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Golden Retriever

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The Golden Retriever

In a dog's world, Golden Retrievers are simply the fatal attraction. They are a
preferred dog breed, making great pets, hunting dogs, obedience competitors,
show dogs, and even a combination of all these traits. No matter what your
intent may be to own a Golden Retriever, you'll have an excellent dog that will
live up to it's potential and then some.

Golden Retrievers are calm, well mannered, and extremely affectionate. They are
easy to train as well, very intelligent, and great for those who need a
companion. Golden's are also loyal to their owners, lovable, and great with
children of all ages. They also make great watchdogs as well, as they will bark
loud and let you know when a stranger is near.

Like other dogs, Golden Retrievers will shed their hair throughout the year and
more in the spring -- no matter how many times you brush them a day. They also
like to be in and near the water, similar to Labs. If you have any type of
water on or near your property, your Golden Retriever will be in it, and tend
to be either wet or muddy quite a bit -- which can tend to get frustrating.

If you are always on the go or never at home, you shouldn't get a Golden
Retriever. If you prefer cats over dogs, you should look into another breed.
Golden Retrievers crave attention and admiration, and normally don't do too
well if you leave them at home by themselves for long periods of time. Golden's
need attention, and desire to be around you at all times. If you spend a lot of
time at home on the other hand, or have kids, a Golden Retriever will be a
perfect addition to your family.

A lot of people out there prefer to get a puppy and raise it themselves. This
way, the puppy will grow up with the skills they have taught him. This is a
great idea and very rewarding, although it can consume a lot of your time and
tend to be very frustrating at times. Those who don't have a lot of time to
spare or tend to get easily frustrated, shouldn't get a puppy. Instead, they
should look towards an older Golden Retriever who has already been house broken
and trained.

Golden Retrievers are an excellent breed, and they can provide you with the
companion you have been looking for. They can participate in several activities
with you as well, such as hiking, camping, and walking. Golden's love the
outdoors, and they love just getting out there and doing things with you and
your family. If you include your Golden Retriever in family activities --
you'll have a friend for life who will quickly grow on you over the years.

Characteristics Of The Golden Retriever

Almost all breeds of dogs are group oriented, as they need to interact with
other species of their group to remain secure. Golden Retrievers, in
particular, have been bred over the years to be geared more towards people.
They make great guide dogs for the blind, friends for younger children, and
even assistants for those who love to hunt. Due to the way they have been bred,
they need to interact with people on a frequent basis.

They are merciful dogs at heart, and will tolerate several mistakes from you
all the while wanting nothing more than you to acknowledge the fact that they
are there and pat them on the head. Further proving that Golden Retrievers aim
to please, is the fact that they were the first three dogs to obtain the
Obedience Trial Championships -- which is quite a statement indeed.

With Golden's being so people oriented, it's very important that they live with
their owners. When you do any type of family activity, you should make sure that
your Golden is included. Even though they don't normally bark a lot, they will
start barking if they get bored. Once a Golden Retriever is fully grown and
becomes stout, he will enjoy many types of activities such as hiking, walking,
hunting, jogging, and many other types of physical activity.

If you start your Golden Retriever puppy out early with exposure to kids, he
will grow to become better than ever will kids. Although they can be very
friendly around young kids, they can still knock them over or tend to want to
lick them in the face. No matter how great your Golden Retriever may be around
kids, you'll never want to leave your dog and your kids alone. Even though
Golden's have a great temperament, a child can accidentally poke him or pull
his tail and cause him to retaliate via his natural instinct.

All Golden Retrievers love the water, and choose to get wet any chance they
get. If you have a pond or other source of water on your land, you can expect
your Golden Retriever to get into it whenever he gets the chance. They are also
drawn to mud, and will get themselves dirty on a frequent basis. Once your
Golden is full grown, you can count on bathing him every couple of days.

During the summer, you'll need to make sure that your Golden Retriever has
plenty of moving air, shade, and water. They like the heat, although it
normally isn't good for them. As long as you take care of your Golden and don't
let him over exert himself, he should be just fine even in the hottest days that
summer can dish out.

Feeding Your Golden Retriever

All Golden Retriever puppies will nurture from their mother until they reach
the age of seven weeks. Once they reach the age of three weeks, they should be
fed with puppy food, which you should soak and mix into a warm grubby compound.
This way, it resembles the food they get from their mother, and they will learn
quickly how their food tastes and how they should eat it.

Once you bring your puppy home, you should always make sure that you use the
same food that he has become accustomed to. The breeder will start training the
puppy with food, and it's up to you to ensure that he gets the food he has come
to know. Golden Retriever puppies have very delicate stomachs, and they can be
very receptive to any changes in their food.

When you first bring your new Golden Retriever puppy home, he or she may not be
too interested in eating for the first few days. Being in a new home can be
stressful for the puppy, which is why you shouldn't force him to eat. The puppy
will also realize that he doesn't have competition at the food bowl, because he
is away from his litter. You shouldn't worry if he doesn't immediately eat, as
it will take him some time.

Once your puppy has slept through the night, you should take him outside and
let him relieve himself, then bring him in and give him some food. You should
also plan feedings throughout the day, such as the morning, middle of the day,
then at night. Once you have planned feedings, you should make sure that you
stick to this plan so that your puppy will get used to it.

Keep in mind that the last feeding of the day doesn't necessarily need to be
set in stone. You should always aim to feed your puppy at least a half an hour
before you head to bed, so that you can take him outside after eating. If you
time it just right every night, you can feed your Golden, take him out to use
the bathroom, and still have plenty of time to get ready for bed. At night,
when you sleep, you should have puppy pads or newspapers in an area that your
Golden is familiar with so he can use the bathroom if he can't get you to take
him out.

First the first few weeks, your Golden will eat a little bit of the food. Once
he has reached 8 weeks of age, he should be on dry food with a little bit of
warm water added to it. The best way to feed is to keep adding a little bit of
warm water to the food, and let the pup eat until he is finished. If you
continue to do this throughout feedings, your Golden will begin to eat all of
his portion.

Keep in mind that you should never rush him, or change anything about the way
he feeds. Golden Retrievers will eat their share, although it will take them a
bit of time to develop the proper eating habits. As the puppy gets older, his
stomach will grow and he will begin to eat more. During this time, you won't
need to add any water to his food. Golden Retrievers are a truly unique breed,
a breed that loves to be fed -- and craves attention. If you stick to your plan
when your puppy is little -- he will be a healthy eater as he gets older.

The Combination Approach To Feeding

Although you can get commercial food for your Golden Retriever, the ideal way
to feed is to use a combination approach of both commercial food and fresh
people foods. Most commercial food is good for your Golden, although it lacks
nutrients and vitamins that fresh food has. Vets will tell you that fresh food
is good, providing you don't overdo it. Golden Retrievers love fresh food as
well, as they can smell it a mile away. If it smells good to them -- they'll
want it.

Most commercial foods will offer your Golden great sources of protein and
vitamins, although fresh food contains far more essential sources. Chicken and
meat for instance, have far more protein and minerals than any type of
commercial dog food. Fish is another great choice, as it contains a lot of the
protein your dog needs to maintain a healthy brain.

