![]() ![]() Painting ![]() The Soul of Painting -- Themes Are you an art buff? Well, if you are, you and millions of other individuals surely don't prefer the same style of painting. Each individual has his or her own yaste in art. A person who likes abstract painting may not like gothic painting. Water color and oil painting are very much different and so, you may not like them both. People are like this because of the soul of the painting -- themes. Each painting has a distinct theme. In fact, theme is considered of primary importance in each art piece including paintings. It is the painting's life and therefore an essential element. If you can tell the theme of a particular painting, you can easily pinpoint how and why it was created. But of course, this will take time and expertise. If you want to paint, make sure that you establish first the theme of your painting. Otherwise, your painting will be lifeless. You can choose among these various themes -- animal figures, gods, goddesses, mythology, romance, nature, court scenes, folk lore, literature, and many others. It's really up to you to choose. You see, painting themes are based from imagination and real life. Make sure that you choose one that you're really interested in and can put it into life. If you like nature paintings, your theme may be landscapes, skyscapes, seascapes, riverscapes, and many others. Suppose you choose landscapes. You can do abstract paintings of the landscapes, acrylic painting, American painting, oil paintings, Chinese paintings, watercolor, urban paintings, romantic landscapes, renaissance, and so on. If you made an oil painting of the landscapes, you can still create sub-themes. Some painters base their themes according to the medium they use. You can use watercolor, oil, ink, pastel colors, and other naturally obtained colors. Based on the medium you're using, you can do elephant, cats, or camel paintings or whatever it is that you desire. It is believed that humans have souls and without the souls, man will cease to exist. This too can used to explain the themes of paintings. Without a theme, your painting will be lifeless. It will be in disarray and no one can appreciate it. Paintings come into life if you use the right medium and the right theme. This should be your first task as a painter. Art admirers are always on the hunt for beautiful and meaningful paintings. As mentioned earlier, each individual has his or her own art preference. But despite this fact, the theme is still of great value for art admirers. Without a theme, art admirers will not be able to choose a particular work of art. There are many resources online that you can use to help you in establishing a painting theme. New painters should also do some research about painting -- how painting started, its evolution, the famous paintings, and many other helpful information. This wills serve as your guide as you start your painting sessions. Some individuals even enroll in painting schools to learn the basics of painting. You too can enroll in painting classes to enhance your talent. Painting as a career is not a very easy task. You have to learn many things so that other people can appreciate your work. But there are also those who find painting a great hobby. It helps them to ease tension after a hard day's work. Whatever your reasons are, just continue what you're doing. Who knows, you may be the next Da Vinci or Michelangelo. Important Information on Paintings for Would Be Painters Man, as its essence of his or her humanity, is constantly fascinated and curious in all sorts of things. Because of this, man was able to create many wonders in this world and he can use them to his own advantage. Many years ago, man also took interest in painting. In fact, you can see paintings all over the world. During the prehistoric times, painting was already being practiced. Many cave paintings were found in Mexico, India, and France. Today, the cave paintings in Adamgarh and Bhimbetka are still clearly visible. Even the colors used by the prehistoric people look lively and fresh. Surrounding regions such as meadows, moors, rivers, hills, clouds, skies, seas, people, birds, and animals reflect human disposition. The vibrancy and colorfulness of the entire surroundings served as man's inspiration to recreate nature's magic on caves, rocks, canvas, walls, paper, cloths, and many other surfaces. Paintings are given variety through the use of various media such as water colors, oil colors, pastel, and a lot more. Paintings are considered as an art forms. Through the years, the works of outstanding artists were considered phenomenal. Great painters included Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo, Dali, Vincent Van Gogh, M. F. Husain, and Pablo Picasso. These painters had their own specializations and they used different styles as shown on their paintings. Paintings have existed for thousands of years now and people have witnessed the emergence of diverse painting styles. Very few painters became popular but this does not discourage other ordinary painters to stop making works of art. Here are the recognized painting styles -- Fauvism, Constructivism, Abstract Art, Classicism, Aestheticism, Aboriginal Art, Art Nouveau, Art Brut, Byzantine Art, Baroque, Cubism, Dragging, Dada, Encaustic, Expressionism, Gothic, Impressionism, Marbling, Mannerism, Modernism, Minimalism, Neoclassicism, Primitivism, Stippling, Ragging, Realism, Surrealism, Spattering, Symbolism, Wood Graining, and Theorem. A lot of artists love folk and tribal paintings because of their distinct touch. The natural colors, simplicity, and the local themes being used attracted many art admirers. If you visit India, you will find a lot of folk and tribal paintings dating hundreds of years. When you get the chance to travel to India, try to visit Bihar and Mithila's Madhubani paintings, Maharashtra's Warli paintings, Orissa's Pata Chitra, and Rajasthan's Phad paintings. If you ask tourist guides, you will find out that there are still many painting art works that you can check out. Whether you're a painter or simply an art lover, you will surely find peace and serenity by just staring at the paintings. You can only appreciate the beauty of paintings if you know a true work of art. Sometimes, it's quite hard to understand the meaning of paintings. For instance, not all individuals appreciate an abstract painting. It will depend on the individual's taste and perception. Some people love to collect paintings. It can add to your home's beauty and overall design. You can find expensive paintings, as well as cheap ones. If you want, you can shop for paintings online because you will have a wide range of choices there. There are also local painting shops that you can visit. But if you're really into painting, perhaps you might want to try it on your own. Find a suitable medium and work on your own painting. Paintings are already part of human existence. People should learn to appreciate it. Research more about paintings online and see how they have developed and evolved for thousands of years. Oil Painting -- To Collect or to Invest? There are many styles and techniques used in painting. Painters also use a variety of media like pastel colors, water colors, natural colors, oil, and many others. You can paint in any surface such as rocks, walls, cardboard, canvas, paper, and lots more. However, there are only a few valuable paintings that exist and among them are oil paintings. At present, you can still find original classic paintings done by famous painters. Precious oil paintings can be found in private collections and museums and these original classics are worth millions. Museums are the perfect place to see these art works and you can always visit them during their business hours. Private collectors on the other hand are sometimes hard to find. But with the use of the internet, you can get in touch with them online. There are different reasons why some people collect art works. It can be for investment purposes or for personal enjoyment. Whatever the reason, you too can start collecting or investing on oil paintings. Original paintings are very expensive but now you can purchase oil paintings that are a replica of the original ones. Now, this is a more affordable way to collect some of your favorite paintings. At present, there are many big companies that sell reproductions of the original paintings. The company simply asks the customers of the painting that they want to purchase. The company then commissions a skilled oil painter to do the work for them. The customer can choose the material and size of the painting. Aside from the famous original classics, you can also have your favorite photograph or cherished painting translated into an oil painting. There are some companies that commission portraits and other art works. If you don't know what to purchase, you can visit the galleries of the companies online. There you can browse the different pages by genres or themes. After that, you can now choose the painting that you like. Some companies allow price negotiations while others have already set their prizes. Find a suitable company who can cater to your oil painting needs and most especially, one that will suit your budget. If you want to learn more about oil paintings, you can visit art museums and join the educational tours. You will learn many things