The Super Seventies Archives | 

- Skyrockets In Flight, Afternoon Delight! - A Seventies music overview by Seth Maxwell. From the book Dazed and Confused.
- The 1970s: The Golden Age of Popular Music? - An insightful meditation about '70s music, and how the decade witnessed a greater breadth and variety of music than any period before or since. Excerpted from Best-Selling Albums (1950-2015).
- The 70s Era: One Nation Under A Groove - by Mark Coleman. These 70 albums from the 1970s were selected in May 1997 by the editors of Rolling Stone for the elite "Rolling Stone 200" -- their choices for "the definitive library of the best rock & roll albums ever made."
- The Seventies Reconsidered: 50 Essential Albums of the Decade - Steve Pond's album essay for the 1990 Rolling Stone Seventies retrospective issue.
- The Pop 100: The Greatest Pop Songs of the Seventies - The 27 Seventies songs that made the "Pop 100," the greatest songs of the modern pop era as chosen by the editors of Rolling Stone and the crew at MTV in the winter of 2000.
- The 100 Best-Selling Albums of the 70s - A list of 100 of the decade's most popular LPs, including each album's total number sold, as of 2004. Excerpted from Hamish Champ's book of the same name.
- Stairway To Heaven: Is This the Greatest Song of All Time? - A 1991 Esquire article celebrating the song's 20th anniversary.
- The Ten Most Ridiculous Records of the Seventies - You've seen plenty of "best of" '70s albums lists, now revel in the ten most abominable LP's of the decade as selected by the inimitable Lester Bangs. From a 1978 Phonogragh Record magazine.
- Performance: Elton at the Hollywood Bowl, 9/7/73 - David Rensin's review of the outlandish stage act of the biggest superstar of the Seventies in his prime.
- KISS Mania Grabs High School in Cadillac, Michigan - An account of KISS's visit to Cadillac High School for a homecoming dance concert on Oct. 9, 1975. From The Cadillac Evening News.
- The Summer Jam at Watkins Glen and Cal Jams I & II - by Robert Santelli. Overviews of three of the most high-profile rock festivals of the Seventies: the 1973 Summer Jam at Watkins Glen, New York, and 1974's Cal Jam and 1978's Cal Jam II at California's Ontario Motor Speedway. Excerpted from the 1980 book Aquarius Rising: The Rock Festival Years.
- The Album Covers of Pink Floyd - Storm Thorgerson of Hipgnosis Design discusses the covers of several classic Pink Floyd albums.
- Creem Magazine 1975 & 1979 Reader's Polls - Fans pick their faves in '75 and '79. Also, fans pick the "Best of the 70's." From Creem.
- Seventies Musicians Birth Dates - Find out which famous Seventies musician(s) you share a birthday with.
- No Static At All - The Best '70s FM Radio Stations - A countdown of the decade's best American FM radio stations. From Book of Days: '70s.
- L.A.'s Arrow FM Revitalizes the '70s Oldies Format - A 1994 Pulse! magazine essay by Sean Ross.
- '70s One-Hit Wonders - A list of the '70s biggest one-hit wonders who, like Carl Douglas and his "Kung Fu Fighting," came on fast as lightning and were gone just as quick. From Book of Days: '70s.
- The Worst 62 Singles Of The Seventies - The 62 singles from the Seventies included in the 1990 list "The Worst 100 Singles of the Last 25 Years" by New York Daily News music critics David Browne and David Hinckley.
- The Heavy Metal Hall of Fame - Rock critic Jim Miller picked 15 all-time heavy metal albums by 11 bands for Rolling Stone in 1974.
- Dancing Madness - Disco madness analyzed... the disco sound revealed... trendy platters recommended. A 1975 Rolling Stone essay by Vince Aletti.
- 70's Black Music - A Consumer Guide - Music critic Robert Christgau runs down over 30 greatest hits compilations of some of the decade's most popular Soul & R&B artists. From Creem.
- Glam Rock 101 - A primer on one of rock & roll's most intriguing genres including an overview, 6 glam rock albums you must own, Q & A with glam photographer Mick Rock, and glam rock trivia. From Entertainment Weekly.
- Elvis: The Final Years - Jerry Hopkins recounts the tragic mid-Seventies physical and mental decline of the King of Rock'n'Roll. Excerpted from the 1980 book.
- Record Collecting: A Groovy Way to Make a Buck - 1987 magazine article on record collecting for fun and profit. Also, "The Tower Records Phenomenon," and LP cleaning and care tips. From U.S. News & World Report.
- A Highly Selective Basic Library of Punk Rock - A round-up of the top US and UK Punk Rock records in late 1978 by Stereo Review critic Steve Simels.
- The Most Popular 1970s Artists and Bands - The five bands and artists who dominated the '70s and are still relevant today.
- UKWritings Tutor on Why Students Are Rediscovering Seventies Rock - Scholarly essay on the younger generation rediscovering Seventies rock.
- The Advantages of Updating Your 70s Collection to Modern Technology - How modern digital tech can offer advantages in listening to your favorite '70s music.

- Treasures of the Aquarians - by Richard Davis and Jeff Stone. Archaeologists of the year 7069 A.D. document their findings at the Berkeley digs.
- The 70s: Those were the real days, my friend - 1990 newspaper article about the 70s revival.