All dogs are well within the capacity of staying healthy, although you need to
provide them with the minerals they need. Each dog is an individual, meaning
that you can't continue to feed him the same food on a daily basis. Golden
Retrievers love people food, and they also love variety. What they need one day
may vary the next, so you should always mix it up a bit and give them something
different each day.

To be on the safe side, you should give your Golden a little bit of everything.
This way, he will get everything he needs with his diet. When you design the
diet for your growing Golden Retriever, you should always make sure to include
animal protein. This is very important for your Golden, as he has to have it.
Without animal protein, your dog will find himself literally struggling to stay

To keep your Golden Retriever healthy, it is very important that he gets
quality nutrition. Although quality nutrition is very important, you should
never him eat so much that he gains weight too fast. If you monitor his diet
and know exactly what you are feeding him, he should remain in his weight
class. Sometimes this can be hard to help though, especially if your Golden
starts to develop allergies to a certain type of food.

If you ever have any questions regarding the diet of your Golden Retriever, you
shouldn't hesitate to ask your vet. Your vet could make some recommendations for
you, even tell you the best type of commercial food for your dog. Depending on
his individual needs, what he requires may be totally different than what
another dog needs. As long as you keep your dog on a healthy diet and make sure
he gets the food he needs -- he should grow to be a healthy dog with plenty of

Human Food For Your Golden

A lot of people wonder what type of human food they should feed their Golden.
Even though many prefer to stick with dog food and only dog food, there are
certain types of human food that Golden Retrievers love -- and is actually good
for them.

Golden's crave attention as we all know -- and when they watch you eat it never
hurts to give them a bite -- as long as you know what they should and shouldn't
consume with their diets.

For your Golden's health, feeding him foods such as chicken, raw vegetables,
turkey, brown rice, fruits, and oatmeal are always great. Even though we think
of these type foods as "human food", they are actually good for many animals as
well. All dogs have taste buds and noses, meaning that they get very excited
when they see you with food.

If your Golden Retriever runs to the refrigerator when you open it up, he's
trying to tell you that he smells something good. Even though he may run to the
refrigerator, he isn't begging for food as many think, he is simply wanting to
have some real food. Once your Golden starts to do this, you should give him
some of what he wants. Although most real food is great for Golden's, there are
some that aren't quite so good.

Egg whites If you feed your Golden a large amount of egg white in his diet, he
will get a deficiency in biotin, which is a B vitamin, due to the amount of
avidin, which is a very destructive substance. If you are feeding your Golden
Retriever egg yolks, you shouldn't worry as the effects of avidin will be
offset by the high biotin levels that are found in egg yolks. You can also feed
your Golden egg shells as well, as they contain a large amount of protein. If
you want the best for your Golden -- try feeding him raw eggs -- with the shell

Any form of Chocolate We all know never to feed chocolate to any type of
animal. Chocolate contains bromine, which is very toxic to both dogs and cats.
Unsweet chocolate is by far the worst to feed to your Golden, as it contains a
large amount of bromine. Bromine is a very harmful chemical, one that normally
leads to death of your animal should he be fed any type of chocolate.

There are other foods out there that can be good or harmful to your Golden. If
you have any questions, you should always ask your veterinarian. Your vet will
be able to recommended real food that is beneficial to your Golden, as well as
foods you should avoid. You can experiment with real food if you like --
although you should never allow your Golden Retriever to consume any type of

Selecting Your Golden Puppy

Once you have decided on a breeder that you can trust, you'll need to start
thinking about what type of puppy you want. This decision could take you some
time, as it can be quite a few weeks or even months before the right litter is
whelped -- although it will be worth the wait. If your breeder has a few
litters available when you look for your Golden puppy, you may be able to

Some breeders may require that you put a deposit down on the puppy of your
choice, if the puppies aren't a certain number of weeks old. The good litters
rarely go unsold, as most are already spoken for before the puppies are seven
weeks old. If you want to get in on a good litter, your best bet is to get to
your breeder early -- before all of the puppies are sold.

When you arrive to get your puppy, you shouldn't be alarmed if the breeder does
the selecting for you. Most quality breeders will spend quite a bit of time with
the puppies and they will know just what their individual temperaments are. The
better breeders however, will do temperament tests to determine the temperament
of the puppies they have with each and every litter.

By performing these tests, the breeder will get assistance in selecting which
puppy goes to which type of home. If you've chosen one of the better breeders,
you should let him do his work and help you select the puppy that he or she
thinks will be your best match. Breeders can obviously select you a better
puppy, as they have been around the litter for several weeks -- and you have
only been around the litter looking at them for a few minutes.

Although all Golden puppies are appealing to the eyes, you need to base your
reasons on more than looks. Before you pick your puppy up, you should always
make sure that he has a strong build, with straight legs. The puppy should be
strong and muscular, yet be squirmy and active when you first try to pick him
up. You should also make sure that he has healthy teeth and gums, and look over
the rest of his body to make sure that he is healthy.

If your breeder does allow you to select your puppy from the litter, then you
should take the puppies that you are considering to get away from the remainder
of the litter and observe each one carefully, and how they react to you. Puppies
that are around 7 weeks of age should be apt to explore their surroundings. Even
though they may be a little cautious at first, the puppies should still be more
than anxious to look around and sniff their surroundings.

When you single out the puppies, make sure you speak to the ones you are
interested in and see how they react to your voice. Try moving around and
playing with them, and see how they respond to you. Some puppies will be faster
than others, although you shouldn't pursue any interest in a puppy that doesn't
show any interest in moving objects or their surroundings.

If you take your time and evaluate each puppy that you are interested in, you
can find the best puppy for you and your family. Golden Retriever puppies are
great to have, providing you get one that's healthy. Getting a healthy puppy
should be your desire -- as a healthy puppy will grow into a strong and healthy
adult -- and be around for years to come.

Buying A Golden Puppy

We all know that Golden Retrievers are beautiful, obedient, and make great
family pets and hunting dogs. Golden's also make great guide dogs for the
blind, narcotic detection dogs, and even tracking dogs for finding missing
people. Although there are many other dog breeds out there, Golden Retrievers
remain one of the most versatile and most astonishing breeds that you can get.

Before you rush out and buy a Golden Retriever puppy, you should first take the
time to learn a bit more about the breed. You can attend dog shows, meet with
various owners of Golden Retrievers, and even go to your local kennel club.
Most people who own Golden Retrievers are extremely proud of them and will be
more than happy to share their enthusiasm with you.

When you buy you're Golden Retriever puppy, it's always a great idea to buy
from a backyard breeder or local puppy mill. Backyard breeders are normally the
best way to get a Golden puppy, as they know and care a lot about the breed in
general. Although you can always go to a reputable breeder, backyard breeders
aren't just in it for the money -- they actually care about their dogs and want
you to get the best Golden possible.

You can also visit the Golden Retriever Club of America and their local member
clubs, as they can supply you with a list of breeders in your area. If these
breeders don't have any Golden's for sale themselves, they will be more than
willing to help you find what you're looking for. This way, you can get a
Golden from a very reliable source.