like how to take good care of your oil paintings and how to give value to them. You see, oil paintings are easily damaged if you don't provide enough care for them. Things like excessive humidity, extreme temperatures, and harsh sunlight can destroy your paintings. if this is your first time to collect oil paintings, you must read books about oil painting. Visit galleries and museums to learn more. If you want to invest and make money out of your collections, you can consult investment firms because you may be able to find an investment portfolio. The portfolio includes precious oil paintings, and you can either keep them or sell them. Oil paintings are still in demand at present. With the increasing demand year after year, one can't really tell the value of oil paintings in the future. So if you want to invest and at the same collect your favorite oil paintings, you should start browsing the net now and learn more about oil paintings. With more knowledge about oil painting, it will be a lot easier to invest or even collect the paintings. Watercolor Paintings -- Why You Should Try It Paintings add up to the beauty of homes, offices, and business establishments. If you have the skill to paint, you should try to develop it. Learn more about painting by enrolling in painting classes or you can research about it online. Whether you're an adult, teenager, or a kid, learning how to paint is not that difficult especially if you put your heart into it. While you're trying to find a media to use, perhaps you might want to try watercolor paintings. You can express your chosen subject matter through the use of watercolors. In fact, there are many advantages in using this media over other types of media. It is also a beautiful way to convey your feelings through your painting. Here are some of the best reasons why you should try watercolor painting. 1. It is easy -- as compared to other types of painting, watercolor painting is really easy and you can expect better results in a very short time. 2. Fast -- there are certain techniques that you should learn in watercolor painting. Once you learn such techniques, you can do quick washes and spontaneous strokes. This is the beauty of watercolor painting and you can finish your piece in less than an hour and the greatest thing is that you will get satisfying results. 3. Great for people who are always on the go -- if you travel often, carrying watercolor kits is not a problem. The kits are lightweight and come with compact boxes that you can carry around with ease. The paper used in watercolor painting can be purchased in blocks so you don't need a lot of space. Preparing the papers needed is also not required. 4. Does not smudge -- as compared to charcoal and pastel, watercolor painting doesn't smudge. 5. Dries quickly -- in several minutes, your art piece is already dry. But if you use oil paints for your painting, it would take days or even weeks before the piece dries up completely. 6. Watercolor is also a fluid -- because of its nature, with only a few strokes, you can already fill large areas. 7. 'Accidents' can contribute to your creativity -- you don't have to worry about accidents during watercolor painting because it can magically develop into something beautiful. You can even pour the watercolor on the paper as you start your painting and see what designs it can create. 8. Watercolor painting is versatile in look and style -- you can do illustrational works as well as abstract arts. You can experiment in some designs that you haven't done before and it will all depend on your skill and creativity. Experts say that using watercolor is hard because the artist or painter can't control it easily. For beginners, here's a good advice -- let the watercolor's magic work. Don't interfere at first and see the designs it can create and start painting from there. Allow endless explorations and you can surely enjoy your creativity for the rest of your life. As an art lover, you already know that sometimes beautiful paintings come as accidents. But this should not be the reason to stop practicing. If you frequently practice, in time, you will be able to control your strokes and create more artistic and unique watercolor paintings. Never stop learning because by doing so, you can develop more interesting and artistic ideas that you can use in your paintings. Famous Paintings -- An Inspiration to Other Painters Ever since any man can remember, painting is both a vocation and a hobby. Since the inception of painting, it has evolved to an immense level. Various styles and techniques were incorporated into painting and so it became very lovable to the masses. Do you know some famous paintings? These are the works of world renowned artists. Painters have experimented with a wide range of styles, techniques, themes, textures, and media. However, only a few of these experiments were recognized by art lovers. After some time, the experiments resulted to the establishment of different cults. The process was able to produce talented painters from different parts of the world. In such a short time, some of the talented painters became painting masters. All the works of these famous and talented painters were exceptional in terms of technique, accuracy, and look however, not all their works were loved by the masses. Very few of their paintings made an indelible impact to the hearts of people especially the lovers of art. The works of these famous painters were loved and became immensely famous in different periods. You can find thousands of great works but there are only very few considered as the greatest. Both the experts and masses revered these greatest works. A very good example is Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa. It is considered immortal in the world of art and millions of people were intrigued by Mona Lisa's captivating smile. Salvador Dali became famous of his painting Melting Watches. If you try to put the greatest paintings in history on a list, it is rather long. Famous paintings differ in styles and techniques, as well as the media being used. Judgment though depends on the viewers and they will be the ones who'll decide which art painting is among the greatest. Here are a few of the famous paintings and their artists -- Ajanta Murals by the Vakaka Kings of India; Starry Night by Van Gogh; Mona Lisa and Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci; Last Judgment by Michelangelo; Sunrise Impression by Monet; Old Guitarist by Pablo Picasso; Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali; and Madonna and Child. These are some of the few famous paintings known all over the world. These painters had other works but somehow, the people didn't like them much as much as their more famous works. Despite this fact, the names of these greatest painters are all over the pages of history books and art books. Even little children in art classes know their famous works. The beauty of these famous paintings have withstood the test of time and even after many years of existence, the works of art were not forgotten. If you try to conduct a research on the net, you will find out more about the other famous paintings and how priceless they are. It is really an honor to be considered as a great painter. Aspiring painters should therefore work hard and who knows, one day their works will also become famous. Paintings that become famous come rarely in a lifetime for an artist and yet, their names will be recognized long after they are gone. Let this be an inspiration to would-be painters. The greatest painters didn't give up in perfecting their skills until they were able to impress the people and experts. If you have this attitude, perhaps you may become a famous great painter as well. Paint, paint, paint: master your art and you should continue doing this as long as the people around you loves your work. Take the Country to your Home with Landscape Paintings Not many of us are fortunate enough to be able to have a magnificent view of Mother Nature's work, the hills, mountains, forests, and other exotic natural wonders that are awe-inspiring and simply breathtaking. If you live in the city, especially a big one, then it's highly likely that when you look around you all you see is concrete, steel and glass. A tree may be visible here and there but it's incomparable to the unspoiled and pure beauty of nature. To experience this, some people spend thousands of dollars to go to an exotic place and have a solemn vacation just relaxing and absorbing the beauty of nature around them. Unfortunately though, not many of us have the money or the time to do this. One consolation or alternative would be having landscape paintings in your home. Generally, having a landscape painting inside your home is a great way to add up to your interiors aesthetics. Depending on the kind of atmosphere you want to bring inside your home, there are numerous types of landscape paintings that you can choose from. If you are concerned about the money you are going to spend, there are reproduction paintings that you can purchase that are every affordable, but they don't really exude the same class and quality of an original. Not all original landscaping paintings have high prices. There are landscape paintings from new yet very talented artists from all over the world that you can purchase and who knows, in the future that artist may become big