When signals such as extreme lightning strikes, you should head to dry land immediately. Having a sun-drenched day is not really an "appropriate fishing day." You should be aware that spending many hours with exposure to the sun could damage your skin. Be prepared by bringing sun block to avoid sunburns. You should be aware of heat sickness symptoms such as nausea, breathing difficulty, lightheadedness, and unable to concentrate on tasks. Prepare a supply of water or liquid beverages to keep hydrated. 2) Sharp fishing equipments -- Since fishing includes many sharp tools, you should always be prepared to treat injuries by packing disinfectants such as medicated lotion or spray and hydrogen peroxide. If an incident leads the skin to bleed, you would need bandages, cotton or paper towel. Bring your own first aid kit. 3) Tangles -- One of the most common fishing hindrances is wherein your line is caught in anything surrounding your fishing spot such as trees, logs, etc. Try to get your line or fishing rod out of the tangle immediately to avoid the problem that could lead into a major accident. You could either snap off the branches of the tree or carefully and slowly remove your line away from where it is tangled. 4) Bait -- When you run out of bait, it could spoil your while fishing trip. Avoid this by splitting up the rest of the bait into halves, quarters or thirds. The worm, even if divided, could still move, so the divided worms could still lure your target fish. Be prepared to face any scenario to keep your fishing adventure as relaxed as possible. With all these in mind, you could enjoy your fishing trip safely and successfully. Fishing Tips for Beginners There are many kinds of fishing equipments in stores, numerous fishing methods in books, and fishing advices online. To make it all simple, here are the basic things you need to know for your first time fishing adventure. 1) How to fish with bait * Tackle. To plunk the bait, you should purchase lead weights. The weight of the lead would vary depending on the current of the environment. Anglers commonly use and recommend bank sinkers with a number-two hook. To avoid sinkers to slide, you would need a swivel to act as a stop. To protect the knot, you could use plastic beads between the swivel and weight. Using two appropriate swivels could allow you to rig the sliding sinkers. * Bait. The commonly used bait for all kinds of fishes is worms. Another popular bait is chicken liver. Remember to buy fresh bait and keep them cold to avoid them from getting soft and allowing the bait to stay within your hooks. Some of the commonly used baits are cut-baits which include skin from fried chicken, fish entrails, grasshoppers, salmon eggs, shrimps and crayfish tails. 2) How to fish -- There are three basic methods for fishing. * Plunking -- It is the most common method used. Use a suitable amount of weight for you to be able to take hold of the bait in a position which is against any current. An option in plunking is to use minimal weight for the bait to move along with the water current. * Back bouncing -- It is done by lifting the bait out the bottom and raising the tip of the rod for one to two feet. Allowing the bait to walk with the current, you should free the back reel or spool. Repeat the steps when the lure settles down on the bottom. Back bouncing is effective in deeper water like fishing in a boat. * Drift-fishing -- It is a simple method wherein you cast upstream or downstream. This may vary depending on the current's amount. You should count the appropriate depth and start reeling. 3) How to fish from a boat -- It is important to determine in which location you would perform your fishing. Deeper water needs heavier jigheads compared when fishing on shore. * With heavy weight which keeps your bait near the bottom of the water and the line straight down from your boat, you are able to drift the boat along with any current. A good technique of fishing on boats is trolling slowly with a fishing device called bottom-walker. Fishing is easy as long as you're enjoying the trip. Bring some of your family and friends along and make your first time fishing a memorable one. Fishing Tackle Guidelines Fishing can be an extremely enjoyable and relaxing adventure. As long as you have the right tools, the fishing safety knowledge, and a little bit of support from friends or family, you could perform your fishing successfully. However, the most overlooked factor in buying equipments is choosing the right fishing tackle. You should follow these simple guidelines in the selection of tackles. 1) You should choose the appropriate fishing flies that you would be using to catch the kind of fish you will be targeting to seize. The basic rule in choosing the kind of fly is to know which is abundant in that actual environment. 