Whatever you do, you should never rush into buying a Golden Retriever. You
should always take your time, and have a little bit of patience. When you buy
your puppy, you want a healthy puppy who will grow up to be a fine testament of
the breed. By taking your time and making a careful decision, you can save
yourself a lot of time and money later on down the road.

Golden puppies that are poor quality, are normally produced by breeders who
just want to have a litter or breeders who are just looking for the profits and
care very little about giving thoughts to looks, quality, or temperament. If you
buy a puppy from either of these breeders, you'll more than likely end up with a
puppy who has poor health, poor temperaments, and even disqualifications in

When you get your puppy, you should always think long term. Only buy from a
quality breeder, and you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Always
remember that you aren't just buying a Golden Retriever puppy -- you are buying
a companion and a friend for life.

House Breaking Your Golden Retriever

To properly train house break your Golden Retriever, you must stick to a
routine regarding your crate, and ensure that he doesn't spend additional time
outside of his crate. When he is outside of his crate, you should watch him at
all times. If you don't keep an eye on him when he is outside of the crate and
he has an accident inside the house, you can't blame no one but yourself as you
didn't correct him the second it happened.

To help your dog learn the right way to relieve himself, you should always
praise him when he goes to the right location. You can crate him at night, then
take him out when he wakes up in the morning and show him the correct spot. Give
him some time, then praise himself once he starts to go. If you avoid accidents,
you should be able to train your Golden without any problems. Once accidents
begin to happen though, it can be extremely hard to break the pattern.

When you house break your dog, you should never give him any freedom. Getting
it right is a lot of work for him, and chances are he'd rather be doing
something else. If you are tolerant with him and allow him to make mistakes,
you'll find yourself needing to be a lot more stern to break him of the bad
habits that you have tolerated and allowed. If you start when your Golden is
young and enforce the rules, he'll be a happy member of your family in no time
at all.

When you house break, you should use confinement as much as possible.
Confinement basically means that until you have housebroken your Golden
Retriever, he isn't allowed to freely move around the house. You should always
keep a watchful eye on him and make sure that if he's outside the crate -- you
know where he is at all times and what he is doing.

If you happen to take your eyes off of him even for a second, he could easily
relieve himself on the floor. Once he starts to go on the floor, it can be
really hard to break him of this habit. The smell will be there, and he will
smell it the next time he is in that area. Each time he smells it, he will
instantly go to the bathroom in that same area. The best way to prevent this
from happening is to watch him at all times and ensure that he only goes in the
area you have for him.

To housebreak your Golden Retriever, you should also allow him a way outside.
Normally, a doggy door is the best way to do this, as your puppy can go outside
and relieve himself when the time comes, without disturbing you. You should also
use puppy pads or a litter box inside as well, so that he always has somewhere
to relive himself. During times when he can't make it outside, he needs
somewhere else that he can go.

Housebreaking your Golden Retriever can take you some time, although it will be
well worth it once your Golden is properly trained. He'll be an essential member
of your family, and not use the bathroom anywhere he takes a notion. He will
only relieve himself outside or in an area that you have trained him. Golden
Retriever's need interaction with people, and if you are going to keep them
inside -- you'll need to ensure that they have been properly house broken.

Bedding For Your Golden

Bedding for your Golden Retriever is very important, as this is where he will
be spending quite a bit of time -- especially at night. The ideal bedding for
your Golden should be a natural fiber, such as wool, as wool absorbs most
moisture and will keep your companion warm. When you get your blanket, you can
try thrift stores, as they aren't very expensive. You don't want to buy an
expensive blanket, for the fact that Golden Retrievers love to chew. They can
chew or tear the blanket in no time at all, which would make an expensive
blanket a waste of money.

When bringing your Golden puppy home, he may be a little upset having to leave
his mom and the others of his litter. The scents and memories that he come to
know and love are now being replaced with totally new ones. If you provide a
towel for your Golden to sleep with, it may help to ease him a bit. Towels are
a great way to remind Golden puppies of their mom and their litter, which will
help them to sleep and relax.

If you are planning to have your Golden Retriever sleep with you, you should be
ready to get up in the middle of the night and take him outside to use the
bathroom. You should keep his food and water near his bedding at all times, so
if he gets hungry or thirsty he can get what he needs. Then, you should
planning on taking him out around an hour or so after he has eaten.

If you plan to leave your Golden Retriever outdoors, you'll obviously need to
use a different style of bedding. Doghouses are essential for Golden's who stay
outdoors, as it helps to keep them warm and free of weather. Inside of the
doghouse on the other hand, most people tend to use straw so the Golden can
make a bed out of it. You can also use a blanket or quilt as well, so that your
Golden can wrap himself up in it should he get cold.

You can also use wooden shavings as well, as most Golden's tend to like them.
Newspapers work good as well, as they give your Golden something to lay on
besides a wooden floor. Although doghouses work great for outdoor dogs, you
should take your dog for walks on a daily basis and let him join you in
activities that he finds enjoyable. This way, you can build a unique and
lasting friendship with your pet. Golden Retrievers can quickly become the best
friend you have ever had -- as long as you take care of them. Making sure that
have the proper bedding is a great place to start.

Grooming Your Golden Retriever

Grooming your Golden Retriever is a never ending process. The entire process
should be down once or twice a week, and will take you around a ½ an hour of
time. Brushing your dog while he is shedding will help to control shedding
quite a bit. While outside, if your Golden Retriever manages to get burs or
other defects in his hair, you should instantly take a few moments of your time
and get the burs or other matter out of his coat.

When you groom your pet, you should always start with a good brushing. Brush
his entire body, then once you have finished brushing you can switch to a comb
to get out any loose hair that remains in the coat. While you are getting out
the hair, you can also inspect your pet for ticks, fleas, and other types of
skin ailments. If you wish, you can also check his ears and trim his nails as

Bathing your Golden is essential to grooming, and can be somewhat complicated.
Before you attempt to give him a bath, you should always brush him first, to
get rid of tangles. During shampooing, you should always use shampoos that are
specifically for dogs, since human shampoo can dry a dog's skin out. You don't
need to bathe your dog often, once every other week is good enough. If you
properly maintain your Golden's coat, you'll find it's much easier to clean.

To prevent matting, which is very common with Golden Retrievers, you should
always make sure that you brush your pet on a daily basis. Metal combs and
brushes work extremely well, and will help you to get a great deal of the hair
out. Although some people choose to use scissors and cut the mats, you can
easily injure your Golden if he happens to move or jerk. Scissors aren't
recommended, as brushing and proper bathing will help to prevent matting of the
hair better than anything else.

When you cut your dogs nails, you should trim them a great deal, all the while
avoiding going down into the quick. You should never let your Golden's nails
get too long, as long nails can easily take the shape of the dog's foot,
resulting in a splay. Therefore, you should always check your Golden
Retriever's nails and trim them every few weeks. If you trim them just right,
you'll have at least 2 weeks before they need to be trimmed again. If you do
happen to trim the nails past the quick, bleeding will occur. To stop the
bleeding, always keep some styptic powder on hand to make sure that you are
prepared if you do make a mistake.