and famous and your painting can be a classic. Once again though, the choice you make when purchasing a landscape painting depends on you. Are you an avid fan of a certain exotic landscape? You may have gone to Japan and saw Mt. Fuji, then you were greatly impressed by its cone shape, you may have a Japanese landscape painting done and put it in a Japanese themed room. Maybe you want to have the Grand Canyons adorning your living room; this can also be a great idea for a room enhancer. Whichever landscape you want, even your own backyard, you can have an artist do it for you. But it doesn't end there. Even if you don't have an idea of which landscape painting you want, you can easily find many different landscape paintings in art galleries in your area, or if you don't have the time,. You can just go online and find the numerous websites that offer this type of paintings. Many artists and art galleries have already put up their websites and are showcasing their work in their sites. Here you will be able to browse their uploaded works of art and be able to choose the size, theme and medium of the landscape painting that will perfectly fit the mood that you are aiming for. It doesn't really matter if the landscape painting you got is priced low or is a work of a famous painter, what you need is the depth of the painting that can give life to your room. Remember, what you design in your home reflects your taste and your character. A landscape painting may indeed become the focal point of a room, but it is you who will decide how this is presented. Nature Paintings: A Great Addition to Your Living Room Do you live in a condo or in a city where a single tree is a very rare sight? Do you want to get out of your concrete world and visit a place where nature is unspoiled and that the view is fantastic and awe inspiring? If you are, then the next best thing to do than pack your bags, leave the city and your work is by getting a nature painting hanged in your living room or in your office. You have to face the fact that in today's world, going on trips to a secluded and unspoiled spot in the world is very expensive. Also, with today's hectic lifestyle, you will find it hard to go on vacation and leaving your work. Surely you wouldn't want to go on vacation with your laptop with you just to work, would you? If you want to experience the sight of nature every single day, the best thing that you can do is by purchasing a painting that depicts the wonder of nature. If you have a knack for painting, you can try painting nature yourself. The great thing about painting nature by yourself is that you will be able to paint nature that way you want it to be. This means that you will be able to have your very own special place in your living room or in your office. The great thing about most nature paintings is that it is very relaxing. The sheer beauty of the view of a waterfall and lush rain forest is something that cannot be compared to a smog-filled air in the city or a view of skyscrapers and cars bustling around the highways. Whether it is winter nature paintings you want or the view of the ocean and even the Grand Canyon, you can be sure that there are quite a lot of depictions of nature in paintings. Just keep in mind that great nature paintings don't last really long with the artist. With the popularity of this type of painting continuing to rise, it will be quite hard for you to get your hands on one. You will see that many people like you will also be looking for the similar nature paintings that you are looking for. So, you might want to visit the art galleries where shows are being held regularly in order for you to choose the painting you want before someone else purchases it. You might want to take a look at some of the works of artists who paints nature through the internet. You will see that in order to sell their paintings, most artists will use the internet to advertise their paintings that is available for sale. You have to remember that most professional artists will only make the painting once. So, before it is too late, you might want to purchase the painting you want right away. So, if you want a great addition to your home that will truly relax you and give you a piece of nature, you might want to purchase a nature painting. With this type of painting, you will be able to enhance the appearance of your home and you will also have something that will be able to take your imagination away from the busy city and into the heart of nature. Contemporary Painting -- What is it? There are certain terms in painting that are not easily understood by the ordinary people. For instance, do you know what contemporary painting is? Well, these are the paintings produced after the Second World War up to the present times. Contemporary painting is also called modern paintings. It is of exquisite style and represents modern art. The modern artists of today have been creating different types of paintings and you can find them in galleries. Oil paintings are one of the most expensive contemporary paintings because of its high quality. However, most of contemporary art is abstract painting. Aside from those two types of painting, paintings of still life are also greatly appreciated up to the present. You can find a lot of museums around the globe that house modern paintings. Oftentimes, exhibits are held to feature the paintings of modern artists. Through the exhibits, contemporary paintings flourish. You can find museums in New York, Houston, Paris, and Fort. These are the most popular museums that feature contemporary paintings. If you want to see actual modern arts, you just have to visit these different museums. There are many modern artists of contemporary paintings and most of them have created abstract paintings with various themes. The colors used in contemporary paintings are mixed in a very artistic way. You definitely have to see the twentieth and nineteenth century paintings because it's worth every penny. If you can't afford original paintings, you can purchase replicas of it online. At present, there are now companies that sell replicas of the popular original contemporary paintings. These replicas are more affordable and looks just like the original. There are also centers exclusively for contemporary arts such as paintings and you can find them in Cincinnati and Virginia. Art galleries sell modern paintings. They both have the original and replicas. You can visit the art galleries or you can simply log on to the internet and visit the websites of the galleries. Busy people who don't have the time to visit the galleries can shop for their favorite paintings online. This is much easier and faster. Not only that, you have a variety of choices and you can browse on the entire collection of the galleries without leaving your homes or your office. Contemporary oil paintings are truly expensive especially the originals and so you can opt to purchase the replicas instead. As mentioned earlier, you can get them at a much cheaper price. If you love to collect paintings, try to visit the different art galleries and see what's in store for you. If you have a long-time favorite painting, you can send its photo to one of the galleries and make a purchase request. You can easily find their sites by doing a search on the internet. Find a link that will connect you to your desired art gallery or a certain company that can cater to your needs. All it takes is diligence in doing your search and you can find a good contemporary painting that you can display in your home or even in your office. You can either purchase the paintings for investment purposes or for your personal pleasure. Contemporary paintings are part of history and if you own one, it's something that you can be proud of. So what are you waiting for? Visit the modern art galleries today. Getting Your Image Immortalized Through Portrait Paintings Today, getting your image immortalized comes easy with today's technology. With digital cameras, computers and digital printers, you will be able to create a great portrait of the photos you take. However, if you want elegance in the way you preserve your loved one's images, getting the pictures painted as a portrait is the way to go. This method of preserving images has existed for centuries. In fact, it is the only way to preserve the image for posterity. A good example of a portrait painting is the Mona Lisa created by the Italian artist and inventor, Leonardo da Vinci. He created this portrait of a woman with a mysterious smile in the early 1500s and is still in very good condition. Rembrandt is another famous artist that creates portraits. Some other famous works are in the National Portrait Museum in Washington D.C. while others can be seen in some of the famous museums all over the world, such as the Hermitage, and the Louvre. If you want to have your portrait painted, you will see that there are quite a lot of portrait artists today that can copy your picture and immortalize it on canvas. They will be able to accurately paint you or your loved ones picture with utmost realism. However, because you wouldn't want to sit on a stool for many hours just to get your portrait painted, you might as well get on your best pose, get your picture taken, print it and present the picture to the artist. They will be able to copy the image in the photo you took by painting it on the