2) Once you have determined which fly to use, you should be able to choose the appropriate line to use. The three commonly used tackles are fly-fishing, plug casting and spinning. The difference between the three is that spinning and plug-casting makes use of bait as weight to drag the line from its reel to the target point of your fishing. 3) Fly lines come in four different types -- weight-forward, double taper, shooting-taper and level taper. Within the four different types are numerous variations. However, once you have decided what kind of fishing wish to accomplish and what kind of fish you wish to catch, you will be using only a particular fishing line. The fishing lines have numbers that rank from one to fifteen. However, the most common among anglers are the lines numbered from three to twelve in weight. As a basic rule for optimum catching, the first thirty feet of your line should be weighted and matched to the rod. 4) The next thing you should purchase is the rod and reel. The most suitable equipment for beginners is the spin-casting gears that is easy to operate and provides the least setbacks. For any kind of fishing, the recommended spin-casting reel is mounted on a light-action six-foot casting rod and spooled with an eight-pound test line. The reel and rod could be purchased as a package in many fishing stores. Most professional anglers prefer bait-casting and spinning tackle. 5) You would need sinkers, hooks and bobbers. Sinkers and hooks could be bought in different pack with different styles and sizes. When selecting bobbers, always keep in mind that the smaller the bobber, the better the performance. The struggling of the fish would depend on the size of your bobber. 6) Professional anglers prefer artificial lures. The recommended sizes of lures are 1/8 ounce up to 1/2" ounce. Remember that the kind of tackle would depend on the fish you prefer to catch. Avoid buying unnecessary fishing items and enjoy your affordable fishing experience. The Basic Fishing Supplies Fishing is a nature-oriented sport that allows you to relax. Many people want to experience fishing, but are unable to buy the appropriate supplies for their adventure. There are many fishing stores around, but majority of the stores try to sell unnecessary fishing supplies to gain more from the innocence of the fishing novice. Here are some of the basic fishing supplies you need for any kind of fishing in any location. 1) Hooks -- In a variety of shape and sizes, these are one of the most important parts of your fishing gear. Fishing hooks are affordable, so you could stock an assortment of hooks for each kind of fishing. Majority of hooks are shaped like a letter "J." 2) Rigs -- These are used for catching different kinds and species of fish. The two most common rigs are the Bobber and Crappie. Bobber rigs are suitable for catching Bluegills and are best for beginners. 3) Sinkers -- As the name suggests, this fishing equipment is used to cast lighter lures and to quickly drop the bait to the bottom of the water where the fish are located. Together with the bobbers, the sinkers are used to hold your line at any given point. In fishing stores, you will find numerous variations of sinkers that come in different sizes, weights, and shapes. The current speed and the water depth would determine the weight of the sinkers you will need for your fishing trip. 4) Bobber -- It is also called a cork or a float. The bobber's purpose is to let you know when a fish bites your bait. The commonly used bobbers are pencil, slip bobbers and buttons. They come in different sizes to fit all kinds of baits and sinkers. The best bobbers are those that are smaller. The wind would blow the bobber back to you if it were too light and would scare the fishes off when it is too big. 5) Swivels -- This kind of fishing equipment is used when you are fishing with bait such as a spinner or a minnow. These kinds of bait tend to twist and turn, which would likely your line deformed. By using the swivel and connecting it between your line and bait, it would allow the lure to spin around without tangling up the line. Swivels are affordable and come in different sizes to fit the bait and hooks you use. Other supplies are the tackle box and your bait. The bait would vary depending on the kind of fishing you wish to perform. Now that you know the basics, you could easily enjoy your fishing trip affordably and safely Purpose of Fishing Rod Holders Fishing is a sport designed for relaxation. It is where fish lovers pride themselves of the fish caught while celebrating it with friends and family. The rod holder is a fishing tool that allows fishermen to multi-task easily. It was invented because fishing requires the use of both hands in the whole process of luring, hook clearing and removing the fish from the hooks. With all these tasks, letting go of the pole is difficult. The fishing rod holder was intended for anglers to be able to make use of both hands. The first design of fishing rod holders had two parts. The first is a pole-binding device with a strap placed on the railing to tie up to the fishing