With other types of grooming, you should also make sure that you clean your
Golden's ears as well. They can get ear infections quite easily, if you don't
clean their ears on a regular basis. To get the best results and protect your
pet from ear infections, you should clean his ears once a week using a quality
cleansing solution. This way, you can rest assured that your Golden has healthy

Grooming is an essential aspect to the health of every Golden Retriever. All it
takes is a little bit of time from your day to groom your pet and keep him
healthy. If you don't have the time to groom your Golden, you can always take
him to a professional. Whether you do it yourself or take your Golden to a pro
-- grooming is something that simply must be done.

Adopting An Older Golden Retriever

Those of you who want a Golden Retriever but aren't ready to go through the
trials and tribulations of a puppy, should look into adopting an older Golden.
Older Golden Retrievers are mature, and prove to be great in homes where they
need to spend a quality amount of time by themselves. They are a very
adjustable breed, being good tempered. No matter how old the Golden may be, he
will quickly become a valued member of your family in little to no time at all.

Many times, breeders will have older dogs for sale. There are several reasons
for this, which include show dogs that have lost their potential, studs that
have been used for breeding, female Golden's that have been bred a few times
then retired, or other types of special conditions where a breeder is helping a
friend get rid of his Golden Retriever. There are other reasons as well,
although whatever they may be -- the adult Golden Retriever will be available
for anyone who wants him.

Most older Golden Retrievers are already housebroken, and known a lot of
behavior patterns and how to adapt to a new and loving family. Although it will
be a little hard on your new dog at first, if you give him plenty of love,
attention, and patience, he'll be just fine. You need to keep reassuring your
new Golden on a regular basis, and let him know that you are his new owner and
that you love you and you are glad he's a member of your family.

If you have been thinking of adopting an older Golden Retriever, you should
make sure that you learn everything you can about him. You should also
determine his temperament, and whether or not it's compatible with your family.
You should also learn important things as well, such as his diet, likes,
dislikes, daily routine, and his habits. Before you decide to take him, you
should always make sure that the members of your family meet him as well, so
you can talk it over and decide whether or not everyone wants the dog to be a
member of your family.

With an older dog, you need to take care of him for the first days, and let him
know where everything in your home is. You'll need to show him where he sleeps,
where he should use the bathroom, and where his food is. Take your time and be
patient with him, as will normally take him a few days to learn how things in
your home work.

You should always give your new Golden Retriever at least a month or so to get
used to his new environment, before you start his new obedience training. Even 
though your new dog may have some prior obedience training, you should still 
enroll him in a new class. This way, he can brush up on training and you can
work with him to help him understand. Once you have finished training, he'll 
understand your commands better and you and him will get along just fine.

All Golden Retrievers, regardless of their age, love attention. Older Golden's
on the other hand, may have medical problems that you aren't aware of. You
shouldn't let this stop you from getting one though, simply because the rewards
that you'll find are far greater than any cons that may come to mind. Although
many people don't give a lot of thought to getting an older Golden Retriever --
they are perfect for families who don't want to put up the time and troubles of
raising a puppy.

Keeping Your Golden Retriever Healthy

Once you have helped your Golden Retriever build up his immune system, he will
be healthy and strong enough to fend off any type of illness. There are ways
that you can help your Golden with his immune system, which is more or less
what you feed him. If you care about your Golden Retriever and want to help him
develop a strong immune system -- you'll find this information very helpful.

When you feed your Golden, give him some homemade food. You can substitute this
for canned food, or mix it in together. Homemade food tastes a lot better to
your dog, and it contains a lot of the nutrients and vitamins he needs. When
you give him water, give him spring water. Although many prefer to give their
Golden water from the faucet, spring water is actually a lot better for him
than any other type of water.

When you give him a treat or a bone, you should always give him raw bones with
plenty of meat on the bone, as they will help him to develop a strong set of
white teeth. Teeth are very important with Golden Retrievers, which is why you
want to make sure that his teeth stay strong and healthy. If you give him a
bone a day, he will have plenty to chew on to keep his teeth healthy.  You can
also use chew toys as well, especially when you are playing with him, as they
will help him to develop strength in his jaws.

You can also help to keep your Golden Retriever healthy by knowing a bit about
health problems that he could have. This way, you'll able to keep track of what
your vet diagnoses. If your vet tells you something that is wrong with your
Golden, you should know a little bit about what he tells you, and how you can
help to take care of the problem.

To help your Golden Retriever avoid any type of reproductive problems, you
should look into having a male neutered. Reproductive problems are common with
Golden's, and can lead to more serious problems if you don't do something about
it. If you aren't planning to breed your Golden Retriever, you should have him
neutered as soon as you can, to help prevent any type of reproductive problems.

If you take care of your dog and keep him healthy, he will live a lot longer.
You should always strive to keep your dog healthy, so he can live a pain free
life. As long as you feed him a proper diet and let him get plenty of exercise,
he will stay strong and healthy. Golden Retrievers that grow to be strong and
healthy make great pets, as they can join you in exercise and provide plenty of
fun for your entire family.

Common Health Problems

There are many common health problems that your Golden Retriever will
experience from time to time. Most of these ailments are nothing serious,
providing you know how they should be treated and prevented. Below, we will
take a look at the most common ailments, and tell you how to prevent your
Golden from getting them.

Distemper virus: The distemper virus is an airborne disease that poses a high
risk. This virus can be prevented by getting your Golden 3 different
vaccinations when he is between 6 and 16 weeks of age, along with his regular
annual booster shot. The symptoms from this virus include fever, cough,
diarrhea, and vomiting. If your Golden Retriever has these symptoms, you should
immediately take him to see the vet.

Heartworms: Heartworms are among the most common ailment with all dog breeds.
They can reach lengths of up to 12 inches in the heart and the lung arteries,
leading to heart failure, a decrease in blood circulation, and even death in
some cases. The symptoms with heartworms may not appear until it is too late,
so you are better off preventing them with the correct heartworm medicines.

Heatstroke: During the summer months or hot days, your Golden Retriever can get
a heatstroke. You can prevent this from happening by giving your dog plenty of
water, and never leaving him in direct sunlight. If you are playing together on
a hot day, you should give him plenty of time to rest so he doesn't overdo it.
The symptoms indicating a heatstroke include a lot of panting or drooling, dark
gums, a glazed expression, rapid pulse, and even vomiting. If your dog starts to
show any of these symptoms, you should immediately take him to the vet.

Rabies: Rabies is one of the more serious ailments that your Golden Retriever
can get, as it has an adverse affect on your dog's nervous system. Normally,
dogs get rabies through a bite of another animal that is infected with the
disease. There are rabies shots that helps to prevent the disease, and your dog
should get them at least once a year. The symptoms of rabies include seizures,
aggression, and foaming at the mouth. If you suspect your Golden has rabies,
you should call the vet immediately.