canvass. You can choose what you want to be painted on canvass. It can be your image, or it can be the whole family. In fact, it can even be your pet dog or cat. Whatever you want to get painted on canvass, you can be sure that the talented artists today will be able to copy it. Portrait painting is usually done through oil painting. Oil painting can let you create realistic images and is usually the number one method of creating portraits. Even the glitter of your eyes can be copied with oil painting. You can also get it done through water color painting. It will have the same realistic effect but most artists prefer oil painting as water color portraits are often very hard to produce. Whenever you are looking for an artist to get your picture on canvass, you might want to shop for one first by taking a look at their work. You have to remember that some artists today are not quite as talented when it comes to portrait painting. Some can paint realistic fruits or flowers, but cannot really quite do faces as well. Before you commit and get the work started, try to ask them for examples of their work. By doing so, you will be able to know what to expect once the painting is finished. These are the things that you have to remember whenever you plan on getting you or your family's image on canvass. By knowing about the work of the artist you plan on hiring, you can be sure of the quality and accuracy of the portrait you are planning to get made. Pablo Picasso Paintings And Releasing Your Inner Picasso Over the past century, a lot of painters have become quite famous with their works becoming really valuable. Some paintings from great artists can even go up to a million dollars or perhaps even more. If you want to become a famous painter or you simply want something to hang in your living room that looks great which will surely catch the attention of your visitors, then you will see that learning how to paint like the famous artists can surely be good. One artist that stood out from the others is Pablo Picasso. His paintings are among some of the most expensive. Living a very controversial life, Pablo Picasso is one talented painter who is known to have invented abstract painting. Some people even say that he paved the way for modern art. His style of painting is distinct and you can really tell by just taking one look at his paintings. Pablo Picasso's style of painting is known as cubism. This type of painting uses geometric figures to simplify or to exaggerate complex structures, such as the human form. By using geometric figures, you will see that you will be able to create a stunning or eye-catching painting. Pablo Picasso established a trend of what became known to be the abstract art. Today, a lot of artists are now making this kind of art. You will see that in creating an abstract painting depicting complex structures, you will be able to paint like Picasso and decorate your home beautifully. With many combinations of shapes, light and color, you can be sure that you will be able to create a great painting. All it takes is a bit of imagination and you can be sure that you will be able to make a great work of art. First of all, you have to remember that this art is centralized on creating an image out of geometric figures. Also, it will need to use different colors to depict your subject. All in all, you will be creating a painting that depicts an image that cannot be seen in real life. If you want to have an idea of what Pablo Picasso's work is all about, try searching for Guernica and The Guitar Player. Here, you will have an idea on how to become an abstract painter or a cubist painter. When painting, you will want to use a lot of shades of colors in your geometric figures in order for you to make it look flat and three dimensional at the same time. This effect is what you are really after. As you can see, painting is not just about copying the exact form of your subject, but it is about your impression of the subject. With this kind of art, you will see that it will truly create an impact among the viewers. Just remember that the point of cubism or abstract painting is that you should not reproduce realistic forms. Instead, try producing images that cannot be seen in real life. So, instead of just painting a fruit bowl as your subject, try to create something out of the fruit bowl using geometric figures and vibrant colors in different shades. As you can see, Picasso paintings can be quite attractive. If you have a contemporary looking home, you can be sure that you will be able to enhance the appeal by hanging a Pablo Picasso painting or making one yourself that looks like a Picasso. Leonardo da Vinci's Most Famous Paintings -- The Mona Lisa There are many great painters in history and one of the greatest is Leonardo da Vinci. He created many paintings which art lovers and experts loved. One of his greatest creations which millions of people all over the world from different periods loved is the Mona Lisa. This particular painting of Da Vinci captured the hearts of people because of Mona Lisa's captivating smile. What's so great about the painting? Well, it took Leonardo over four years to finally finish the painting. After he finished working on the Mona Lisa, he carried the painting anywhere he went and he did this until he finally died. The painting never left his side when he was still alive and because of this, more and more people became truly interested on the Mona Lisa painting. They all wondered why Da Vinci painted it and what it was depicting. Leonardo painted the Mona Lisa in Italy in 1503. The model was Lisa Ghirardi, the wife of Francesco del Giacondo. According to a biographer named Vasari, the painting was merely a commission. During the time the painting was being made, Ghirardi was pregnant with her second baby. Some other scholars said that the father of Leonardo was a friend of Francesco and that the painting was a gift commissioned by Leonardo's father. Despite the revealed facts, people still didn't know why Leonardo da Vinci valued the Mona Lisa painting very much when he was still alive. Numerous theories still surfaced but no clear answer was established. Not all people believed that the model in the painting was Lisa Ghirardi. Other theories have shown the model might be Aragon's Isabella or Constanza d'Avalos or even Milan's Duchess. However, the importance of the painting to Leonardo was still left unanswered. The attachment of Leonardo to the painting was still unknown. Further theories were still formulated. According to another theory, the Mona Lisa was a self portrait of Leonardo because it was similar to the self portraits of the painter. The similarity of the facial features also postulated that the Mona Lisa was Leonardo's mother, Caterina and not Lisa Ghirardi. All throughout Da Vinci's life, he was intrigued by anything found in the surroundings. He infused his interests to his various art works including that of Mona Lisa. He was very interested in topography and weather. In fact, the background of Mona Lisa shows the culmination of humanity with nature. All of Leonardo's works were important to him because it was his way of expressing his own life. The Mona Lisa painting was small and yet it took him over four years to complete. It may also be a representation of all his interests in life, and nothing more; only Leonardo knows the real reason of his attachment to the painting. Four years work is no joke. He put a lot of his energy and time in painting the Mona Lisa. It became his masterpiece and it's not easy to part with something of great value. For over 500 years, people are still wondering what had happened. All sorts of questions are still being asked -- why the painting was never bought, did Leonardo lose his commission, and many others. The real reason was buried with the painter and because of the public's great interest the painting is still very popular up to present. ![]() The Cave Paintings of Trois Freres Helpless romantics dream of traveling to France for a number of reasons. The country is quite well-known for its romantic places and atmosphere. But did you know that there's more to see in France aside from the lovely romantic places? Yes, that's true and one is the cave paintings of Trois Freres. Not all individuals appreciate paintings. Oftentimes, it depends on the person's taste and interests. If you're interested in cave paintings, you can also find some of them in France. Trois Freres shows fascinating images about the people of prehistoric times. Visiting the cave is like exploring the world many years ago. You can learn a lot from the paintings, but only if you appreciate them. Though people lived primitively thousands of years ago, they seem to know quite a lot. They knew about the different patterns and seasons of life. The seasonal variations and their food supplies are the determining factors between living or dying. The cave paintings in France show this great knowledge about the ancestors of the French people. Translated in English, Trois Freres means Three Brothers. The paintings on the cave show indistinct images of animals and certain figures which experts believe to be a shaman. Trois Freres attracted international attention because of the depictions in the cave. The paintings are found in the far corners of the cave and so you have to go deeper to be able to get a good glimpse of such