pole. The second part is a Velcro strap that could be tied on your limb, arms or waist. The first designs needed improvement because when the straps were placed on the waist, it is wedged into anything you hit. Therefore, a new design of rod holder was invented which has four parts -- two pole clips and two straps. Depending on what fishing position you are in, the short strap is used to be wrapped around your wrist or forearm and the long strap is wrapped around your ankle or leg. There are also rod holders which come with a remedial solution for seasickness. This curative fishing rod is capable of providing the user with an acupressure stimulator. Providing that the strap of the holder be worn all throughout the trip, it would remain efficient since the pressure is exerted continuously. The rod holder is best for fly-fishing. Fly fishing is done in locations with rocky rivers and it is impossible to use your other hand for any purpose other than the fishing tasks. Because of the clips wrapped around your lower leg, you have a choice of putting the rear of the fishing pole into the clip so that no water could go inside it. The upper pole clips could rotate to 360 degrees. It allows the user to do any movement since the pole is more flexible. The fishing rod holder could be used in any location whether in boats, on land, or at the dock. It prevents the fishing rod to slip from your hands and it allows you to release the rod easily. The best fishing rod holders are those done homemade. However, many fishing stores offer high quality rod holders that would best suit your kind of fishing. Fish for Reel Being surrounded by nature's beauty can be fun. One can do it at the beach, in a luxury resort or just traveling out of town. Fishing is another good activity one can choose to do to bond more with either family or friends. There will always be challenges whether one decides to fish either in the river or in the open sea. The important thing to remember is to have patience waiting for the fish and doing the best to catch it when it appears. To be able to fish, a person needs to get a fishing license since this is requirement by law and the regulations regarding fishing varies from one state to the other. Once that has been acquired, it is time now to get the proper equipment to start reeling in the fish. The fishing reel was invented centuries ago. It dates back to the 17th century though some historians have discovered that the Chinese started using it as early as the 12th century. Until the 1800's, the purpose of the reel was just a storage space for the excess line. This was later improved and various models were invented using different materials such as brass and nickel which are still in use today. There are 2 things one should consider before buying the right reel, 1. Where will the person fish? There are many kinds of fishing reels available. The model used for fishing in the river or stream is quite different from those who have experience and go fishing as a sport in the open sea. It is advisable for beginners to just get the basic package and have fun before moving on to more advanced equipment. 2. Will buying a fishing reel fit within ones budget? With the many models available and after figuring out what kind of fishing reel one needs, it all depends on how much it costs and if that person is willing to spend it. Fishing takes a lot of practice before being able to excel at it. One can purchase a new reel either online or at the local store. Another way to get started could be buying a second hand reel first before deciding to buy a brand new one. Being an expert at fishing won't happen in one day. It takes practice and patience just waiting for that fish to appear and finally play it out when it appears. One should always remember that in the water and with people, it is all about having fun. Fishing Pole Fishing is about being with nature and for those who have been doing it for a very long time; it takes more than just a simple fishing rod and bait. For others though who want to try it and perhaps do it more often, investing in the right tools and accessories will make it a worthwhile experience and at the same time enable the person to catch a lot of fish. The most important piece of equipment is the rod. For beginners, the basic rod and some bait will do. During this time, the type of material used and the features it has is not important. What matters is getting the feel of it and having fun. When the person is already comfortable and ready to move on to the next level, then one can invest in other more complex pieces of fishing equipment. There are several types of rods available and it takes time to try out all of them before finding the right one that works well with the person. Rods are made from different materials like wood, fiberglass and carbon fiber. It is important to know before entering the store or ordering online the kind of fishing one will be doing and under what