Tapeworms: Tapeworms are normally caused by fleas, and affect your dog's
stomach. The symptoms for tapeworms include a loss in weight, diarrhea, and
even biting of the rectal area. You can easily prevent your Golden from
tapeworms by using a rigid flea control. If your Golden Retriever exhibits
symptoms for tapeworms, you should take him to the vet immediately. If the vet
catches them in time, he may be able to kill the tapeworms with an oral

Hookworms: Hookworms result from your Golden coming in contact with feces, his
mother, or the worm simply burrowing under exposed skin. You can prevent your
dog from getting hookworms by cleaning his living area and keeping his skin
clean. The symptoms that accompany hookworms include a dry coat, weight loss,
weakness, and blood in the stool. As with all other ailments, you should
immediately contact your vet if your Golden Retriever starts to show any of
these symptoms.

Although these are just some of the most common ailments for Golden Retrievers,
there are other ailments and health problems that your dog can get. If your
Golden starts to show any signs of ailment, disease, or health problem, you
shouldn't hesitate to contact your vet and set up an appointment. Some of these
diseases and ailments can be pretty serious -- although they can be treated if
you catch them in time.

Traveling With Your Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers love to be included in family activities, which includes take
rides in the car and traveling. They love attention, and love for you to treat
them just like they are a member of your family. When you first get your Golden
Retriever puppy, you'll have to teach him how to enjoy car rides and traveling,
so he can come to appreciate it more as he gets older.

When you decide to take him traveling for the first time, you should always
give him food in small amounts throughout the day, while he adjusts to
traveling. If you feed him a lot of food before you head out, he may get sick
in the car and have an accident. By reducing the amount of food that he
consumes, he'll be much more in control of his bladder and himself.

When you are traveling, always plan to make frequent rest stops and allow your
Golden Retriever time to relieve himself. You should also take some time to
exercise as well, stopping every few hours for bathroom breaks and exercise.
Golden Retrievers will hold themselves if they need to, although it isn't good
for them. No matter how far you travel, you should always be kind to your dog
and stop every so often to let him have some time.

A common mistake that many have made, and one you should avoid at all costs, is
letting your Golden ride in a moving vehicle with his head out the window.
Although you may think this is a good idea, your Golden can easily get an eye,
ear, or nose injury. Cars and trucks move at very fast speeds, and something
can pop up when you least expect it and do serious damage to your dog.

When you stop for a break or to fill up your car, you should never allow your
Golden Retriever to be alone in the car with the windows up. Even though you
may crack the windows for him, the heat of summer can result in a heat stroke
if you aren't careful. If your dog does get a heatstroke from being locked up
in a hot car, he can easily die before you are able to return to the car. If
you simply must leave your dog in the car, make sure that you park in the shade
and give him plenty of air.

As long as you do your part and take care of your Golden Retriever when you
travel, he will love to travel with you. Traveling is something that your
Golden needs to get used to, although most adapt to it fairly quick. Once you
have taken your dog traveling with you, he will know when it's time to travel
and eventually learn to tell you when you need to stop so he can use the

Training Your Golden Retriever

Dogs aren't like humans, so they need to learn in different ways. Dogs don't
have human responses, meaning that they don't operate with the principle of
right or wrong. Instead, they operate on a principle of response, guided by the
actions you give them. If their actions lead to a bad response from you, then
they not that what they are doing is wrong and will avoid doing that type of

If your dog does something right, he should be praised for it. If your Golden
Retriever is listening to what you say and doing well, you should reward him
with a treat or praise. Letting him know that he is doing good leads to
positive response. On the other hand, if he isn't listening to you or doing the
total opposite of what you say, you shouldn't reward him at all -- but instead
scold him with a stern NO.

When training your Golden Retriever, timing is the most important factor. If
your dog is doing something wrong, you shouldn't wait or hesitate to correct
him. Doing so may send the wrong impression. When your Golden is doing
something wrong, you should correct him right then and there, so he will know
without a doubt what he is doing wrong.

For example, if your Golden Retriever is chasing cars, you obviously want to
stop this habit before it gets it out of hand. The second you see him doing
this, you should always stop him and let him know he's wrong. This way, he will
know that chasing cars is something he shouldn't be doing. It may take a bit of
time for him to realize this, and you'll need to hold your ground and continue
to correct him when he is doing something that you don't approve of.

This type of theory is similar to that of praise. When you see your Golden
Retriever doing something right, you should praise him instantly. If you don't
praise him instantly and instead wait until he has stopped, he will assume that
you are praising him for stopping. To be on the safe side and get the most from
your Golden, you should always praise him when he is behaving in the right way,
then correct him when he is behaving in a negative way.

If you take your time and show patience with your Golden Retriever, you
shouldn't have any problems training him. The training process may take quite a
bit of time, although it is more than worth it in the end. Once you have trained
your Golden Retriever, he will react to what you say, and avoid doing the things
he has been corrected for. Training is essential for Golden -- and will make him
a much better dog when he grows older.

Training For Your Golden Retriever - 2

With the term training in mind, there are several different meanings involved.
When you are looking to train your Golden Retriever, you have a few options
available to you. Below, we will take a look at the many types of training for
your Golden, and help you decide when type of training is best for both you and
your Golden.

Behavior training Behavior training teaches a Golden Retriever to be a good dog
in general. The training involved includes house breaking, good general behavior
around people and pets, leash training, and other types of things that will make
him a better companion. Dogs that who passed obedience training and well
composed -- no matter where you decide to take them.

Activity training Activity training teaches Golden Retrievers various
activities such as hunting, herding, search and rescue, and several other
tricks that you can do together. Activity training is very popular with the
Golden breed, as it helps to make the relationship between you and your pet a
lot more interesting. By concentrating on activities that the Golden breed was
bred to do, activity training is always very beneficial to your Golden

Obedience training Obedience training teaches your Golden how to perform
various activities. This type of training focuses on general behavior as well,
teaching the dog to be well behaved. Most dogs who go through a class in
obedience training turn out to be well behaved and will listen to your commands
and shouldn't do things such as chewing and barking for no reason. If you want
your Golden to be well behaved and obedient, you should enroll him in a
obedience training class as soon as you can.

Keep in mind that there are certain lines and distinctions with each type of
training. If you choose obedience training for example, then your Golden
Retriever won't get any help with his behavior. When you select a class for
your Golden, you always want to select a class that fits his needs at that
time. If you are having trouble controlling your dog, you may want to start him
off with behavior training, which is what most Golden owners tend to do.

When you look for a training class, you should also know what area your dog
needs help with. Sometimes, a behavior pattern can be the result of boredom,
which can easily be fixed by spending more time with your dog. Once you have
spent more time with him, you'll sometimes notice his patten to stop. Other
times however, he may need a bit more help with certain behavior patterns,
which is where training comes into play. Although Golden Retrievers are smart
dogs, they won't know if they are doing something wrong unless you show them.

Before you can train your Golden puppy, you need to know what to teach him.
Golden puppies adore routines, and feel more at ease than ever if they are on a
schedule that they can predict. When you take your dog to training, you should
always be patient with him and reassure him that he is doing good. As your
Golden gets older and begins to learn new things, he will never forget his
training. In the unlikely event that he starts to slip on some of his training,
you can always let him go through a course again to brush up on the techniques.
This way, no matter how old your Golden Retriever gets, he will always be the
ideal companion that you have grown to love over the years.