a work of art. The paintings have a graphical nature and was skillfully drawn. You can easily make out the figures to be beasts and cattle surrounding a high figure that reaches the cave roof. This central figure is about 70 cm or 2 1/2 ft tall and appears to be half human and half animal. The figure has deer antlers and wears a mask with an eye of an owl. Below the mask is a beard and the hands are hidden within bear paws or lion paws. The back of the figure can be compared to that of a certain animal and somehow it appears that the figure is wearing an animal skin of some sort. The figure has an erect penis covered by a fox tail. Experts called the figure 'Animal Master' and if you want to see the picture of the cave painting, you can go to France or you can search the net and simply type the words 'Trois Freres'. Find a link that will show you the painting itself. You can use any of the popular search engines in order to get a glimpse of the cave painting. If you try to conduct a research on the net, you can read many speculations and comments about the cave painting. The painting is like the sketchpad of the prehistoric people. Animals or beasts were drawn on top of one another. Experts believed that the paintings are more than 14,000 years old or even longer. Today, painters and other artists treat art as a process. It is the expression, recording, and reflection of the divine or inner nature of the artist. But did the primitive artists view art in the same way? Perhaps there's more to their drawings that what modern experts and artists can understand. You can find other cave paintings in Asia and in Europe. To better understand the paintings, just allow your imagination to take over. All About Tole Painting, Learning the Basics There are different kinds or types of painting and for the ordinary indivudal, it can be rather confusing. You probably have come across oil paintings, watercolor paintings, body painting, face painting, and many others; but did you know about tole painting? Tole painting is considered as folk art. It is the painting of wooden and tin utensils, furniture, and other objects in a decorative way. Objects may refer to metallic objects like coffee pots, kitchen utensils, and other household items. The wooden objects can be chairs, tables, chests, jewelry boxes, and even toy boxes. When did tole painting started? It all started in New England way back in the eighteenth century particularly in Pennsylvania. It was done by the German immigrants at that time. The same thing happened in Scandinavian countries and its Swedes, Danes, and Norwegian immigrants. The Germans concentrated more in tin and metal tole painting. On the other hand, Scandinavians worked on furniture and wooden objects. There is a slight difference in the patterns of these two traditions. Tole painting in today's modern times makes use of long-lasting, sturdy, and inexpensive acrylic paints. How is tole painting done? First, the wooden objects are sealed and then primed. After that, the object is sanded and the paint is decoratively applied. What makes tole painting valuable? Oftentimes, the skill in tole painting runs in the family. Therefore, the story and favorite patterns of the family are shown in the various tole paintings. The paintings are painted in freehand and it can be of humorous themes, various colors, family jokes, and illustrations of family stories. There are expensive as well as cheap tole paintings. It all depends on the quality of the utensil, the personalization, the art, the work, and the story. There is a great advantage in tole painting especially if it is your craft. For instance, if you come up with a not-so-good painting, you can easily sand it off and then repaint the utensil. Experts though can tell if a certain tole painting is repainted -- there is an indistinct background of a certain object. Repainting often occurs if the painter is still inexperienced. Some pieces of furniture, utensils, and similar objects are repainted because it is too valuable to the owner and they don't want to get rid of it and so instead, they have it repainted. Now, you can find tole paintings in various surfaces unlike before where you only see them in metal-ware and tin surfaces. If you want to learn more about tole painting, try to search the internet for important information regarding this type of art. If you do your research, you can find tole painting resources like project instructions, tips on how to do tole painting, and your needed supplies. There are online tole painting shops that you can visit that sell handmade and tole painted items. You choose a utensil, furniture, chest, chair, table, or other objects that are tole painted. You can easily purchase them online as long as you have a credit card. Be careful though when making online purchases; just make sure that the page is encrypted so that you can protect yourself from online scammers. Tole painting is becoming more popular nowadays. With the demand for tole painted items increasing, the price of such items can increase in the future. If you want, you can invest in tole painting and have a business of your own. You can even do the work yourself especially if you're artistic and creative. Japanese Paintings: Adding Elegance in Your Home Japan is known for its extraordinary customs and traditions. In everything the Japanese people do, there are rituals that look so elegant. Even the art of painting in Japan has its very own distinctive style. Influenced by the Chinese, you will see that Japanese paintings will give elegance and grace to any room. Even if the paintings aren't really that realistic, the colors used and the details look so exquisite. In the past, Japanese houses, especially houses of noblemen were adorned with paintings. You will see that the masterpieces of Japanese paintings are very popular nowadays that some can even reach millions of dollars in its price tag. The great thing about Japanese paintings is that it creates a certain grace to any room you put it in. It is very elegant to look at and the colors are fantastically well balanced that it provides harmony to the room that it is hanged on. Although some paintings in Japan are now influenced by Western style painting, it is still very distinctive and majority of the style comes from Japan and other eastern influences. If you want to add a certain elegance in your living room or in your office, Japanese paintings are the way to go. With it, you will be able to entertain your guests and also introduce the eastern culture. Because Japanese paintings are very rich in color and uses a distinct style, you will be able to see that the natural colors are so well-blended that it will have great effect on any lighting situations. Japanese paintings use warm colors and mix it with vibrant ones. Also, the great thing about Japanese paintings is that the lines are also very balanced accordingly that it will provide a great effect to the environment. Whether it is a nature painting or portrait that you want, you can be sure that Japanese paintings will be able to awe and capture its audience. Japanese paintings are so well made that it has captured the hearts of many people. By taking one look at a Japanese painting, you will see that it will create a sense of space and aesthetic beauty to any room you place it in. Popular types of Japanese paintings have subjects, such as landscapes, famous Japanese places, spectacular scenery, and everyday activities of Japanese people in the past as well as beautiful geishas or women. Japanese paintings will provide you with a sense of harmony and space. Just the sheer beauty of Japanese paintings is enough to capture your heart and will definitely make you want to own one. These are the things that you have to remember about Japanese paintings. If you really want an authentic Japanese painting, you will want to try visiting Japan. Here, you will see that there are a lot of paintings to choose from made by real professional Japanese artists. However, there are also some Japanese artists who make their work in the United States. Some can even make it in Japan and is available for sale online. Whichever you choose and whatever your taste is, you can be sure that Japanese paintings will have the right painting for you. With a Japanese painting hanging in your living room, you can be sure that it will not only awe your guests in astonishment of the sheer beauty of the painting, but also provide harmony and elegance to the room you place it in. What Abstract Painting is all About Perhaps you've seen a lot of paintings already and out of the paintings you've seen, you appreciate only a few of them. You see, there are different painting styles and techniques used by painters. One of these styles is abstract painting. When you say abstract painting, not many appreciate it probably because of its different style and not so ordinary appearance. But despite the oddness of such painting style, you should not judge it at first sight. Instead, you should try to understand why it was painted. Abstract painting started hundreds of years ago. There are famous abstract paintings housed in museums. Private collectors who love abstract painting also have some of them. Abstract paintings are good investments as well as collection items. You'll never know how much a certain painting would cost in the future and with the