conditions. Feeling the rod's handle in the palm of the hand and practice casting with a rod will test how flexible and how easy it is to use. The proper length depends on the kind of fish and type of bait that will be used for fishing. A 4 inch to 6 inch rod is adequate for light bait and small fish. Since larger fish will require larger bait that usually requires one to cast in a longer distance, a rod that is 6 inches or longer will be needed. There is no age limit for anyone to start fishing. Fishing takes a lot of practice before being able to excel at it. One can purchase a new fishing pole either online or at the local store. Another way to get started could be buying a second hand pole first before deciding to buy a brand new one. Being an expert at fishing won't happen in one day. It takes practice and patience just waiting for the fish and finally catching it out when it appears. One should always remember that in the water and with people, it is all about having fun. Fishing with the Right Line There will always be challenges whether one decides to fish either in the river or in the open sea. The important thing to remember is to have patience waiting for the fish and doing the best to catch it when it appears. To be able to fish, a person would need to get a fishing license since this is requirement by law and the regulations regarding fishing varies from one state to the other. Getting the right equipment for fishing is also an important factor in making that experience a memorable one. Using the wrong kind of fishing line or one that is made of poor quality will cause many problems such as tangles and lost fish. There are 4 kinds available in the market. These are monofilament, braided, fused and fluororcarbon. The Monofilament fishing line is the most popular of the four since it has been around for a very long time. It also works well in different fishing conditions. The problem with this line is that it has "memory." This means that it has a tendency to keep to a certain shape if stored for some time. If a person does not fish often, it is best to purchase a line that is not very long and it is advisable to change it every time one goes out fishing. Braided fishing lines are the strongest of the 4 available. These lines don't stretch and are quite easy to see since the woven nature of the line makes it float. The bad part about this line is also about its strength that causes abrasions on other things like one's hands, the fishing rod and the line that guides the reel. As such, one should have the right hardware around when using it. Fused fishing lines are similar to braided fishing lines. The only difference is in the manufacturing process where fused lines are glued together with a coating applied over it instead of woven. This makes fused fishing lines share some of the difficulties with braided fishing lines such as making it difficult to cut without a sharp knife or scissors, its tendency to slide around a bit on the reel spool and its visibility to fish which will make catching fish a bit challenging. Fluorocarbon fishing lines are getting more popular these days since fish are not able to see it in the water. License to Fish Fishing is just one of the many forms of relaxation people do these days with either friends or family. It is a time for bonding and a great escape from the pressures of daily life. To be able to fish, a person needs to get a fishing license since this is requirement by law and the regulations regarding fishing varies from one state to the other. In some states, 2 licenses are needed. One is called the Conservation license which is a prerequisite before one can obtain a fishing license. Getting a license to fish is quite different from the time a person needed to get a drivers license. The person does not have to take an exam or get a student's permit before being issued one. The Conservation license can be obtained from the Fish, Wildlife & Parks or FWP. This is done by giving one's social security number and other information that is requested. A valid driver's license or any valid ID with photo must also be presented for security purposes for the license to be processed. The fishing license allows a person to fish or possess any aquatic creature as long as it is authorized by the state's fishing regulations. This license is neither non-transferable nor non-refundable and is only valid for one year or season. Since fishing licenses as mentioned earlier vary from state to state, a fishing license can either be a resident license or a non-resident license. For one to qualify for a resident license, that person must have resided in that certain location for a period of time such as 6 months, should be a local tax payer , must be a registered voter, purchased a vehicle and have a valid driver's issued from that state. In addition, one must not possess or apply for any resident hunting, fishing or trapping privileges in another state or country. A non-resident can