Tips For Training Your Golden

Although there are many training tips for Golden Retrievers, teeth is the most
common. Golden puppies love to chew, and will chew anything they can get.
Although chew toys are preferred, there is a way that you can help your Golden
fulfill his natural instinct to chew, and help him to ease the pain of teething
as well.

To start, simply fill an old sock you have with several ice cubes. Next, put a
knot in the sock and place the sock with the cubes in the freezer. When your
puppy starts to chew on things, simply give him the sock. You can keep several
socks with ice in it in your freezer if you want, so your puppy will always
have a chew toy. Although this is great to use, you should never leave your dog
alone with the sock. He could end up chewing the sock and swallowing pieces of
it, which could lead to very serious health problems.

Leashes During leash training, a lot of people prefer to attach the leash to
the Golden then drag him in the direction they want him to go. This isn't the
best way to train, as it often sends the wrong signal to the puppy. Instead,
you should first get your Golden puppy used to the collar and the leash. You
can do this by putting his collar and leash on inside the house or outside in a
fenced in area, so that he can walk around and move about freely with the leash
on, dragging it alongside him.

Once you have given him some time, pick the leash up, then start calling him to
you. Once he comes over to you, start praising him for it, so he knows that he
is on the right track. Always be patient when leash training, as it will take
some time for him to get used to it. If you continue to praise him when he is
doing it right and continue giving him time to get used to the leash, you
shouldn't have any problems.

Digging around: Digging is something that Golden Retrievers love, as it is
essential to their nature. Digging can be somewhat frustrating if you don't
give your Golden an area to himself, as he will dig holes in your yard. If you
keep your Golden indoors, he may try to dig in the floor, on the couch, or on
the bed. Digging is part of their nature, and you should never punish a Golden
for digging.

To help him fill this need, you should give him an area to dig in. You can get
him a kiddie pool or sandbox, filling it with either soil or sand. Then, try
burying a treat or toy in inside, so your Golden will dig to get it out. Once
he learns this is where he should dig, he will more than likely head to that
area when he has the need to dig. Later on, when he becomes a bit older, you
should invest in obedience training classes that will help him to get his
digging habits under control.

The above tips can help a great deal when training your Golden Retriever puppy.
Golden's are great dogs, although you'll need to have a bit of patience with
them. Even though they are very smart dogs, it may take them time to learn.
Once they start learning however -- they will become an integral part of your
family that you couldn't begin to live without.

Crate Training Your Golden

A lot of people normally have the wrong conception when it comes to crates.
This conception leads people to believe that crates are a punishment for dogs,
and therefore they won't use them. Much to the contrary, crates are actually
one of the safest places you can put your Golden Retriever, which also
gratifies his natural instincts to situate himself within a den.

If you have a crate and leave it open, your Golden will start to go to it when
he gets sleepy or when he gets confused. Although Golden's tend to like crates,
you shouldn't overuse one by allowing him to spend hours at a time inside of
one. While you should be training him to get used to the crate, you should
never allow him out if he is barking. Once your Golden starts to appreciate the
crate, you can leave him in it for a few hours here and there -- such as when
you are away from home.

When you get your puppy and bring him home for the first time, you should
already your crate there and situated where you want it to be. You should set
the crate up in a central area, but never in areas that have a lot of traffic.
Most people who use crates tend to leave them in the kitchen near a door, so
the Golden can go outside whenever he needs to relieve himself.

Once you bring the puppy home, you should put him inside the house and allow
him to start searching for the crate. Leave the door to the crate open, and the
Golden puppy should start to wander in and out of it. You can also put a toy or
dog treat inside the crate, to give your puppy extra incentive to enter. Once
he goes inside praise him, and let him know that he is doing the right thing.

If your Golden Retriever stays in the crate on his own, praise him for it. Once
your puppy starts getting in the habit of going into the crate on his own, you
should place a new toy or treat inside for him to play with. After a while, you
can close the door and see how he reacts. If he starts to whine, you can talk to
him and put your fingers through the door, although you should never immediately
take him out -- instead wait for him to settle down.

Even though it may take some time, crate training is great for your Golden. You
can use the crate when you need to leave, when you have family over, or for when
your Golden has a medical condition such as diarrhea. If you use a bit of
patience and never use the crate for punishment -- your Golden Retriever puppy
should catch on to the crate pretty quick.

Socializing Your Golden Retriever

Socializing your Golden Retriever is very important. As you may already know,
all dog breeds behave different in front of strangers, with some dogs choosing
to ignore people altogether. They may choose to glance at someone, then go on
to pay no attention to him. On the other hand, some dogs are the total opposite
and love to meet everyone they can. These types of dogs love attention, and will
take any attention they can get.

Some Golden Retrievers are happy with those they have come to know in their own
family, or those they have selected to be friends. Others on the other hand, may
feel comfortable just around those of the same sex. Most Golden's like children,
although there are a few rare cases in which certain types of Golden Retrievers
like adults but not children. This is extremely rare, and is normally due to
the way they were bred or raised.

When your puppy is between the ages of 8 weeks and 8 months, socializing him is
extremely important. During this time, you should always do everything you can
to ensure that your Golden Retriever meets other people. Although he may be shy
at first and not have much interaction, he will eventually come around. You will
need to be patient with him during these times, as he will need quite a bit of
reassurance from you.

Your dog's parents also contribute to socialization. If the parents of your
Golden Retriever were good with people and other dogs, the gene could very well
be passed on to your dog. On the other hand, if the parents were shy or
aggressive dogs, those genes could be passed on as well. Pups inherit the
traits of their parents ,which is why it is very important to make sure that
the dogs being bred are compatible with each other -- and share a passive

If your puppy was separated from his mother before he reached the age of seven
weeks, he won't learn many of the social signals taught to him by his mom and
his siblings. Golden Retriever pups that are brought to a new home earlier than
seven weeks will normally tend to end up nippy or aggressive around people.
Although they may be aggressive towards people, they may be shy or fearful
around other dogs, as they lack the social skills needed to be themselves.

Sometimes, if a puppy was injured or frightened during his early years, he can
end up with a state of trauma. This type of thing leaves a huge scar in the
mind of a puppy, making it very hard for him to get past it. Most Golden
Retriever pups that have been injured or frightened by an individual never get
past it. They may end up fearing humans in general, or being very aggressive
towards them when they feel frightened. When you take your puppy home for the
first time, you should always make him feel welcomed, and never let anyone or
anything harm him.

To better socialize your Golden Retriever, you should always make sure that he
gets plenty of interaction with other people and other dogs in his breed. This
way, your Golden will learn how to socialize at any early age. When he gets
older in life, he will carry these skills with him. Golden Retrievers that are
sheltered or not given the proper amount of interaction will turn out shy
towards people and other dogs. With your Golden being your companion for life
-- you should always ensure that he gets the socialization he needs.

Medical Problems Of Golden Retrievers

Epilepsy Also known as seizures, epilepsy disorders normally occur from viral
infections, and environmental factors as well. Even though an inaccessible
seizure isn't always a problem, dogs that have recurring seizures should never
be bred. Vets can recommend medicines that control recurring seizures, although
medicine isn't always effective. Although epilepsy doesn't affect the health of
a Golden Retriever, it does have an effect on breeding. You can never tell if
it is indeed heredity, therefore breeding is pretty much out of the question --
to avoid passing it on to the litter.