great awareness and appreciation of people nowadays for abstract painting, even you can't tell a paintings value. Some of the famous abstract painters were Picasso, Van Gogh, and Modigliani. Because of these artist's beautiful works, abstract painting became even more famous. Do you know what abstract painting is? This type of painting can be defined in various ways. Unlike traditional paintings, abstract painting doesn't portray reality. Before, painting was all about depicting a realistic or photographic expression of something or someone. However, abstract paintings are a lot different. The painting itself does not illustrate real objects. The shapes and colors shown in abstract paintings are non-objective and non-representing. The painting may refer to a person or to any other individual, anything, or even nothing. If you can't understand the meaning of a particular painting, you can ask the experts or even the painter about its meaning. Natural art lovers on the other hand, don't need explanations because if they love abstract paintings, they will understand clearly the significance of the painting. Try to look at an abstract painting. You will see bright, vivid, and bold colors. Aside from the colors, you will also note that the painting has biometric shapes. For art lovers, this is a beautiful and strange piece. Way back in 1940, Abstract Expressionism is a movement pushed through by the artists. The artists and painters supported abstract painting and they wanted the freedom of expression through the paintings they made. This made abstract painting more popular. The movement began in a particular school in New York and the movement was also called Action Painting. Among the American schools that joined the movement declared their independence from the artworks of European style. After this, abstract painting was pushed forward. In order to understand and appreciate abstract painting, you must know its humble beginnings. Even if abstract painting is quite odd, you should still learn to love it because its part of history and it is still a painting which expresses the thoughts and feelings of painters. You can get paintings like this in art galleries online and local art shops. Some are quite expensive but there are also cheap ones. You can get replicas of the original classic abstract paintings made by the famous painters by purchasing them in certain companies that commission this kind of painting style. Try to conduct a research about abstract painting. You can find many resources online so that you will understand more about this painting style. A painting is not always a representation of a specific object or person and that is exactly what abstract painting is all about. Andy Warhol Paintings: The Pinnacle of Pop In 1928, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania hosted the birth of a man that would soon change the face of modern art. Named Andrew Warhola, this was a man that was destined to rule Pop art and define its parameters, or most aptly, blur its lines. Andy Warhol paintings today are considered as priceless collectors item's and even replica's of his art work are considered as great additions to any home. What fueled Warhol's success was his paintings of pop culture and icons and this series began in the 1960's. His first series of paintings were silkscreen images of cans of Campbells soup. This representation of everyday items was what spurred the pop art movement then. Warhol was seemingly showing the people how obsessed they were with consumerism and gave those everyday objects an iconic feel. Aside from the Campbells Soup Cans, Warhol also used other brands and images like boxes of Brillo, Coke bottles and even the American dollar bill. The technique Warhol used, silkscreening, allowed him to do multiple images and use different colors and variances in the effect. This is what catapulted Warhol to stardom in the pop art world. Already gaining recognition for his work, Andy Warhol then moved on from painting consumer images to concentrating on subjects which depicted the images of the popular figures in America in that era. This is when the famous paintings of Marilyn Monore, Jackie Onassis and Elvis Presley came to be. By that time, Andy Warhol's paintings skyrocketed to popularity and he was producing paintings at a fast pace. Exhibits of his works were being done everywhere and even overseas. Every image that he portrayed in his works became instant icons and he's paintings was very much in demand. Warhol would soon use this new fund fame to cross the lines between commercialism and fine art, for which some people would wholeheartedly accept. Warhol's innovation in his works of art was by no means stagnant. Although he continued to make portraits of famous figures, moving on to Michael Jackson, Mick Jagger and others, he let go of his repetitive style that helped start his career. He still produced very colorful art works and moved on to different subjects that would shock yet delight the Art world. Warhol's paintings though were not entirely focused on the life of the rich and famous, he also dubbed with other themes and had some series of paintings as well that dealt with the social aspect of life. His series the death and disaster used heavily edited photographs and painted racism, electric chair executions, car accidents and such. Although these were not as popular nor as well accepted as his other paintings, the series still is a part of his genuine artistry. Andy Warhol's love for his pets also inspired a series of paintings dubbed as cats and dogs. An animal lover himself, Warhol painted cats that were photographed by a renowned cat photographer. And being a dog owner, he had two dogs at the least, he also produced images of his dogs. Today, many Andy Warhol paintings are in great demand and command prices amounting to millions of dollars. His birthplace in Pennsylvania houses the Andy Warhol Museum and many collectors from all over the world hang their prized Andy Warhol paintings on their walls. Discover the Pleasure Derived from Flower Paintings When we paint, we release some sort of energy within ourselves, we express our emotions and we share with other people how we perceive life as we see it with our own eyes. Also, paintings doesn't have to be exclusively enjoyed by the artists when we paint them, but more so, paintings are for the people who see them, to appreciate them and to understand the beauty of what surrounds us. Usually, when painters create their works of art, they get their inspiration from what they see, be it people, landscapes, trees, animals, flowers and almost anything there is that we see, and some times, what we don't see. Generally, painters see the beauty of nature and transfer this unto a canvas or any other medium. For those who love flower paintings, you are in luck because many artists choose this theme for their works of art. Still life and flower paintings are very popular themes and many homes have these types of painting inside. In fact, you will be able to choose numerous types of flora and find that there are paintings done about them already, albeit in different styles and moods, some can be bright and happy while some can be dark and droopy, this all depends on what the artist wants to convey. Aside from just an appreciative audience for flower paintings, all aspiring artists can use flowers as the themes of their first paintings. The great thing about choosing flowers as your theme is it would be hard to run out of subjects. With so many types of flora available, you can do a variety of flower paintings. In fact, with the orchid alone, you can choose from the many types of orchids there are. Also, flowers are very colorful so that means you can have a very vibrant looking work of art. What you need to understand is that painting flowers may seem very simple, but to make them look utterly magnificent, you need to learn how to play with your curves and lines to make them look vibrant and real. Play with the lighting as well so you can create a flower painting that seems like you could already smell the flower. If you want to learn how to paint flowers with the greatest of ease, there are many books and DVD's that you can refer to and discover the secrets in creating realistic looking flowers. If you want, you can also join art classes in your local area. If not, there are online art schools that can help you discover the fun world of flower painting. But why flowers? Each delicate curve, line, shape and color that goes into flowers is a challenge in itself. Nature has made the flowers to provide it with color in a natural way. Men have always been fascinated with flowers and this is evident in many homes as there is usually an image or two found inside of them. Sure photographs can be blown up and framed and can give a more realistic feel, but there's just something about flower paintings that can never be captured by the lens. Also, if you painted the flower yourself, you will derive a lot of satisfaction knowing that you have created your own personal masterpiece. Steps to Follow for Pumpkin Painting Little children are looking forward to Halloween. It is the time when they can play tricks on other kids and older people. Aside from that, they also get a chance to ask for candies and other treats from the different houses they visit. During Halloween, you will often see lawns