fish in another state as long as the person is accompanied by someone who resides in that state. There is no age limit for anyone to acquire a fishing license. People both young and old can obtain it. Usually a person who is below 11 years of age can get a fishing license for free. People who are older than that have to pay a certain fee to acquire it. With the paper work in proper order, one can just grab the proper gear, a boat and start having some fun being close with nature. Fishing in USA Fishing as a sport and recreational activity is very popular in the United States. It has been a traditional hobby of the Americans as well as tourists in the USA. The Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, including the many streams of water across the country offer greater opportunities for Salt water fishing. United States of America has many rivers, lakes and inland streams for fresh water adventures. Fishing in the U.S.A. is very diverse because of the fish migrating every season. The weather, however, is one factor that restrains people from fishing. Rain, fog, snow, and wind affect the fishermen since these conditions may sometimes be dangerous to them. Since the fish are diverse, fishermen have a lot of fishing techniques depending on the type of fish they are targeting. They can do surf fishing, fly fishing, bait casting, pier fishing and many other techniques. Florida for example, is one state that has long been famous for fishing. Everywhere in Florida you see a lot of men and women of different ages getting excited about fishing. You see them holding fishing lines in bridges, causeways, riverbanks and piers. Also, Charter fishing boats are popular in all coasts of Florida. Florida is known for its saltwater fishing and fly fishing. You need to be versatile to get the most out of Florida's fly fishing adventures. Fly fishing and saltwater fishing are your choices depending on the time of the year. There are abundant Redfish in Daytona Beach, Titusville and St. John's River. Spotted Sea Trout are also found in Florida. You can find a local guide in the area and they will be able to help you enjoy your fishing experience. Florida has been a hot place for fishing especially during the start of October. There are large numbers of Redfish until mid morning. There are a lot of Snooks being caught. During the afternoon when the temperature is high, there are a large numbers of jacks, ladyfish and trout that keep the fishermen in action. Americans and tourists have a variety of reason why they fish in the U.S.A. Some love to see the sunrise and sunset in the water. Besides fishing, some love to watch dolphins, whales and birds. But still it is the catching of fish that really thrill them. Fishing in the U.S.A is a meaningful pastime whether in groups or all alone. The money you will spend is worth the fun and excitement including building relationships. Fishing in the South Pacific The South Pacific has long been known because of the exciting experiences the waters can offer. It has been famous to tourists and even neighboring countries because of adventures and excitements it can offer. Many fishermen come to New Zealand when summers draws to a close. This is the season when tuna and billfish swim closer to the shores to find a warmer place. During the remaining seven months of the year, that is the time for the fishermen to have a great time especially the months after the winter. You do not need many things to bring to enjoy the exciting destinations of the South Pacific. All you need is your clothes and hats and off you go. Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, Tonga and Niue are places that most tourists visit to fish. These spots have been the highest rated fishing vacation sites because of the abundant fish and the weather as well. These spots have temperatures that attract fish, which explains why there are abundant fish in these places. Fishing in these spots is never complicated. You can even target sailfish and mahi-mahi with your own tackle. Sailfish have been famous for their aerobatics with their sails dashing in the sunlight. It is also in the South Pacific that you will witness a big bull mahi-mahi lure you out. For the adventurers, this is also a chance for you to cast "poppers" and jigs to a dogtooth tuna or a trevally. These hotspots are perfect not only to those who like to cook what they catch but also for those who have the "catch and release" philosophy. Game fishermen in these places usually catch sailfish, Northern Blue Tuna, Marlin, Spanish mackerel, Red Emperor, Trevally and Cod. If you are someone who loves fly-fishing, creek fishing and blue water fishing, then the South Pacific is perfect for you. Whether you are an expert or a beginner, there are many skilled and experienced fishing guides and best quality boats that are safe and will ensure that you will have the best fishing experience. It is recommended to hire a sport fishing or a specialist