Skin allergies Skin allergy is the most common medical issue with Golden
Retrievers. Skin allergy is normally the result of allergens such as flea
bites, dust, airborne pollen, food, and even mold. Symptoms will vary, although
they can include bits, scratching, licking, and even ear infections. Diet is
extremely important here, as it can help to prevent a lot of these problems. If
you consult with your vet, you can more than likely eliminate the risks your pet
has of getting a skin allergy.

Hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism is a condition that causes the thyroid gland to
malfunction. Golden Retrievers that are affected by this disease will normally
show such symptoms as coat problems or obesity. This medical problem can also
result in a lack of fertility as well. A lack of fertility can be a big problem
for breeders, as it makes it very hard for the affected Golden Retriever to

The treatment of hypothyroidism involves taking the oral supplement for
hypothyroidism on a daily basis. Once it has been treated successfully, the
prognosis will appear to be normal and dog will have a normal, healthy life
span, providing there are no other medical problems. This condition is somewhat
common with Golden Retrievers, and can be diagnosed by your vet.

Some Golden's who suffer from hypothyroid problems will have seizures, although
this will stop once they go on the oral treatment medicine. Even though the
hypothyroid condition isn't associated with epilepsy, you should monitor your
dog to be on the safe side. You don't want to take any chances with your dog
coming down with epilepsy, which is why you should always have your vet do
routine checks.

Even though medical problems are somewhat common with Golden Retrievers, you
can help to prevent them by making sure your dog is healthy. If you do your
part and make sure that you treat your Golden well, you shouldn't have anything
to worry about. Golden Retrievers are generally healthy dogs, although they can
get ill from time to time. If you take your dog to the vet and get him treated
as soon as he gets sick -- he'll be better and back to his normal self in no
time at all.

Hip Dysplasia And Golden Retrievers

Hip dysplasia is a poor formation of the hip joints, which is a common growing
disease with younger dogs of virtually every breed. With larger breeds,
unsteady hip joints are common, although hip dysplasia can be a serious problem
that will limit the physical activity of your Golden. Although many Golden
Retriever owners don't realize it, hip dysplasia is something that dogs inherit
from their parents, and gets worse with age.

The signs and symptoms of hip dysplasia is nearly impossible to detect with
Golden puppies, although it will start to show once the pup has reached the age
of nine months. Even though you may take your Golden to the vet to have him
looked at, your vet will tell you that you need to wait to see if the symptoms
are there, once the Golden Retriever has reached a certain age.

The symptoms and signs of hip dysplasia vary, although the most common include
crippling or the inability to walk properly. This disease can get better once
the dog gets older though, due to the joints stabilizing, the inflammation
going down, and the muscles in the hips getting stronger and more mature. Keep
in mind however, that Golden's who have hip dysplasia when they are younger
will more than likely develop arthritis when they get older.

Golden Retrievers that suffer from hip dysplasia aren't fit for breeding,
although they can still live a long and healthy life. There are certain drugs
that your vet can prescribe to your dog, which will help him control his weight
and help control the disease. These drugs can also cut down on the pain as well,
helping your Golden enjoy himself as much as possible.

Some Golden Retrievers that have hip dysplasia won't begin to show any signs at
all until they get a few years old, once the muscles start to wear down and the
damage to the hip muscles start to become more noticeable. Although your dog
may be active and healthy for most of his puppy years, dysplasia can slow
everything down and make your dog look as if he is old and is suffering from
the physical attributes of arthritis.

To eliminate the pain of hip dysplasia, there are surgery options available.
Golden Retrievers have a high threshold for pain, and won't normally show any
signs of being in pain, even though you know they are. X-rays won't show any
signs of pain, although the limping or slow walking will tell you that your dog
is hurting. Golden Retriever's who have this disease won't know it -- which is
why you should help as much as possible. If you do your part and help your dog
seek relief -- he will feel better than ever before -- although he won't let
you know he hurt any at all.

Eye And Heart Disease

Eye disease is very common with Golden Retrievers. Most Golden's will generally
have hereditary cataracts, which is a common eye problem. At an early age, with
affected Golden's, one type of hereditary cataract will appear. Even though it
may not cause interference with the vision of the Golden Retriever, some dogs
will progress into total and quite possibly severe loss of vision.

Sometimes, Golden Retrievers can get affected by non hereditary cataracts,
although an examination by a board certified veterinarian can determine just
how bad the cataracts really are. If cataracts are indeed suspected with a
Golden Retriever, then breeding won't be recommended. Breeding a Golden who has
this condition can lead to serious problems, such as passing it on to the pups.

Several families of the Golden Retriever breed have been known to carry genes
for CPRA (Central Progressive Retinal Atrophy), which affects the retina, and
can result in permanent blindness for Golden's at a young age. There are other
types of eye defects as well, such as retinal dysplasia, which prevents a
Golden from breeding.

Trouble with both the eyelid and eyelashes are also a possibility with Golden
Retrievers, with some being the result of hereditary factors. The eyelids
rotating in or out, or the eyelashes rubbing on or in the eye are both common
problems with the breed. Even though surgery can help to fix these types of
problems, dogs that are experiencing this type of problem shouldn't be allowed
to breed nor compete in shows under any type of AKC rules.

You should always have your Golden Retriever checked annually for eye disease,
as it can develop during any age. When you take your Golden to have him
examined for eye disease, you should have a veterinary ophthalmologist do the
exam. He has all of the necessary equipment, and the proper training needed to
make sure that your dog gets the best examination possible.

Heart disease SAS (Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis) is the most common and
widespread form of heart disease within the entire Golden Retriever species.
Before you breed your Golden Retriever, you should always have him examined for
heart disease by a certified veterinary cardiologist. If the cardiologist
detects a heart murmur, he will recommend additional tests for your dog.

In the event that the results prove negative, it doesn't necessarily rule heart
disease out, as some milder forms may still be present, although undetectable.
If a Golden Retriever is diagnosed to have any type of heart disease, he should
not breed. Breeding Golden Retrievers who have heart disease can lead to serious
and sometimes fatal results. To be on the safe side, you should always have your
Golden tested for his disease before you plan on breeding.

Breeding Golden Retrievers

For beginners, breeding Golden Retrievers is nearly impossible. Breeding can be
very complicated, although it can be easy as well. You should never attempt to
breed unless you know a lot about requirements for hobby breeders, as it is
simply unfair to the breed if you have a litter of puppies that simply aren't
what they should be. People who look to buy Golden Retrievers only want top
quality, which is why you shouldn't attempt to breed just have a puppies or
make a few bucks.

Breeding Golden Retrievers is a very serious hobby, one that should be left to
those who know how to make the right choices. There is a certain amount of cost
and care involved with breeding, especially if breeders are going for a certain
quality. There is also a lot of responsibility involved as well, which can take
quite a bit of time to say the least.