decorated with pumpkins. If you would like to put pumpkins on your lawns, you will need designs for pumpkin painting. Decorating pumpkins is not that hard. When the Halloween season is already near, you can start looking for excellent decorating ideas. Make this year an extra memorable one. You can decorate the pumpkins together with your family and closest friends. There are fast ways to do this task, just read on and you will find out. First and foremost, you have to shop for a pumpkin that has a flat bottom surface. It doesn't have to be really flat; a bit flat surface will do even on one side. You will need this if you have kids joining the painting session. But if you're all older adults, any pumpkin will do. Once you've purchased the pumpkins, drop by a local paint or craft store. Buy acrylic paints because this is suitable for pumpkin painting. You can get the paints in bigger bottles, enough for the whole family. You can get different colors especially if you have kids helping out so that they can create their own crazy designs. Before you start the painting session, you must determine first the design. Teach the kids the steps in painting. You can create scary designs or even funny designs. You can find a lot of designs on the net even if you log on for just several minutes. You just have to type the words 'pumpkin painting' and the results will be displayed on the screen. You can even create faces of celebrities. This is rather difficult because you have to concentrate on the details of the face. You can put wigs and ties on that the pumpkins to accentuate the face of the pumpkin. To make a good face design on the pumpkins, you simply have to put the distinguishing feature of the celebrity and exagerate it a bit. You can also make other designs aside from the faces. You can make monster designs, animal designs and many others. Pick something that you're interested in so that it will be a lot easier to paint on the pumpkin. Aside from the acrylic paints, you need to buy paint brushes and small containers where you can mix and match the paints. Once you know the particular design, you can start painting. Sit in a circle and put some newspapers on the center. Put the paints, brushes, and other materials over the newspaper. Give each family member a pumpkin and then you can start painting. This is a very exciting activity for the whole family and among friends for the upcoming Halloween. You can put lights inside the pumpkin heads to make the design more visible at night. Do your pumpkin painting a day before Halloween. This way, you can prepare for your costumes, treats, candies, and other things that you will use for the special occasion. Enjoy pumpkin painting with your family and friends. This year's Halloween will surely be extra memorable. Useful Ideas for Face Painting for Beginners There are many styles and techniques used in painting. Some painters paint over canvas, stones, walls, paper, and many others. But did you know that face painting is gaining popularity over the years? Face painting started many years ago. In fact, ancient people already practiced face paintings like the Egyptians and many other tribes. Today, people love face painting. It gives them pleasure and at the same time, they are also having fun. If you want to learn face painting, you should make use of these ideas for face painting. If this is your first time to do face painting, you have to gather much information about the topic. You can read a face painting book or you can also watch videos that teach beginners how to do face painting. If you want, you can also search the net for useful information regarding this particular work of art. Study the information you've gathered. After that, go to an art shop and purchase paints, paint brushes, sponges, and other materials that you will use. If you want to improve your skills in face painting, you will have to practice. As the saying goes -- practice makes perfect. If you simply leave the paints, brushes, and all your other art materials lying around, you will not learn anything. During your vacant time or when you're just relaxing and doing nothing, pick up your brush and start painting. You have to have someone who you can practice with but just make sure that you practice with an older child or an adult. Having small children around is not a good idea as they have shorter attention span. They will only be fidgety and you can't do a good job. By having an adult or a much older child, you can practice without any complaints. The person should also be interested in face painting so that you will not encounter any problems and difficulty. When you're already face painting, apply only thin coats of paint. Don't apply a think coating or layer otherwise, the design will tend to crack and cake. If you need to apply two or more layers of paint, let the first layer dry first. Once the first layer is completely dry, you can now apply the second layer. To outline the shapes you're making, you can make use of makeup pencils. You can also purchase this in art shops. Don't try difficult designs like symmetrical ones. You can do this if you're already experienced. For starters, you can do animals because it is not very detailed when it comes to the designs on both sides of the face. Painting a butterfly is difficult because it is a symmetrical design. You have to wait until you're ready for that. Try to use your imagination. You can create small tattoos or stamps like spiders, snakes, lizards, and many others. You can use temporary tattoos as reference but make sure that you choose one that is appropriate for face painting. The internet offers many possibilities. If you're really artistic and you came up with unique ideas for face painting, you can make your own collections and build your own site. This way, you can create your hobby into a business. Face painting can remove stress and tension. Practice this excellent work of art. Once you've developed the skill, you can try the more difficult techniques or styles. Children's Face Painting Designs Face painting designs are becoming more and more popular these days. It is not only an activity for adults but also for young children. You can have a great time with your friends and other family members by doing face painting. If you want to learn face painting, you should practice often and while you're at it, you should practice on designs that everyone else likes, especially you and your child. Quarreling and teasing is ordinary among children. If you teach your child to do face painting designs which are not that popular, other children may tease him or her. So to avoid this circumstance, you have to research on the most requested and most popular designs for children face painting. It would take experience and extensive research to know the different designs that you can use for face painting among children. But that was years ago. Now, you will simply type the keywords that you want to research and you'll get instant results. For instance, you type 'children's face painting designs'. After several seconds, the results will be displayed and you will simply choose a link that will lead you to a certain website that dabbles with the designs you need. By researching online, you will be able to find out the popular designs amongst children and not only that; you can also find designs that suit adults and teens. You're quite lucky because you don't have to go through extensive research just to find out about the different designs that are available. For little girls, you can do designs like butterfly, princess, fantasy, fairy, bunny rabbit, lady bug, flowers, rainbow, witch, and cat. For little boys, you can do a spider design, monster, tribal, robot, skull, pirate, reptile, tiger, bat, and puppy dog. Those are just some of the designs that you can use. It may be hard at first because children can't paint accurately. It would greatly help if you can get a copy of the design online. You see, trying to imagine what the design would look like is hard for children. But if they have a reference or basis, they will surely be able to get the detailed features of the design. There are some websites that allow free downloads of the pictures of the designs and there are also those that charge a small fee. Oftentimes, you can get the best pictures and designs on paid websites rather than the free sites. But if you try to scour the free sites, you might be able to find a design that your child will like. It would also be best if you conduct your research together with your child so that he or she can join in the selection of the design. This will serve as your bonding time and who knows, you can create happy memories together that your child will remember for a lifetime. The interests of children can change easily so be ready with other beautiful and eye catching designs. But if you're just starting out, you can concentrate first in the first ten most requested designs. If your child can't paint the design alone, you can help him or her. As parents, you should also practice face painting because you can't possibly teach your child something that you don't know yet. The key to making great face painting designs is practice. So keep practicing and one day, you and your child will be an expert in face painting. Need Face Painting Examples for Your Kid's Party? It's amazing how our creativity seems to have no