game fishing boat for to have fun and make the most out of your fishing trip. Game fishing and sport fishing are both popular in these spots. These are games that were used to be played only by the rich but on these spots anybody can play! Fishing in China A fishing vacation is never complete without fishing in the waters of Hong Kong, China. You may explore the fishing realms that the region has to offer. Hong Kong has once been known as an excellent port for fishing enthusiasts. Hong Kong will offer you the kind of fishing that you will never forget. People may be after the food, shopping and the tourist spots of the region. But for people who are into fishing, Hong Kong can give more than what is expected of it as a city. To fish in Hong Kong is very exciting. You will be able to learn and experience the methods of fishing they have in Hong Kong. Since it is surrounded by an ocean, this explains why most people fish in saltwater in Hong Kong. Targeting a fish is very simple. The ocean and the harbors are very accessible. You can fish in the harbors of Kowloon, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kwun Tong or the Hong Kong Island. In Hong Kong, saltwater fishing is done everywhere in the surrounding ocean. There has never been a scarcity of fish in this region. You will find fish everywhere in the water. Tourists who come to fish can also visit Stanley, which is near Hong Kong. Stanley will be perfect for you if you are someone who wants peace, enjoy fishing quietly and away from the city life. The Lamma Island and Sai Kung peninsula and are also spots recommended by local Anglers. These two places still have the features offered by a traditional fishing village. They also provide people with charter boats. The Anglers in Hong Kong use the same saltwater fishing techniques that are used in the US. You can use your own techniques even if it's deep sea fishing or surf fishing. Many people also use bloodworms or shrimps to catch fish. Hong Kong, also provides fresh water fishing. Carp, Big Head Tilapia, and Edible Goldfish are the types of fish that you will catch in these water reservoirs. Tourists, however, have a difficulty trying the Freshwater fishing since they still need to supply a license to fish in Hong Kong. Going to Hong Kong to fish does not require much planning for a fishing trip. You will be able to track down easily the hot spots of Hong Kong where you can enjoy fishing. Hong Kong is surrounded by water, which means that fishing is everywhere. You will be surprised that in a matter of hours, you are able to catch a bucketful of pan-sized fi Fishing in Canada If you would like to experience real adventure in fishing, then Canada is the perfect location for you. Canada has a wide area of rivers, ponds, freshwater lakes, saltwater and streams. Freshwater and saltwater fishing are the favorite pastimes of Canadians and tourists. Fish in Canada including wildlife are very abundant. Canada offers a lot of first-class fishing trips that will make the most out of your time and money. There would not be any reason that you might be disappointed. Canada has the ideal water where the fish are abundant. There are also plenty of shops and establishments that sell fishing gear and tools for fishing. Fishing in Canada is divided in two groups. That is the Lake Water Fishing and the Salt Water Fishing. The two groups are totally different especially in Canada. The most famous fishing in Canada is the Salmon Fishing, which is enjoying and rewarding. Salmon varieties that are abundant in Canada are the Coho, Sockeye Salmon, Chinook and the chum. Salmon are known for their size and beauty. Many fishing guides in Canada specialize in the adventure of Salmon Fishing. Saltwater fishing is popular in the 3 coasts of Canada. They are the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic Oceans. This is a chance for shark and tuna fishing. A lot of big saltwater fish are caught only on deep seas and that is what the 3 coasts offer. Canada is also known for fly fishing. Fly fishing, which is an older type of sport fishing, is about catching a fish using an artificial lure called a "fly." Many resorts and establishments in Canada offer great packages on fly fishing. Ice Fishing is also an option for you if you would like to experience fishing in Canada. There are also ice fishing guides that could assist you in your trip. They will ensure your safety and enjoyable experience in Canada. Ice fishing requires special gear, outfits and techniques that require the help of a skilled ice fishing guide. Many tourists who come to Canada for ice fishing can rent ice huts to keep them warm and away from wind. For tourists who would like to experience ice fishing in Canada, it is always recommended that you come along with fishing guides that are specialized on each fishing type. It is also advised to bring a compass, cell phones and flashlights as safety device and for emergency purposes. ![]() ![]()