Motivation for breeding Breeding can help to fulfill the need of a Golden,
although the dog still has no knowledge of it missing, no regrets, or no guilt
towards living a life without having been breed. A pregnant Golden Retriever
female doesn't gain anything in regards to health, as it instead causes
problems. Golden females that have been spayed on the other hand, cannot be
bred. If you have chosen to have your Golden spayed, always remember that she
will be unable to breed.

When looking to breed, quality breeders will have a lot of choices in front of
them. They will need to determine the pair, such as the mother and the father.
To get the highest quality possible from the litter, the breeder will need to
determine the traits of both dogs, temperaments, and how well they seem to
react to one another. The breeder will also need to determine in either of the
dogs have any type of health problems, to prevent any diseases or ailments from
being passed on to the litter.

Sometimes, when breeding Golden Retrievers, the mother of the litter will prove
to be unfit, which requires more work for the breeder. If the mother isn't doing
her job of nurturing her young, the breeder will need to do it for her. This can
be the most time consuming aspect of breeding, as the breeder will have to feed
the young and make sure that they turn out as healthy as possible.

Aside from that, breeders also face quite a bit of costs as well. The prices
for daily care, food, and vet bills can be very steep to say the least. When
you crunch the numbers, you'll quickly realize that breeders don't make much
money at all when they sale. Most breeders do it for a hobby, not looking to
make money. Quality breeders on the other hand aren't concerned with money at
all, as they are more concerned about the quality of their litters. Quality is
better than quantity, as even the best breeders out there have problems selling
puppies from time to time.

Although breeding is fun for hobby breeders, it is something you really
shouldn't be doing if you don't have the experience. Although your Golden may
get knocked up by a dog of a different breed without you knowing it, you should
do your best to avoid it at all costs if you can. A pure bred Golden Retriever
should be bred only with dogs of her breed, to help preserve the breed and keep
their bloodline going. If you have thought about breeding in the past -- you
should really study long and hard before you actually make a reality of it.

Characteristics Of Reputable Breeders

When you decide to get a new Golden Retriever puppy, the first choice you will
face is where to get your puppy from. No matter how hard you try, it's nearly
impossible to know whether or not the puppy you are buying will grow up to be
healthy and strong. In order to even assume that your puppy will grow up to be
healthy, you'll need to trust the individual you get your Golden from.

There are three options available to you, in terms of breeders. You should
carefully think about each one, as they all will vary. Below are the three
options you have to choose from, and a little bit of information to help you
make this very important decision.

Dealer or pet shop A pet shop is simply the worst place that you can get your
Golden Retriever puppy. The puppies they have for sale here are bred poorly,
and raised in poor locations to say the least. At these types of places, the
puppies are thought of as a profit and nothing more. There is little to no
emphasis on quality here either -- as pet shops prefer quantity over qualify.

Due to the way the puppies are bred and raised, pet shops make quite a bit of
profit. With there being so little that goes into the breeding and care of the
puppies, pet shops make a lot of money. They mainly rely on impulse buying, not
giving you a lot of time to evaluate the puppies that they have for sale. If
you're looking for an addition to your family, and a puppy that you know is
healthy, you'd be better off looking somewhere else for your puppy.

Backyard breeders Backyard breeders are considered to be yet another poor
choice for your puppy. Almost all backyard breeders are people who own a few
Golden's and find it to be fun to breed their female for the fact of having
puppies, or breed her once or twice before they decide to go ahead and get her
spayed. Backyard breeders don't look for quality or go out of their way to care
for their litters, as they are more or less breeding to make money -- and
nothing more.

Normally, backyard breeders know very little about the breed in general, and
even less about how to properly care for their Golden Retrievers. Backyard
breeders normally aren't familiar with the problems associated with breeding,
and most could care less. Their only goal here is to breed Golden Retriever
puppies. Once the puppies have been bred, their remaining goal is to sell the
puppies as fast as they can -- for the highest possible price.

Hobby breeders A hobby breeder is the ideal way to get your Golden puppy. Hobby
breeders are loyal, committed, and think of their pups as more than just a
hobby. Although they do make money breeding, they could honestly care less.
Hobby breeders care more about the quality of their puppies than anything else,
and they commit themselves to helping you get the best Golden Retriever pup

Hobby breeders accept responsibility for each one of their puppies, and they
stand behind each and every one of their pups. If you want the best pup you can
get for your money, you need to visit a hobby breeder. They very rarely produce
poor quality Golden Retriever puppies, as they care a lot about quality. If you
get your Golden puppy from a hobby breeder, you can rest assured that you
getting a healthy puppy from the start.

Choosing The Right Breeder

When you decide to get a new Golden Retriever puppy, the first choice you will
face is where to get your puppy from. No matter how hard you try, it's nearly
impossible to know whether or not the puppy you are buying will grow up to be
healthy and strong. In order to even assume that your puppy will grow up to be
healthy, you'll need to trust the individual you get your Golden from.

There are three options available to you, in terms of breeders. You should
carefully think about each one, as they all will vary. Below are the three
options you have to choose from, and a little bit of information to help you
make this very important decision.

Dealer or pet shop A pet shop is simply the worst place that you can get your
Golden Retriever puppy. The puppies they have for sale here are bred poorly,
and raised in poor locations to say the least. At these types of places, the
puppies are thought of as a profit and nothing more. There is little to no
emphasis on quality here either -- as pet shops prefer quantity over qualify.

Due to the way the puppies are bred and raised, pet shops make quite a bit of
profit. With there being so little that goes into the breeding and care of the
puppies, pet shops make a lot of money. They mainly rely on impulse buying, not
giving you a lot of time to evaluate the puppies that they have for sale. If
you're looking for an addition to your family, and a puppy that you know is
healthy, you'd be better off looking somewhere else for your puppy.

Backyard breeders Backyard breeders are considered to be yet another poor
choice for your puppy. Almost all backyard breeders are people who own a few
Golden's and find it to be fun to breed their female for the fact of having
puppies, or breed her once or twice before they decide to go ahead and get her
spayed. Backyard breeders don't look for quality or go out of their way to care
for their litters, as they are more or less breeding to make money -- and
nothing more.

Normally, backyard breeders know very little about the breed in general, and
even less about how to properly care for their Golden Retrievers. Backyard
breeders normally aren't familiar with the problems associated with breeding,
and most could care less. Their only goal here is to breed Golden Retriever
puppies. Once the puppies have been bred, their remaining goal is to sell the
puppies as fast as they can -- for the highest possible price.

Hobby breeders A hobby breeder is the ideal way to get your Golden puppy. Hobby
breeders are loyal, committed, and think of their pups as more than just a
hobby. Although they do make money breeding, they could honestly care less.
Hobby breeders care more about the quality of their puppies than anything else,
and they commit themselves to helping you get the best Golden Retriever pup

Hobby breeders accept responsibility for each one of their puppies, and they
stand behind each and every one of their pups. If you want the best pup you can
get for your money, you need to visit a hobby breeder. They very rarely produce
poor quality Golden Retriever puppies, as they care a lot about quality. If you
get your Golden puppy from a hobby breeder, you can rest assured that you
getting a healthy puppy from the start.

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