boundaries. Artistry has gone a long way and different mediums have cropped up. But when it comes to art, most people would think about big pictures by talented artists who someday would have a name as big as the price tag attached to their work. But artistry is not just for the highly talented, mostly, artistry begins with children and this is where its purity lies unchanged. Face painting is an art where people, with or without exceptional talent can have lots of fun. Parents and their children can have a fantastic bonding time together while their faces are being painted. For parties, both children and adults can go wacky over the many different designs that they can make use of. It is not just at children's birthday parties can you find face painting. Adult parties have them too and this happens most especially in Halloween. But that doesn't have to stop there. There are still many events and venues that you can have face painting as an activity or a contest, aside from the usual costume competitions, or maybe just plainly wanting to go and look your best or you're spookiest. Forget about monsters, fairies and underworld creatures, there are so much more to face painting than scary ghouls. Your creativity would only be limited by your imagination. But if you're stuck in a rut and can't seem to get any ideas on which design you want, then you will need some face painting examples. The great thing about face painting examples today is that you don't have to go to the library or to a bookstore to borrow or purchase face painting books to get your creative juices flowing. All you simply have to do is to log on to the internet and do a search for the numerous face painting examples that are offered in the websites that do offer them. Many of these face painting examples are given for free. You will be able to browse through their pages and see the designs they have. Usually the examples of these designs are already categorized by their themes. So if you're looking for an animal or say nature or clown designs, you will be able to find their examples in a jiffy. It's always advisable to know first the design that you are looking for. This way, you can directly go to the category that you are looking for and start choosing which one you think you will be able to copy or reproduce. If you just go in without any idea of what you want or need, you will be swamped by the thousands of face painting examples that are available and will have so much difficulty in choosing one. Also, try to choose that you think you will be able to do. If you pick a design that is too elaborate for your artistic skills, you may just end up frustrated and botch the job. Also remember to get the opinion of your child and let him or her help you choose, this should be fun for both you and your child. Remember, face painting should be fun as they are done for fun filled activities, don't be stressed out even when you are just beginning to look for a design or example. Go online and get your work over with in no time at all. Ideas for Halloween Face Painting Halloween is fun both for adults and young kids. If you've enjoyed painting pumpkins with your family and friends, you will surely enjoy face painting during this special occasion. You can scare the wits out of young kids and even adults if you paint scary faces once they knock on your door and ask the same old line -- 'trick or treat'. Here are some excellent ideas for Halloween face painting. Pumpkin -- you can paint a pumpkin on both sides of your cheeks. The pumpkin should be bright orange in color. The nose, mouth, and eyes can be painted in black. The outline and ridges of pumpkin design should be light grey. If you want, you can make your whole face look like a pumpkin. The base should be orange and for the cheekbones, you have to apply a darker shade of orange. Make a triangle shape over your eyes and paint it black. For your lips and nose, you must paint it black as well. Skull -- the skull design should occupy the whole face. The base should be white and after you've painted the white paint, you can paint a bright red color for the lips. Make an outline of fangs on both sides of your mouth in light grey. The fill should be white and the tip should be painted in red so that it will look like blood. Use smoky grey for the eye lids and exaggerate your eye brows with sweeping strokes in black color. Bat -- make a bat design over your whole face. Just like the skull design, use white color as base. Above your nose and your forehead, paint the face of the bat in black and light grey for the eyeballs. The body of the bat should be painted over your nose ending at the nostril's base. Use different shades of black for the body. The wings cover your eyes and your mid-cheek. You can paint some definitions by using light grey on the wings. Over your lips, paint exaggerated curls upward to the corners. Use your imagination and you can create a realistic bat design. These are just four great ideas that you can use. if you want, you can obtain other painting ideas online. There are many helpful websites you can visit to get some great ideas for Halloween face painting. Visit the different sites and if you're diligent with your search, you can find pictures of the designs. With a picture to refer to, it will be a lot easier to paint because you already have a clear idea of what the design will look like. Find a design that you like so that it will be easier to paint. You can even paint your own face if you like, but this will a bit difficult. Get the whole family involved and paint each other's face. But before anything else, you have to buy face paints, paint brushes, and other painting materials that you will need. You can purchase them in paint stores or in craft stores. Celebrate Halloween with your family and friends. Give life to this special occasion by doing some face painting. Just remember to wash the paint off your face before you go to sleep to avoid any irritations. Have fun this Halloween season by painting your face in different designs. Body Painting with Women Subjects Artists find the body of women as an intriguing and unique subject matter, well, this genereally gets the approval of a lot of men, artist or not. Because of this, body painting with women subjects has become popular especially in today's times. There is even a festival for body painting and painters from all over the world are looking forward to join these events. Body painting is considered a delicate art form. In fact, this kind of painting was developed many years ago. Tribes of our yesteryears performed body painting during special ceremonies. Some tribes do body painting merely for aesthetic purposes. However, our ancestors did not use paints like the ones sold in markets today. They used natural pigments and clay to do body painting. Today, body painting is still being practiced, particularly with Mehndi. This body painting form makes use of henna dyes and this is very popular in the western countries. An example is a semi-permanent henna tattoo. During the 1960's, body painting was very popular as an art form. Back then, the social acceptability of this art form was always in question and in fact, experts conduct endless discussions about it. More often, body painting involves nudity and because of this, the art form is questioned by the norms of the society. In body painting, you don't just use any kind of paint. The use of body paints is restricted to some guidelines -- the paint should be non-allergenic and non-toxic. Artists should only use paints that can be easily washed with water and ordinary soaps. As mentioned earlier, there are semi-permanent body paints like those used in Mehndi. It uses natural and synthetic henna. The natural shade is available in brown color while the synthetic is black. For safe body painting, one should use the natural henna or the brown dye. If you use the black synthetic dye, allergic reactions can occur. However, if you want to use the black dye, a patch test should first be conducted to make sure that it is safe to be used by the subject. So now you know a bit of body painting's background. If you want to practice body painting, you can enroll in certain classes. Presently, nudity in works of art is but natural. It is more acceptable now unlike many years ago. Women are no longer ashamed to be used as subjects in body painting. Besides, most women are paid with huge sums of money with a single session. For starters, you should practice body painting with someone that you're comfortable with. A friend or even a loved one can do but it will be a lot easier if you practice in a class so that you don't have to worry about the woman subject you need. Body painting is a special kind of art that requires years of practice before you can become an expert in the field. While you're still in the learning process, you have to continue your research. The internet can provide you with all the resources you need. You simply have to spend enough time to research and study so that you will know all the valuable information you need. You should be open to the possibility of nude body painting with women subjects. Your mind should be free from inhibitions so that you too can create a beautiful work of art. In time, you will be ready to join the festival for body painting where your skills can be recognized all over the world. ![]() ![]()