- Seventies Something - 1991 Newsweek article about the Seventies nostalgia craze.
- The '70s Most Influential Books - From Jonathan Livingston Seagull to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a list of the decade's most influential books. From Book of Days: '70s.
- Muscle Cars of the Seventies - by Nick Georgano and Nicky Wright. Some of the baddest rods ever to terrorize American streets in the early Seventies.
- Foxy Fashion for Seventies Chicks - by Jody Kramer. Tips on hair, tops, jeans, jewelry, and dressing up that every Seventies high school chick should know.
- The Rise and Fall of the Leisure Suit - by Dee Mason. The history of the iconic men's fashion statement of the '70s.
- '70s Hairstyles - Ten of the '70s most popular hairstyles for guys & gals, including the unisex, steam set special, hillbilly shag and wrestler's clip. From National Lampoon.
- Seventies Teen Idol Freakout - Over a dozen TV and movie teen idols that set a young Katy Krassner's heart aflutter during the 1970's. Excerpted from the book Retro Hell.
- Ten Groovy Seventies Toys - by Renata Sancken. An overview of the Top Ten toy fads of the 70s, some of which are still being manufactured today (Weebles, Rubik's Cube) and others that have fallen to the wayside (Atari, Growing Up Skipper).
- Sports Highlights of the '70s - Some of the decade's greatest athletes retell their fondest memories. From Newsweek. Also, a "My '70s Sports Heroes" essay from Dazed and Confused.
- How 70s Soccer Changed the Game Forever - The evolution of soccer around the world, and how the 70s were a defining decade for the sport.
- SeventiesSpeak - 75 popular catch-phrases that originated in the 1970s, many of which survive to this day. From Life magazine's special decade-end issue.
- A Seventies Dictionary - Iconic Seventies celebrities take on whole new humorous definitions. From MAD magazine.
- Weird Beliefs of the Seventies - and their ordinary everyday equivalents. From National Lampoon. Also: "'70s scandals, urban legends and other brouhaha," from Retro Hell.
- So Long Seventies - Rock journalist Chet Flippo kisses off the Seventies in this irreverent 1979 Rolling Stone essay.
- The 70's - They Rocked Then and They Rock Now - by Robert Lobitz. Seventies remembrances including poker Saturday nights.
- The Top 5 Rock 'N' Roll Slot Games of All Time
- Pixels and Quarters: A Look at the Rise of Arcade Games - The 1970s wasn't just a decade of disco balls and lava lamps but also the golden age of arcade games. We journey back in time and explore the rise of arcade games, their iconic titles, and their lasting impact on popular culture.
- The Greatest Rockstars of the Seventies: Our Expert Ranking - Elton, the Stones, Springsteen, Queen, Pink Floyd, Zeppelin...they're all here!
- What Did Casinos Look Like In The 70s? At the time, Nevada was the only state in the US where casino gambling was legal. What did that look like over 50 years ago?
- From the 1970s to Today: How Poker Has Changed - How games like poker have gone from a niche pastime back in the 1970s to a global powerhouse today.
- Interesting Official Products From 70s Rock Legends - From KISS Coffins to Aerosmith Taiyaki (Japanese dessert), how more than a few '70s rock bands have cashed in with merchandise and special releases.
- The Greatest Moments in Seventies Movies - From Midnight Cowboy to Kramer Vs. Kramer, pop-culture chronicle Entertainment Weekly exhaustively unspools the history of the Seventies era in film. Plus the best Seventies movie lines and Best Picture Oscar winners.
- The Best Movie Soundtracks of the Seventies - These 23 soundtrack albums from the 1970s were among the 100 best movie soundtracks of all time as chosen by Entertainment Weekly magazine in Oct. 2001. Plus the Top 10 '70s movie stand-alone tunes and director Cameron Crowe's favorite soundtrack albums.
- Easy Rider - A 1986 review of the 1969 counterculture movie classic by David Zinman.
- The 15 Greatest Rebel Movies of the Seventies - Rolling Stone film critic Peter Travers counts down his favorite Hollywood rebel movies of the decade.
- Disaster Flicks of the 1970s - From Airport to The China Syndrome, Terry Lawson looks back at nine popular disaster films of the Seventies that began one of Hollywood's most enduring movie genres. Also, a Dazed and Confused high school essay on "Dubious Disaster Films."
- Five to Frighten: '70s Drive-In Horror - by Paul Gaita. Rent these five flicks for the ultimate in '70s drive-in kitsch. From Pulse! magazine. Also, a Dazed and Confused high school essay on horror flicks.
- Thirty Top Cult Films of the 1970s - Some of the most bizarre '70s flicks ever to hit the big (and little) screens at the stroke of midnight.
- Notes from a 'Nasty Ebert': The Best of '70s and '80s Porn - Ted McIlvenna, a connoisseur and scholar of the classic age of hardcore movies (1971-1987), presents his list of the ten top porn flicks ever made. From Esquire.
- Very '70s in the '90s - Marshall Fine of Gannett News Service reviews some of the recent and more serious cinematic studies of the "Age of Embarrassment" in this 1997 newspaper article.
- The Must-Watch Movies of the 70's Five essential films from the 1970s that have managed to capture the attention of Turner Classic Movies fans.
